
Review Detail of DarthVegito in The Legend of Baldur [DROPPED]



Rating may change again. Was loving the story until one chapter where randomly the Mc tells us that he was banging dudes but still prefers women so thats not saying he wont be banging dudes in the future but the main problem to me was that a prince who is banging some girl and togetehr but not together with her and then a chapter happens where we find out they dont want to get married but are still banging but shes banging everyone and apparently the mc is banging guys and girls during this time as well. Just didnt feel like the mc at all and was no yaoi tags

The Legend of Baldur [DROPPED]


ถูกใจ 99 คน




Lol. If I was gay, then I'd just accept it, if I was transgender, then I'd just accept it, but I'm not. Literally nothing you've said has hurt my personal feelings at all. Ego or free time? Definitely free time, though you can't really say anything about that considering you're still here too. I thought I made this clear, but I'm not offended or hurt by anything you've said, just calling out your reasoning for your bullshit views. Seriously, you think of being gay as some disease, you compare it to actual bad shit like rape. You have your views, I have mine, sure, but I was just showing that your views make no sense, and in the end are just utterly pathetic. You could say that arguing with your opinion is pointless, and you're right, but it's not anymore pointless than you giving your irrational views on gays. It's just, most people form opinions for good reasons, then there are the rare few like you, who here I am making it clear how illogical and dumb your views are. Who am I to judge your views or whatever? Oh you know, just a random guy on the internet, just like how you'd judge someone for being gay, I'm judging you for being dumb. Was it necessary for me to give my opinion? No. Was it necessary for you to give your opinion? No. Yet it's weird, we both still did. I just called out your opinion as ridiculous.

Shadewind:R u a retard or what . When did I mentioned anything that can be understood as I am not owning up to my words . As I have already said that I don't like gay that's my life and who the hell are you judge them . Dude the way you are behaving is like something I said hits you in your personal life . As I an seriously confused if you are gay or not ( I don't say you are gay but the way you behaving can be said you are ) Even before you start conversing with me I already give my clear cut answers in previous comments so why the hell do you even start a conversation when you know the results . Do you have too much free time or comments prior to this have hurt on your ego. I don't really care if you are gay or transgend from male to female . I really don't care what do you guys think about me . As I don't give a fuçk of what you guys think of me . So yeah i hate gays so what's your problem do i need you to teach me what views should i have like who the hell you are to judge me huh . You can fuçk gays or whatever so why should you care if i am too think you are disgusting it's my freedom and right to have view or like what i want to like or hate what i want to hate . Seriously you sjw's really have thick skin as you are keep repeating the same question again and again which I have already answered . Seriously don't you have anything to do so why you are arguing with me if the said things don't concerns you.

I won't read it then. Not into that sort of thing.


Thank god I didn't read this sh*t . The author must be bisexual also like getting ntr as he can write this kind of disgusting story . And If you calling homophobic for it then I gladly accept it . Cause I don't like homo which goes against the very laws of nature . You homos out there are mentally sick so go there to see a psychiatrist. There are female to have that kind of things so it's just absurd to see you lot having sexual urge at you own gender . It's like a mental disease which the society is accepting . Then what in the future mother X son or father X daughter ***. Even having *** with animals will be accepted by you people You Lot who accept this kind of things are also disgust towards the society as how can you accept those abomination which goes against the very laws of nature. At least I won't as you guys are just full filing your sick fantasy like how a psychopath enjoy his sick fantasy by murdering or r@ping people .


***= sèx

Shadewind:Thank god I didn't read this sh*t . The author must be bisexual also like getting ntr as he can write this kind of disgusting story . And If you calling homophobic for it then I gladly accept it . Cause I don't like homo which goes against the very laws of nature . You homos out there are mentally sick so go there to see a psychiatrist. There are female to have that kind of things so it's just absurd to see you lot having sexual urge at you own gender . It's like a mental disease which the society is accepting . Then what in the future mother X son or father X daughter ***. Even having *** with animals will be accepted by you people You Lot who accept this kind of things are also disgust towards the society as how can you accept those abomination which goes against the very laws of nature. At least I won't as you guys are just full filing your sick fantasy like how a psychopath enjoy his sick fantasy by murdering or r@ping people .

