
Review Detail of ForceRecon in Becoming a Monster



Unfortunately, this should be "Becoming a Naive, Monster Simp" MC is one of those people who lets his enemies live even after they scheme trying to kill him multiple times, try to get other people to kill him, clearly show they want him dead and they try to get more people in different survivor groups to kill him MC sees an enemy and he thinks "I'm gonna glare at them!" One second MC acts cruel and like he can't trust anyone and the next...he ignites his simp potential Starts thinking about how to care for a girl from 0-100 I kept reading hoping we could get a good MC since he was talking about throwing away his humanity and he didn't show hesitation killing at certain points but it's almost like plot is forced when he's not killing the people who obviously want him dead and don't even attempt to hide it and he's killed for less, it's way too forced I kept reading until the latest chapter hoping to be proven wrong because I enjoyed the story but I wasn't I'm disappointed, I tried, I really did

Becoming a Monster


ถูกใจ 30 คน




ہم آپ کے تبصروں میں غصے کو محسوس کر سکتے ہیں اور یہ مضحکہ خیز ہے کہ آپ دوسروں کو ناراض کرنے کی کوشش کرتے ہیں جب آپ ناراض ہوتے ہیں اور آپ غصے کو نہیں سمجھتے اور آپ کو مدد کی ضرورت ہے مجھے امید ہے کہ آپ کو مدد ملے گی۔

Valtura:Uhh ok bye? Please learn that other people have opinions too and that just because someone else doesn’t agree with you that doesn’t mean an author is making alt accounts. If you weren’t ready for that then you probably shouldn’t be reviewing in the first place.

NVM, complete simp, goes from "I can't trust anyone, I'm abandoning humanity" to "omg she likes?!, omg she wants me to help them?Okay!!!, omg she gave her stuff away!??You can have mine!, Omg you want me to take care of these people??Okay, Omg, you want me to go here? Okay!!!, Let me help you level!!" MC shamelessly abandons everything we know about him to go into full simp


Too bad I’m writing for my own enjoyment instead of yours. I would be happy if you would try to write a story too.

ForceRecon:NVM, complete simp, goes from "I can't trust anyone, I'm abandoning humanity" to "omg she likes?!, omg she wants me to help them?Okay!!!, omg she gave her stuff away!??You can have mine!, Omg you want me to take care of these people??Okay, Omg, you want me to go here? Okay!!!, Let me help you level!!" MC shamelessly abandons everything we know about him to go into full simp

No need to be so passive aggressive. This is the review section and I'm leaving my opinion, I would hope that you became a writer having been prepared to read criticism. It's great that you're writing for your own enjoyment, keep it up. I personally don't enjoy reading about simp MCs and that's okay, too.

Valtura:Too bad I’m writing for my own enjoyment instead of yours. I would be happy if you would try to write a story too.

So when they say ignorance is bliss,they must’ve meant ppl like you. By your LOGIC anyone that has been bullied and didn’ t kill their bully is a simp lol,or if you show you care you are a simp. So by your definition you sir are a SIMP,I bet you care for parents,and base off this comment you don’ t have a girlfriend and more than likely bullied in school so definitely makes you a simp.. Further either you haven’t been reading or you can’t read I believe the later ,not once did it say he lost all is humanity,his tainted blood is causing him to lose his humanity I forgot having humanity is simp behavior. So plz let us read your story since you apparently you are a critic based off the numerous bad reviews you have been giving ppl lol clown

ForceRecon:NVM, complete simp, goes from "I can't trust anyone, I'm abandoning humanity" to "omg she likes?!, omg she wants me to help them?Okay!!!, omg she gave her stuff away!??You can have mine!, Omg you want me to take care of these people??Okay, Omg, you want me to go here? Okay!!!, Let me help you level!!" MC shamelessly abandons everything we know about him to go into full simp

The most obvious Author alt account, ever. One 5 star review and one comment (the one I'm replying to). This is really sad, author, I feel like I'm dealing with a child. You took so much offense you combed my history as well or so it seems. Also, I didn't say being bullied makes you a simp, MC drops nearly everything he believes in and his character undergoes massive change in an incredibly short span when a female he knows shows interest in him and he does everything for her. I apologize my comments offended you to the point where you feel like you need rage against me with an alternate account. I hope you have a good rest of your day.

Sith_Cloud:So when they say ignorance is bliss,they must’ve meant ppl like you. By your LOGIC anyone that has been bullied and didn’ t kill their bully is a simp lol,or if you show you care you are a simp. So by your definition you sir are a SIMP,I bet you care for parents,and base off this comment you don’ t have a girlfriend and more than likely bullied in school so definitely makes you a simp.. Further either you haven’t been reading or you can’t read I believe the later ,not once did it say he lost all is humanity,his tainted blood is causing him to lose his humanity I forgot having humanity is simp behavior. So plz let us read your story since you apparently you are a critic based off the numerous bad reviews you have been giving ppl lol clown

I would hope that as someone leaving a negative review that was ungrounded, you would be prepared for a passive agressive response. i just returned the energy you gave me.

ForceRecon:No need to be so passive aggressive. This is the review section and I'm leaving my opinion, I would hope that you became a writer having been prepared to read criticism. It's great that you're writing for your own enjoyment, keep it up. I personally don't enjoy reading about simp MCs and that's okay, too.

You have yet to defend against MCs character being a simp, instead you switched to an obvious alternate account because you were offended. I didn't insult you and instead you used a separate account to insult me. I can't express how disappointed I am in you.

Valtura:I would hope that as someone leaving a negative review that was ungrounded, you would be prepared for a passive agressive response. i just returned the energy you gave me.

