
Review Detail of Oto in Shadow Slave



The first volume was fairly engaging desite being dragged out a fair bit. Apart from a massive mistake regarding the MC’s flaw, the rest of the first volume didnt really any glaring plotholes and such. However, that being said, it certainly feels like the author lost track of what is important in the story. The MC’s ability never changes and it feels like the entire story focuses on what I can only presume is the FL. The key moment for me was the beginning of the second volume, where the story just showed that the author was dragging things out and making cliche scenarios that no readers care for. After such a long and dragged out plot, for the second volume to be the same plot, just adds fatigue to the reader. Not to mention the MC remains this side character all the way past the first 100 chapters. Who is the MC? Why is no character development happening? These are the things have gradually annoyed me and led me to drop the book. All in all, it just feels like the author lost sight of the story, who is actually the MC, and is seemingly too focused on drawing the plot out rather than writinng conclusive endings to plot arcs.

Shadow Slave


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for reading beginners the legendary mechanic(has a great ending if you are willing to read till that point) or my vampire system(this one does nothing really new but can get u hooked easily)

DaoistRSQDVH:please could you recommend other novels to me that u feel a top grade.

It feels like he’s trying to make us care for his to be master But honestly I don’t like her She n him have a toxic relationship of him always lowering himself and following her every order Like they’re not even master slave (yet) Hopefully she can grow a heart and not be so toxic n manipulative


I bet you’re an incel who only likes cardboard ultimately submissive harem Fkdolls. I swear this site is infested with degenerate harem loving rats. It’s not her that’s toxic, but you who can’t see when a women is the superior one that is toxic. Nephis and most other legacies are superior to sunny by virtue of the fact that they were raised for this. Of course this will mainly be only for the beginning. After he gains a bit of experience to make up for his lack of training he will scale absurdly with his plot armour.

Cursed_sin:It feels like he’s trying to make us care for his to be master But honestly I don’t like her She n him have a toxic relationship of him always lowering himself and following her every order Like they’re not even master slave (yet) Hopefully she can grow a heart and not be so toxic n manipulative

😂the fact that u start calling people incel just caus I have a differing opinion is just pathetic I don’t care what u label me as tbh And I actually don’t like harem at all But…actyally why tf am I explaining this to u? U can like what U like I’ll like what I like I want more self respect and not some lackey who also becomes the butt of the joke sporadically for no reason and so out of character Whatever

TrickyMagician:I bet you’re an incel who only likes cardboard ultimately submissive harem Fkdolls. I swear this site is infested with degenerate harem loving rats. It’s not her that’s toxic, but you who can’t see when a women is the superior one that is toxic. Nephis and most other legacies are superior to sunny by virtue of the fact that they were raised for this. Of course this will mainly be only for the beginning. After he gains a bit of experience to make up for his lack of training he will scale absurdly with his plot armour.

he is just a simp

TrickyMagician:I bet you’re an incel who only likes cardboard ultimately submissive harem Fkdolls. I swear this site is infested with degenerate harem loving rats. It’s not her that’s toxic, but you who can’t see when a women is the superior one that is toxic. Nephis and most other legacies are superior to sunny by virtue of the fact that they were raised for this. Of course this will mainly be only for the beginning. After he gains a bit of experience to make up for his lack of training he will scale absurdly with his plot armour.

Guys the author is kinda addressing it in the lastest chapter If this progresses I think it will and should then all is well and would properly explain everything Honestly give it a try and then decide whether u like it or not

Cursed_sin:😂the fact that u start calling people incel just caus I have a differing opinion is just pathetic I don’t care what u label me as tbh And I actually don’t like harem at all But…actyally why tf am I explaining this to u? U can like what U like I’ll like what I like I want more self respect and not some lackey who also becomes the butt of the joke sporadically for no reason and so out of character Whatever

yes guys just read 200+ chapters for some character development. Idk the entire thing seemed like meh to me.

