
Review Detail of WealthyRaccoon in Magus of the Wizarding World



Above average in almost all respects but completely brought down by the actions of the author. As early as chapter 15 it becomes apparent the MC should be fully aware they're in the MCU even if they're rocking the intelligence of an 8 year old. No justification for their lack of awareness is given and this drags on all the way up to the current chapter. Now the author is pretty good and I'm sure they can do a pretty decent and entertaining reveal, but that is irrelevant if it doesn't make sense in the wider context of the world the story takes place in. Looking through the chapter comments you'll see months of people telling the author they have dragged this out for too long, yet they remain steadfast in their decision. Webnovel sees a lot of bad writing which is fine, after all a lot of people are young, experimenting with a foreign language or just doing it for fun, but deliberately engaging in it for months on end just makes you a bad author. This is not a situation where your opinion as the author matters; you must provide adequate in world answers to why the MC doesn't notice incredibly basic facts about the world around them, and the failure to do so is objectively poor writing. good book, bad author.

Magus of the Wizarding World


ถูกใจ 3 คน




Its the first fanfic that a read with a mix of worlds.. But i was thinking about it, even on the MCU movies they didn't mix the history at first... that would be a mess, to much information, to much to explain... and they are from the same world, now imagine HP x MCU x WMW... think about the dump of information. Maybe he could throw something on the time skips, but too much would be a mess..