You really think this a alt account shows your ignorance lol

ForceRecon:The most obvious Author alt account, ever. One 5 star review and one comment (the one I'm replying to). This is really sad, author, I feel like I'm dealing with a child. You took so much offense you combed my history as well or so it seems. Also, I didn't say being bullied makes you a simp, MC drops nearly everything he believes in and his character undergoes massive change in an incredibly short span when a female he knows shows interest in him and he does everything for her. I apologize my comments offended you to the point where you feel like you need rage against me with an alternate account. I hope you have a good rest of your day.

To think they make simps like you it must be your diet to comment on so many stories an literally have story or accolades to show for it lol

ForceRecon:The most obvious Author alt account, ever. One 5 star review and one comment (the one I'm replying to). This is really sad, author, I feel like I'm dealing with a child. You took so much offense you combed my history as well or so it seems. Also, I didn't say being bullied makes you a simp, MC drops nearly everything he believes in and his character undergoes massive change in an incredibly short span when a female he knows shows interest in him and he does everything for her. I apologize my comments offended you to the point where you feel like you need rage against me with an alternate account. I hope you have a good rest of your day.

Sure and I used an alternate account for the rest of my reviews and comments too, that makes a lot of sense. And I only used that account to only respond to your review and no one elses? Yupp makes a whole lot of sense. That response sounds just like your review, groundless. Which is why I don’t bother trying to disprove you. I’ve already had proper conversations with reasonable people about it in the comments already.

ForceRecon:You have yet to defend against MCs character being a simp, instead you switched to an obvious alternate account because you were offended. I didn't insult you and instead you used a separate account to insult me. I can't express how disappointed I am in you.

Now you are accusing the author of insulting,that’s harassment lol

ForceRecon:You have yet to defend against MCs character being a simp, instead you switched to an obvious alternate account because you were offended. I didn't insult you and instead you used a separate account to insult me. I can't express how disappointed I am in you.

Please grow up, I'm not going to bother replying to you or your alt, anymore, this is just pathetic at this point.

Valtura:Sure and I used an alternate account for the rest of my reviews and comments too, that makes a lot of sense. And I only used that account to only respond to your review and no one elses? Yupp makes a whole lot of sense. That response sounds just like your review, groundless. Which is why I don’t bother trying to disprove you. I’ve already had proper conversations with reasonable people about it in the comments already.

Uhh ok bye? Please learn that other people have opinions too and that just because someone else doesn’t agree with you that doesn’t mean an author is making alt accounts. If you weren’t ready for that then you probably shouldn’t be reviewing in the first place.

ForceRecon:Please grow up, I'm not going to bother replying to you or your alt, anymore, this is just pathetic at this point.

You realize how dumb you sound if this the person I commented too yet the Author has replied to multiple reviews so wouldnt I reply to them as well lol I only replied to yours bc of the sheer stupidity of your comment,you go around insulting writers yet where is your BOOK? So stop playing the victim and don’t delete your comment so other readers can see the ignorant internet simp warrior that you are lol

ForceRecon:Please grow up, I'm not going to bother replying to you or your alt, anymore, this is just pathetic at this point.

My guy you doing a whole lotta dickriding and your misusing the word simp

Sith_Cloud:You realize how dumb you sound if this the person I commented too yet the Author has replied to multiple reviews so wouldnt I reply to them as well lol I only replied to yours bc of the sheer stupidity of your comment,you go around insulting writers yet where is your BOOK? So stop playing the victim and don’t delete your comment so other readers can see the ignorant internet simp warrior that you are lol

He has no idea what it means and proudly uses it like a child that learned a new word. Also, very coincidentally his 2 alt accounts that only have a review on this novel reply immediately in sync with author, every time. Who would have known that 3 people who only reviewed one novel were stalking this novel's review page waiting to pounce on someone calling the MC a simp. I didn't even have 1 minute of delay before being bombarded with Author's attacks.

Pay_no_Attention:My guy you doing a whole lotta dickriding and your misusing the word simp

میں اس ظلم کو دیکھ کر آیا ہوں جو کسی کو ریویو چھوڑنے پر بھگتنا پڑتا ہے آپ کو اپنے آپ پر شرم آنی چاہیے کہ آپ خود کو لکھاری بھی کیسے کہتے ہیں؟

Valtura:Too bad I’m writing for my own enjoyment instead of yours. I would be happy if you would try to write a story too.

میرے خیال میں یہ مضحکہ خیز ہے کہ جب آپ خود متبادل ہوں گے تو آپ مجھے متبادل کے لئے کیسے بلائیں گے اور آپ بے شرم ہیں کوئی شرم نہیں جیسے ہم جانتے ہیں کہ آپ کیا کرتے ہیں

Valtura:I would hope that as someone leaving a negative review that was ungrounded, you would be prepared for a passive agressive response. i just returned the energy you gave me.

یہ وہی ہے جس کے بارے میں میں بات کر رہا ہوں، جب آپ روتے ہیں تو آپ مصنف کیوں بن گئے اور آپ بار بار روتے ہیں کہ آپ نے دودھ چھڑکایا اور کسی کو تکلیف پہنچتی ہے اور آپ اپنی ماں کو چاہتے ہیں

Valtura:Sure and I used an alternate account for the rest of my reviews and comments too, that makes a lot of sense. And I only used that account to only respond to your review and no one elses? Yupp makes a whole lot of sense. That response sounds just like your review, groundless. Which is why I don’t bother trying to disprove you. I’ve already had proper conversations with reasonable people about it in the comments already.