Cursed_sin:Guys the author is kinda addressing it in the lastest chapter If this progresses I think it will and should then all is well and would properly explain everything Honestly give it a try and then decide whether u like it or not

Yeah I’m annoyed too bro The author can vouch for that considering the numerous negative comments But the character development makes sense I just hope aithor doesn’t pull a 180 and backpedal all this character dev I do recommend u continue But to each and his own Ciao

Alibi_Lullaby:yes guys just read 200+ chapters for some character development. Idk the entire thing seemed like meh to me.

I think you were confused by the slow pace of the novel. This story is a masterpiece. You should read up to 200 chapters and then draw conclusions. I believe it would be a great loss to abandon this novel.


Hi, i have read it to 220 but it feels too dragged out. I would have preferred if MC has completely severed his ties with FLs. Anyway, i am not looking plot development so i am going to drop it here. First volume was okay.

Daoist679622:I think you were confused by the slow pace of the novel. This story is a masterpiece. You should read up to 200 chapters and then draw conclusions. I believe it would be a great loss to abandon this novel.


why would he though? her goal aligns with his. it's just that he doesn't know if he will survive.

SnoringDragon_:Hi, i have read it to 220 but it feels too dragged out. I would have preferred if MC has completely severed his ties with FLs. Anyway, i am not looking plot development so i am going to drop it here. First volume was okay.

Most of these guys were just degenerate newbs, don't listen to them, the story is actually very good. One of the reasons these guys were complaining like this is because they can't stand the pace the novel goes; most of them wants an op mc who's a degenerate just like them with a mind of a child's which is, again, just like them. Coming from someone who have seen enough trashy novels with stupid MCs and stupid fanbase. If anything, this novel have a very great potential (it could even surpass famous novels like Reverend Insanity, Lord Of The Mysteries, Coiling Dragon, Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint, Solo Leveling (this one's a trash but I'll just put it here because of its so-called gates which were related to this novel.), My House Of Horrors, The Beggining After The End, Second Coming Of Gluttony (well, I won't even dare to say that this one's good, it's just because of its fame and the relation of it to the novel, the so-called gates or any method to go back and forth between two worlds. ) and many other such novels, which means, this could be one of the greatest (possibly even the best) novels around ahould the author not ruin the novel's quality.


I don't know if you have even read the novel or skimmed through it, Supposed to be FL wants to destory the system (maybe also world). However, I never read that ML also have same goal. Anyway, have a good read.

lordseven:why would he though? her goal aligns with his. it's just that he doesn't know if he will survive.

Some people tried to defend the book, but all their arguments come down to the humiliation of people with the opposite opinion. Instead of refuting the opposing side's arguments, they deny the opposing side's competence to speak its mind. Usually in an argument, this happens when a bad debater runs out of arguments. It's funny that these guys used this technique from the very beginning. I can only ay: Just read this novel and objectively evaluate it yourself. Have a nice read.

Revered_Venerable:Most of these guys were just degenerate newbs, don't listen to them, the story is actually very good. One of the reasons these guys were complaining like this is because they can't stand the pace the novel goes; most of them wants an op mc who's a degenerate just like them with a mind of a child's which is, again, just like them. Coming from someone who have seen enough trashy novels with stupid MCs and stupid fanbase. If anything, this novel have a very great potential (it could even surpass famous novels like Reverend Insanity, Lord Of The Mysteries, Coiling Dragon, Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint, Solo Leveling (this one's a trash but I'll just put it here because of its so-called gates which were related to this novel.), My House Of Horrors, The Beggining After The End, Second Coming Of Gluttony (well, I won't even dare to say that this one's good, it's just because of its fame and the relation of it to the novel, the so-called gates or any method to go back and forth between two worlds. ) and many other such novels, which means, this could be one of the greatest (possibly even the best) novels around ahould the author not ruin the novel's quality.

dont look like the same novel that i rushed 200chpters in 7 days but ok. Your opinion


That's her endgame goal, the immediate and most glaringly obvious goal that the Mc shares with her would be to gtfo of that horrible place :)

SnoringDragon_:I don't know if you have even read the novel or skimmed through it, Supposed to be FL wants to destory the system (maybe also world). However, I never read that ML also have same goal. Anyway, have a good read.

curious question, what do u think the author could have done better.

