
Review Detail of dragonslayernjd in Divine Path System



Honestly, even though the rating I gave this book seems quite low I still enjoyed reading up to chapter 80, but I stopped reading immediately when I knew this story was going nowhere. The writing quality in this webnovel is not good at all, every single sentence has at least 1 grammatical error. And while these errors are not big enough to make it hard to understand what's happening, they are just annoying and kind of give me the message that the author doesn't care enough to fix them. The story development is fine, the story is a bit slow paced as 1 week in the novel is about 8-10 chapters, but the action coupled with the fast progression Varian has makes the novel seem fast paced which is perfect for me. Character design is fine, each character has their own personality and their own unique goals. The world background for this book is okay at best. Many times while I was reading I was confused at what was happening, who the story was talking about in main action events, and where everything took place. Sometimes it feels as though the author skips some details that can help the whole story be easier to understand. Now don't get me wrong, the novel was enjoyable for however many hours I was reading it for. But I simply saw the novel was going nowhere and I gave up reading it. For example the Academy Arc is 120 chapters long. That is just an insanely absurd amount of chapters dedicated to an academy arc. And I have multiple suggestions for the author, instead of dragging out the academy arc, you could've cut it down to 15-20 chapters. Set up Varian to be out in a mission, and while he is gone the academy gets thrashed by the abyssals and the high ranking traitor. This would open up so many more opportunities for the novel to go into, for example it could help eliminate the rinse and repeat style this novel uses. It could also work wonders in the world background and the story development, as through this event of Varian's whole life turning around because of the academy being attacked and ultimately destroyed, Varian could be thrown in an entirely different situation or environment. For example, maybe after the attack on the academy Varian would seek hiding in another planet and have to adapt in that environment. Or Varian could get captured into one of the Abysses and is forced to survive in the enemy territory. There are so many different options that could make this story way more enjoyable then just dragging out the academy arc which simply just gets boring after awhile. I know this review was very long, but thank you nonetheless for reading the entire thing.

Divine Path System


ถูกใจ 2 คน




First things first: You might've misunderstood one thing. In the Academy Arc, after chapter 80, Varian doesn't return to academy for almost 80 chapters. It is 'technically' not Academy Arc. But I let it sit because it serves as an umbrella for the arcs. But maybe I should change the name of volumes with the Arc. Grammar errors—I use grammarly, but there are still mistakes, which I am not aware of. If a reader can point out the mistakes, I'll try to not repeat them. 'Many times while I was reading I was confused at what was happening, who the story was talking about in main action events, and where everything took place.' I've noted down this point and I will try to fix the issue. If you really like to help, join the discord and give one or two examples from the novel. I'd be really grateful. I've took note of your suggestions and if they're suitable, I'll use them. Thanks for the review, but I hope that you check out the chapters after Ch80 before coming to a conclusion, since I could've just made Ch81 to Ch150 another Volume based on the plotline.


Well the grammar errors are just common mistakes, as I said they aren't big enough mistakes where the reader is confused what the sentence even means. But the mistakes are still pretty annoying to read through. I'll continue reading the novel as you have said chapter 80-150 could be an entirely different volume, and I will write a review again once I finish. Thank you for your time.


Well, I kind of started with the first chapter, and although it is understandable, the language seems unrefined. It would be too long to explain, but it lacks that something that lets me immerse into the story.