
Review Detail of glacer_blade in Second World



great story,the bad things that I think should be improve in the story is the mc intelligence, not a smart in not to stupid mc but sometime mc don't think enough or analysis more in certain situation so more failure hope it get better in the way the story progress and my personal problem is now he got a guide and there interaction in mc being dumb and I hate that, as a reader I want the mc to be smarter or use some thinking when he is talking to other people.

Second World


ถูกใจ 59 คน




well, not everyone have 100 IQ.


I understand what you’re saying, but before you talk about how dumb the MC is, you should practice your grammar. Thank you!


dude was just sharing his opinion as some authors do like when the readers do this. yeah his grammar is poor but mans didnt need to be dissed about it on a web novel app (also my experience wIth app is the auto correct funtion kinda bugs out also itS a phone keyboard not an actual keyboard people tend to fat finger things)

Jdnufhsbsb:I understand what you’re saying, but before you talk about how dumb the MC is, you should practice your grammar. Thank you!

Maybe thats the kind of mc he is kinda of head first into situations not every mc needs to be a 1000 iq predict the future prodigy sometimes having something other than basicness is needed


I read upto 310 chapters and theres no way this book deserves a single star. Don't waste your resources on this.


Nono, your opinion thinks that, my opinion is that the MC is a person who makes mistakes, if you want a perfect MC go look for other novels

AncientGodDragon:I read upto 310 chapters and theres no way this book deserves a single star. Don't waste your resources on this.

Roger that

Ugly_dude:Nono, your opinion thinks that, my opinion is that the MC is a person who makes mistakes, if you want a perfect MC go look for other novels

what if somebody made a homegrown dnd campaign based off of a few different novels, then used it to create a novel, with the players, as the main characters

Ugly_dude:Nono, your opinion thinks that, my opinion is that the MC is a person who makes mistakes, if you want a perfect MC go look for other novels

why the 5 stars then, its like you dont take your own words seriously


how is grammar related to intelligence? you would get along with the mc

Jdnufhsbsb:I understand what you’re saying, but before you talk about how dumb the MC is, you should practice your grammar. Thank you!

not true it is a good story

AncientGodDragon:I read upto 310 chapters and theres no way this book deserves a single star. Don't waste your resources on this.

I agree maybe they are basing it off of other stories where the MC is reincarnated and knows exactly what will happen. This story is not like those one's it has DnD aspects and newer way of doing a few things. In my mind I believe the Author has done a few DnD or Pathfinder runs but how it seems more hardcore I would pick DnD. GM material here!

Listlessthomas:Maybe thats the kind of mc he is kinda of head first into situations not every mc needs to be a 1000 iq predict the future prodigy sometimes having something other than basicness is needed

The higher the gibberish rating, the more brain cells die while reading the comments. It is therefore directly related to other readers wellbeing.

Tomi_S_3740:how is grammar related to intelligence? you would get along with the mc

Just saying but normal average IQ for humans is 100 less than 90 is bad more than 110 is good

_Readian_:well, not everyone have 100 IQ.

between 90 and 99 is the ideal range for police officers. Smart enough to be capable enough to learn most duties but not smart enough to question orders or cause trouble. The ideal range for detectives is 100- 110 because you need to be smart enough to solve cases with clues but not smart enough to cause trouble and disobey or question orders. Just to establish a base line 80-89 is able to be taught basic tasks and perform at satisfactory levels on mundane and repetitive tasks.

GinJac:Just saying but normal average IQ for humans is 100 less than 90 is bad more than 110 is good

I think that one of the things I like the most about the MC... He doesn't have all the answers , or knows everything. This allows for more secondary characters to shine. Creating a fully fleshed out world...


Not need to be mean to others. This is just a comment section not a grammer class

Jdnufhsbsb:I understand what you’re saying, but before you talk about how dumb the MC is, you should practice your grammar. Thank you!

You sir have earned my respect for standing up for that guy.

Listlessthomas:dude was just sharing his opinion as some authors do like when the readers do this. yeah his grammar is poor but mans didnt need to be dissed about it on a web novel app (also my experience wIth app is the auto correct funtion kinda bugs out also itS a phone keyboard not an actual keyboard people tend to fat finger things)

Soooooo if the Mc a guy who makes mistakes and learns or an idiot???? I can deal with mistakes as long as I feel the mc if growing


romance or harem?