
Review Detail of Messier in Cultivation Online



So I have been reading this novel for about a year or so now (can’t remember how many chapters there were at the time but it was maybe 100~150 so not as many as now) but I think its due time for a fully honest review on this wonderful novel. I am currently up to date at time of wrinting this 966/966 so yes I do pay for the chapters in advance because I get very impatient and want to know what is going to happen next as soon as possible. But that should speak to how grest this novel is that multiple times have I shilled out to read in advance and I have even stopped reading for a month and a half to build up chapters to binge but like some of you I’ve done this with others because I just ended up not caring about going back to it and found other things but not this one. Everyday I didn’t read it I was still checking to see how many chapters have built up and it still made me comeback. So now you might be wondering “well what makes this novel so great that its made you do this that not even other novels have been able to do” well what it has done is provide one of the most realistic MCs out there who even with his OP powers doesn’t just suddently change overnight you see both a mental and emotional change slowly as he is supported by those around him and learns slowly. Which this novel provides a fantastic side cast of characters that all provide their own insights into things and help the MC grow not bland one dimensional characters there to just make the MC appear to be a god among men. Now of course this is a cultivation novel so it won’t be complete without your arrogant young masters saying how dare you do this or you’ll regret touching me and you’re arrogant seniors saying junior you dare or you court death and so on but its a common trope we all expect and yes characters like that are in here but once again cultivation novel they’ll be in there and we all love it when the MC smacks them around and another shows up and we think to ourself how many times does the MC have to teach these people a lesson. moving on now the author has done a phenomenal job with writing this story and gives great attention to making a fantastic plot and world for us to dive into (well done author). Now if you’ve still made it this far or skimmed ahead to here well thats fine either way because this will be the end or else I’ll keep going and make this way too long, Would you recommend this even to people who aren’t big fans of cultivation novels? ABSOLUTELY without a doubt yes I would and I mean that as the reader that has read your standard copy paste novels or the big ones that set themselves apart this one deserves to be one of the latter hands down just read it and you’ll find out yourself. When does the novel ACTUALLY get good? Hmmm thats tough some people would obviously have different answers and I do have to be honest the MC doesn’t really mature until later into the novel but if you read it you’ll find out why but me personally I liked it a lot around chapter 70-80 I think if I remember correctly but it had me completely hooked about 50-60 chapters after that so for me took a little bit but that is because the author does pace his story this isn’t a rushed novel so if you want one that will take time then this is the one for you or if you want one for a good deep plot that slowly unfolds as you get deeper in then this is for you or of you want one with characters that aren’t just flat and have no personalities then this is for you and if you want a MC with OP powers this is for you If somehow you’ve managed to get all fhe way here after all of that and still are wavering I PROMISE you (I’m using my one promise here) that if you give this a shot and start reading it even if you take some time with reading it once again I PROMISE you you’ll enjoy this novel just like the other x amount of people that are also reading this Yeah cool cool nice okay thats it uhhh bye now What are you still doing here there’s nothing else to the review Okay goodbye now so long Farwell

Cultivation Online


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