
Review Detail of SadanandanKakkanat in Project 2025



Viewers in the gallery are watching the battle with curiosity. It is a huge stadium that can accommodate millions of spectators. In the middle of it all, the scenes unfold like real events. It is not a surprise to the audience that the scenes are presented without the usual curtains or digital screen. They are not amazed at the height and width of the scene area like a multi-storey building. People in every seat of the stadium enjoy the view as if they were enjoying a football match. Sometimes when the fighters come down in the middle of the audience, the spectators evacuate in fear. Heads and arms fly in the air and disappear. Not only curiosity but also anxiety and fear excite the audience. They have a sense that what they see is a real war. Their only consolation is that it happens so far away.

Project 2025


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