
Review Detail of Gyle_Gyle08 in Requiem of the Lost Exiled



Hey, gotta say man. Now that i'm looking at it a little more with concentration, this novel is starting to look like a REAL novel written by passionate writers i've seen of my reading carreer (not sure if reading is a carreer but yeah.) The pacing is still spot on. The after training scenes, the dialogues between eldran and yù, they're spot on. the sentences are coherent, connects with each word uttered in a dialogue or monologues. The introduction of characters consists of unique words of describing a character which i like. I know most readers would like some entertaining and alluring words to describe a certain characters characteristics. like cool, aesthitically beautiful, a badass looking mc type shit. (The way you described the FMC looked like glazing btw but i freaking like it.) And lastly, the training. It's explained explicitly. Each move teached to the mc should be detailed and you did exactly what i adviced you to do which i am proud of. I am happy to say that your progression in writing is increasing in it's proficiency. Especially when you compare it to when you started with ch 1. if i were to explain what's the difference between you and the beginning of your novel making, feel free to request a rating for it. ALSO, We haven't gotten an explanation of the world building so i kinda rated it low. But, Do make one for us LMAO.

Requiem of the Lost Exiled


ถูกใจ 1 คน




Thank you so much !!! All of your and other reader’s feedback helped me make it this far thank you so much! And yes this is su :)