
Review Detail of MoonlitBlackCat in Book of Dreams and Nightmares



Too fast paced .. Not suitable for those who like world building 😅... I can't even give low star review cause it may be deleted seeing the vast amount of 5 star reviews

Book of Dreams and Nightmares


ถูกใจ 1 คน




It may seem fast-paced, but the world builds more through interaction. I don't do info dumps. It is very suitable for those that like world-building. This is a first-person view though. Everything is revealed little by little. As for being fast-paced, it is like that as a start because I didn't want people to get bored from "drawing" it out. I wanted to get people's attention. I did include adequate information in the starting chapters too. I even added or revised parts for when someone says they don't understand something, or something doesn't make sense. Your review would be more helpful, if it actually had some examples of where you think there should be world-building, or where it should slow down. The novel is constantly improving with each comment and review. The world-building gets even better in later chapter as Faas is further exposed to my very big world. I keep it moderately fast-paced as many people get turned off by large amounts of exposition. I do try to be descriptive though. I encourage you to continue reading and comment on paragraphs and chapters where you feel they could be better in certain ways. I always listen to comments and reviews. Thanks for reading what you have.