
Review Detail of R4M in Deception



WHOAA!!!! WHOA WHOA!! You mean to tell me you didn't read this? Read it! It's actually good. If you don't believe me then read the synopsis. Just read it. I'll be waiting. I'll be right here. Waiting for you to come back and read this review just to realise that you need to read this book. Okay look. I know that i only read the synopsis but it felt like i should read it. It just felt like i should read the story, okay? I mean......it seems like a pretty good book to me. So why wouldn't it to you? I'm just a guy who does what he does. So take my word for it and give it a go. And if you don't like it? Then it was your choice to do it. I am just words on the screen. I can't force you to do anything. You made the choice and if you don't like my review then make your own review and prove me wrong.......or right. You never know. I could be right. I could be. Which is why you should read it! We all wanna find the people that we love when they go missing. This book could possibly help with that. So just give it a go. I'll still just be words on the screen. Now if you've made it this far then you should take the time to read the book. Regardless of what i say. And if you don't like my review then you should definitely read the book so you can make your own review. Just saying you should do what you want. But you should definitely read the book. Or maybe you won't. Who knows? Only you would. But if you review then you can let everyone know that you reviewed this book, and have read at least some part of it. Anything after this you can skip. Or should you? Only you can or will decide that. Because i sure can't. Or can i? I could be apart of the matrix! I could be apart of this book. I could be trapped inside of this book. How do i know that i'm not? Only you would know. But how do you know that you're not inside of another book that this book is inside of? You may never know. Or do you? If you do let me know because i would very much like to know. Okay seriously this is gettimg repetitive. Maybe even annoying. But if it was annoying then you wouldn't be here right now. Now would you? No you wouldn't. You reaching this point just tells me that i am pretty interesting. Which is why you should read this book. It's a pretty good book. Don't you agree? Well if you didn't agree then you wouldn't be here reading this review now would you? No you wouldn't. So just read it already. Go on! Read the book! Read it. Please? Okay. I'm pretty sure you've read it by now. You did, right? Yeah you did. But did you though? Because i'm not really sure that you did. So maybe you should scroll down to just check and see if you did. Just hit the read button and maybe read it until you reach where you was last at and then come back here to give it your own review. I mean....you never know, right? You always wanna be sure. Because how would you not know if you read a book without double checking if you did. You know sometimes you just gotta read it 3 times to be sure. You never know now a days. Anything can happen. This was posted here on December the twenty fourth of twenty-twenty



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