
Review Detail of Krisavq in Life in Vain: Jobless Reincarnation (Mushoku Tensei)



Writing Quality-top quality with next to no Grammer mistakes, lines are easy to understand where you can just turn off your brain to read. Story Development-kinda trash ngl. there are times when it's just an info dump explaining the power system of magic, also aging in the story is really slow but the original was also slow aswell so it matches the story Character Design-high quality, the way he shows emotion in the characters are great and the way he depicts each flaws in characters are amazing Update Stability-average, comes out ever other day World background-high quality, author goes in depth about the world around him and how the power system works (Personal Opinion: I dropped it, everything in the story was great until the MC "forgave" his father for almost killing him and selling him off to a noble girl whim he has never met. To me that lowered the quality of the story abit, I feel like that wasn't a reasonable reaction for the MC, more like it felt forced along him to forgive his father.) Overall-give the story a try, it's just that I couldn't make it through the whole story myself but if I did the story would've been great

Life in Vain: Jobless Reincarnation (Mushoku Tensei)


Liked it!




love interest ?