
Review Detail of AMonarch in Bound with you



Writing Quality - The writing is pretty good, no major complaints other than the minor spelling or grammar mistakes. I would think to give a 4/5 because of this but I have hope the author will go back and fix those mistakes. So please do that author :) [5/5] Stability of Updates - Nothing much to say here, it seems to be on a proper schedule so [5/5] Story Development - My thoughts right after finishing the first chapter were "well that went south quickly". Pretty impressed with how the story is headed. [5/5] Character Design - Here's the problem I have with the character, from what I've read I believe the main character is 8 years old in the beginning (correct me if I'm wrong). If I am correct though, it doesn't make sense for an 8 year old to be thinking of marriage. I guess from a fictional point of view, it would make sense if in her world it was the norm. That's the only problem I had but there are many possible reasons as to why that might have happened so I'll let it slide. [5/5] World Background - Lastly, the world building is actually really good in my opinion. Right from the start, it talks about sacrificing people for power which could hint to magic, (not quite sure so I'll read more of the story). It's really fascinating to look at it from the main character's father's point of view. He's so absorbed in hunger for power that he stopped caring for his child. Could've turned out to be a really complex character. [5/5] Well done author! Keep up the great work!

Bound with you


Liked it!




Lol, it should be 18. But thank you for your honest review, and how you were specific ❤❤


Oh okay, that makes more sense, then there's no problem with it. Well done!

Sweetdreamer20:Lol, it should be 18. But thank you for your honest review, and how you were specific ❤❤