
Review Detail of Dark_Lord in Reincarnated With The Strongest System



For a person(MC) to be enslaved and tortured by the people he cherish and still able forgive and accept this people, is a person(MC) without Pride, Dignity, and Shame. Even if you say that everything that happened is for his own good, enslavement will always be enslavement. For someone to be able to forgive and forget the whole thing is not normal, even if you know that what they did is for you to be able to accept and move on without doing anything is just not ok. You should either you kill all of them and go the villain path or abandon your past and live anew. ..................................... For me the MC's mentality is the most important thing in a story, a character with his own free will and way of thinking is better than the actual storyline, of course this is only for me. Most readers enjoy a good storytelling and plotline and they can tolerate the characters of the story as long as the story is enjoyable they will continue reading the story. But for someone like me who have read multiple different novel/story in the past 15 years a lot of story and plotline are mostly the same. A story with a Main Character whom is mentally broken and is able to accept for how the things are and move on without a second thought on things, is a Story not worth reading. And again this is my own thought on the MC. Story wise IDK i didn't read everything.

Reincarnated With The Strongest System


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Have you ever thought why some comedy appeals to some people but not to others? it boils down to taste and age the comedy you are showcasing may not appeal to a older audience that's it if you think that because someone does not enjoy your comedy that they no sense of humor is just wrong and ridiculous in fact its funny you think that at all

Elyon:The reason I made the first chapter like that is to filter the readers. Those who have no ounce of humor in their bones wouldn't like it. Naturally, I don't want these kind of readers. Sorry, I don't like Edgelords MC's. I had my fill of senseless killing from Reverend Insanity and the other common tropes in CN novels. Surprise! I also used Psychology. May you find stories that will suit your liking. Have a good day.

Thank you for reading. There are a lot of things that I want to say, but I'll hold back on that. A reader who didn't bother to read everything, and gives a premature review just shows that your 15 years of reading had no value whatsoever. A Snowflake has no Qualifications to judge something he has no idea about.


Dont have to read everything to judge a book, it normally only takes 10 chapters to know how you feel about it unless certain circumstances such as a nee author weiting and developing his style of course it will take more but for general writers, only 10 chapters. That’ll generally consist of writing style, MC mentality, grammar, plot, and world building. A reader can find all that they are looking for in the exposition. So to call a reader a snowflake for their opinion is kinda whack as the authors attitude also contributes to whether your novel is read or not. Some people may just not like your novel and submit a bad review based on whatever findings they’ve made, no need to take it personally that it was just not their cup of tea.

Elyon:Thank you for reading. There are a lot of things that I want to say, but I'll hold back on that. A reader who didn't bother to read everything, and gives a premature review just shows that your 15 years of reading had no value whatsoever. A Snowflake has no Qualifications to judge something he has no idea about.

I don't mind getting a bad review. If you check all the 1 star reviews I had, I even thanked them for reading. The problem is that this snowflake felt the need to add "15 years of his reading experience" just to write a review. I don't know if he felt insecure because he needed to add that to prove his point. If he didn't like it then he could leave a review, I won't really mind because he is not the first or the last one that will give me a bad review. But acting high and mighty just to prove his point with his "15 years of experience" made him look like a big joke.

Syphilitis:Dont have to read everything to judge a book, it normally only takes 10 chapters to know how you feel about it unless certain circumstances such as a nee author weiting and developing his style of course it will take more but for general writers, only 10 chapters. That’ll generally consist of writing style, MC mentality, grammar, plot, and world building. A reader can find all that they are looking for in the exposition. So to call a reader a snowflake for their opinion is kinda whack as the authors attitude also contributes to whether your novel is read or not. Some people may just not like your novel and submit a bad review based on whatever findings they’ve made, no need to take it personally that it was just not their cup of tea.

Its not insecurities. He just want to show that he has better judgement than you do. Talking about insecurities..i think you have one considering how you refuse to admit the weakness of your writing. But then again if u write a novel while knowing how human physiology works..then you will know that his points are valid .

Elyon:I don't mind getting a bad review. If you check all the 1 star reviews I had, I even thanked them for reading. The problem is that this snowflake felt the need to add "15 years of his reading experience" just to write a review. I don't know if he felt insecure because he needed to add that to prove his point. If he didn't like it then he could leave a review, I won't really mind because he is not the first or the last one that will give me a bad review. But acting high and mighty just to prove his point with his "15 years of experience" made him look like a big joke.

Insecurities? everyone has them. You don't? Hah~ what a joke. It just depends on how insecure you are that you have to use "years of experience" in anything. Didn't admit the weakness of my writing? Have you read my book? I clearly wrote in one of my author notes and admitted that my writing skills is not that good. Physiology? Why would I bother about Physiology in writing a fantasy fiction story? Hmm? What do you mean Physiology? Having a horsetail on your bum? Maybe you mean Psychology? Geez. Are you going to tell me that you have 10 years experience in Physiology too? Not that I really care, but does Physiology have to do with this? lol.

AimanFaroqq:Its not insecurities. He just want to show that he has better judgement than you do. Talking about insecurities..i think you have one considering how you refuse to admit the weakness of your writing. But then again if u write a novel while knowing how human physiology works..then you will know that his points are valid .