SnoringDragon_:Some people tried to defend the book, but all their arguments come down to the humiliation of people with the opposite opinion. Instead of refuting the opposing side's arguments, they deny the opposing side's competence to speak its mind. Usually in an argument, this happens when a bad debater runs out of arguments. It's funny that these guys used this technique from the very beginning. I can only ay: Just read this novel and objectively evaluate it yourself. Have a nice read.

please could you recommend other novels to me that u feel a top grade.

Revered_Venerable:Most of these guys were just degenerate newbs, don't listen to them, the story is actually very good. One of the reasons these guys were complaining like this is because they can't stand the pace the novel goes; most of them wants an op mc who's a degenerate just like them with a mind of a child's which is, again, just like them. Coming from someone who have seen enough trashy novels with stupid MCs and stupid fanbase. If anything, this novel have a very great potential (it could even surpass famous novels like Reverend Insanity, Lord Of The Mysteries, Coiling Dragon, Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint, Solo Leveling (this one's a trash but I'll just put it here because of its so-called gates which were related to this novel.), My House Of Horrors, The Beggining After The End, Second Coming Of Gluttony (well, I won't even dare to say that this one's good, it's just because of its fame and the relation of it to the novel, the so-called gates or any method to go back and forth between two worlds. ) and many other such novels, which means, this could be one of the greatest (possibly even the best) novels around ahould the author not ruin the novel's quality.

I read upto 250. After vol2 and they reach castle. It's quality dropped several times. I don't understand why you have to explain the things in detail when you already gave us time skip. If even you have to explain you shouldn't go on such detail when there's nothing interesting going on. All the build up suspense was for Nothing. After that every chapter is even more trashy, all is happening in those chapters are useless talks and mentioning of this and that which we readers have no interest of knowing it. It would have been lot better if author just ended the arc at castle and them return. Its trash, now all I see is filler and Mc becoming a trash and stupid.

Daoist679622:I think you were confused by the slow pace of the novel. This story is a masterpiece. You should read up to 200 chapters and then draw conclusions. I believe it would be a great loss to abandon this novel.

All those novel you mentioned is way above this. It's like comparing human and ant. Especially Revered insanity, I know this is one of the most brutal novel but the plot of this novel is whole different league. Its so unpredictable and terrifying. Even readers can't be sure of what's going to happen next even Mc doesn't have 100% guarantee of surviving. Most of there character there are very smart because dumb people there are already dead, no stupid person has very reached rank 6 there. If you still compare these novel with this one idk what to say.

Revered_Venerable:Most of these guys were just degenerate newbs, don't listen to them, the story is actually very good. One of the reasons these guys were complaining like this is because they can't stand the pace the novel goes; most of them wants an op mc who's a degenerate just like them with a mind of a child's which is, again, just like them. Coming from someone who have seen enough trashy novels with stupid MCs and stupid fanbase. If anything, this novel have a very great potential (it could even surpass famous novels like Reverend Insanity, Lord Of The Mysteries, Coiling Dragon, Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint, Solo Leveling (this one's a trash but I'll just put it here because of its so-called gates which were related to this novel.), My House Of Horrors, The Beggining After The End, Second Coming Of Gluttony (well, I won't even dare to say that this one's good, it's just because of its fame and the relation of it to the novel, the so-called gates or any method to go back and forth between two worlds. ) and many other such novels, which means, this could be one of the greatest (possibly even the best) novels around ahould the author not ruin the novel's quality.