Ops mb..got confused between those two..anyway if u study human psychology then his point is valid!! a real author should or need to KNOW and UNDERSTAND this but i cant expect anything from webnovel since even downsyndrom author exist here. Also like i said he have better judgement then you do and you countering it as an excuse literally proved that he is right. Btw i havent read urs because its not interesting..ill give it a try soon

Elyon:Insecurities? everyone has them. You don't? Hah~ what a joke. It just depends on how insecure you are that you have to use "years of experience" in anything. Didn't admit the weakness of my writing? Have you read my book? I clearly wrote in one of my author notes and admitted that my writing skills is not that good. Physiology? Why would I bother about Physiology in writing a fantasy fiction story? Hmm? What do you mean Physiology? Having a horsetail on your bum? Maybe you mean Psychology? Geez. Are you going to tell me that you have 10 years experience in Physiology too? Not that I really care, but does Physiology have to do with this? lol.

Fair enough. Do give it a try soon. thank you.

AimanFaroqq:Ops mb..got confused between those two..anyway if u study human psychology then his point is valid!! a real author should or need to KNOW and UNDERSTAND this but i cant expect anything from webnovel since even downsyndrom author exist here. Also like i said he have better judgement then you do and you countering it as an excuse literally proved that he is right. Btw i havent read urs because its not interesting..ill give it a try soon

good look out bro thank you this is just what I needed to know to not read this ._. tired of these MCs that just forgive and forget


The reason psychology is important is because it helps make more believable characters psychology helps understand human nature and how humans interact and human behaviors knowing this can help you become a better writer in the future personally your novel just was not my taste it seemed kinda childish in the first chapter alone it did not have the mature vibe I was looking for I am sure a younger audience would probably enjoy your novel more then me good luck with your writing no one is a great writer in the beginning and not all audiences will enjoy a work thanks for reading

Elyon:Fair enough. Do give it a try soon. thank you.

The reason I made the first chapter like that is to filter the readers. Those who have no ounce of humor in their bones wouldn't like it. Naturally, I don't want these kind of readers. Sorry, I don't like Edgelords MC's. I had my fill of senseless killing from Reverend Insanity and the other common tropes in CN novels. Surprise! I also used Psychology. May you find stories that will suit your liking. Have a good day.

Walking_The_Path:The reason psychology is important is because it helps make more believable characters psychology helps understand human nature and how humans interact and human behaviors knowing this can help you become a better writer in the future personally your novel just was not my taste it seemed kinda childish in the first chapter alone it did not have the mature vibe I was looking for I am sure a younger audience would probably enjoy your novel more then me good luck with your writing no one is a great writer in the beginning and not all audiences will enjoy a work thanks for reading

Why are you so defensive? Are you one of those without a sense of humor? No one is forcing you to read my novel. Like I said, it's a filter if you don't like it then don't read it. simple as that. Why are you feeling butthurt?

Walking_The_Path:Have you ever thought why some comedy appeals to some people but not to others? it boils down to taste and age the comedy you are showcasing may not appeal to a older audience that's it if you think that because someone does not enjoy your comedy that they no sense of humor is just wrong and ridiculous in fact its funny you think that at all

Why would I feel butthurt when you literally think that your comedy is the only type of comedy is that low self esteem I sense? Because it should be common sense not all comedy are equal comedians should tell you that I feel disappointed of how you view people that don't pass your first chapter they don't think I am funny so they must have no sense of humor that's pretty childish thinking right there

Elyon:Why are you so defensive? Are you one of those without a sense of humor? No one is forcing you to read my novel. Like I said, it's a filter if you don't like it then don't read it. simple as that. Why are you feeling butthurt?

thanks for putting the filter in the first chapter so I don't have to suffer through your novel one good thing you did for me

Elyon:Why are you so defensive? Are you one of those without a sense of humor? No one is forcing you to read my novel. Like I said, it's a filter if you don't like it then don't read it. simple as that. Why are you feeling butthurt?

This is kinda dumb. If you are reading a story and then something happens that makes you feel really bad about it and want to stop reading why would you force yourself to keep going? He made his observations based on what he read so far, and if there is more to the situation than what appears it is not his job to suffer through something he clearly doesn't like just to find out. It is the Authors job to tell the story in a way to keep the reader engaged, it is not the reader's fault that he can't stomach something and it is not like this guy was shamming you or your story, he was only voicing his complaints.

Elyon:Thank you for reading. There are a lot of things that I want to say, but I'll hold back on that. A reader who didn't bother to read everything, and gives a premature review just shows that your 15 years of reading had no value whatsoever. A Snowflake has no Qualifications to judge something he has no idea about.

FennrrirX: This is kinda dumb. If you are reading a story and then something happens that makes you feel really bad about it and want to stop reading why would you force yourself to keep going? He made his observations based on what he read so far, and if there is more to the situation than what appears it is not his job to suffer through something he clearly doesn't like just to find out. It is the Authors job to tell the story in a way to keep the reader engaged, it is not the reader's fault that he can't stomach something and it is not like this guy was shamming you or your story, he was only voicing his complaints.

I just logged to give you your respective like


If only your MC had that, I don't give AF attitude,

Elyon:Why are you so defensive? Are you one of those without a sense of humor? No one is forcing you to read my novel. Like I said, it's a filter if you don't like it then don't read it. simple as that. Why are you feeling butthurt?

there's plenty of edgy MC's out there. No need to add more.

Kelator:If only your MC had that, I don't give AF attitude,

If you mean evil then no you're wrong, plenty of Goody Two-shoes and wanna be evil MC's. I would recommend you read RI, WMW, and way of the devil. Look, I'm not hating on your writing, it's excellent, however the character's do need some work.

Elyon:there's plenty of edgy MC's out there. No need to add more.