You are actully f*cking retarded

Shadewind:Thank god I didn't read this sh*t . The author must be bisexual also like getting ntr as he can write this kind of disgusting story . And If you calling homophobic for it then I gladly accept it . Cause I don't like homo which goes against the very laws of nature . You homos out there are mentally sick so go there to see a psychiatrist. There are female to have that kind of things so it's just absurd to see you lot having sexual urge at you own gender . It's like a mental disease which the society is accepting . Then what in the future mother X son or father X daughter ***. Even having *** with animals will be accepted by you people You Lot who accept this kind of things are also disgust towards the society as how can you accept those abomination which goes against the very laws of nature. At least I won't as you guys are just full filing your sick fantasy like how a psychopath enjoy his sick fantasy by murdering or r@ping people .

Your saying having a sexual desire towards the same sEx is unnatural? Well yes and no... You see, while both the female and male counterparts were both made genetically to reproduce. Reproducing is just, well...reproducing. Sexual desire is simply a natural 'leash' that intises living beings to reproduce. If we take away the 'reproducing' factor we are all just people with sexual desire. If we go by your beliefs. "We have women for sexual desire" Simply having *** and not having kids, deliberately, is unnatural. And also, What are we to understand what is defined as natural and what is not? Us having out insane intellect allows us to experience our natural features in a different light. Empathy? - Mirrior Neurons Rage and Fear? - Survival instinct Was this natural? or unnatural? we do not know. And so do you. So before you cry out you biased beliefs, actually use your brain and think. It's natural....maybe.

Frank_The_Fuctard:You are actully f*cking retarded

Phfthaahahahaha bro thanks for a good laugh I really appreciate it. As your explanation is sooo good and how you justify those sickness is really 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Frank_The_Fuctard:Your saying having a sexual desire towards the same sEx is unnatural? Well yes and no... You see, while both the female and male counterparts were both made genetically to reproduce. Reproducing is just, well...reproducing. Sexual desire is simply a natural 'leash' that intises living beings to reproduce. If we take away the 'reproducing' factor we are all just people with sexual desire. If we go by your beliefs. "We have women for sexual desire" Simply having *** and not having kids, deliberately, is unnatural. And also, What are we to understand what is defined as natural and what is not? Us having out insane intellect allows us to experience our natural features in a different light. Empathy? - Mirrior Neurons Rage and Fear? - Survival instinct Was this natural? or unnatural? we do not know. And so do you. So before you cry out you biased beliefs, actually use your brain and think. It's natural....maybe.

actually befor I go, I would actually like to know why you believe homosexuality is a deseise? Maybe I can understand you better.

Shadewind:Phfthaahahahaha bro thanks for a good laugh I really appreciate it. As your explanation is sooo good and how you justify those sickness is really 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

I already said why it is a mental disease. If I want you to fully understand my viewpoint I have to explain a lot of things about it . So you could do a research yourself about LGBT then you can understand where I am coming from but please keep an normal mind don't lean in to any side before make your final decision against them but if you are not a normal person like me you won't understand my viewpoint.

Frank_The_Fuctard:actually befor I go, I would actually like to know why you believe homosexuality is a deseise? Maybe I can understand you better.

LGBT? that's just a community, it has nothing to do with the conversation I'm trying to have with you. I simply asked why Homosexuality was an illness, not what the f*ck the LGBT's had to do with this. You can't even write down proper coherent sentences for me to understand. I actually might have a rough understanding on what your viewpoint is. So please do correct me if I'm wrong. Your saying Gays are inflicted with an illness because it is not natural to like someone of the same ***? Wait, does your bias stem from the radical far left? Those crazy SJW's? Your making things very hard to understand.

Shadewind:I already said why it is a mental disease. If I want you to fully understand my viewpoint I have to explain a lot of things about it . So you could do a research yourself about LGBT then you can understand where I am coming from but please keep an normal mind don't lean in to any side before make your final decision against them but if you are not a normal person like me you won't understand my viewpoint.

You missunderstand I just want you to understand why they turn into homosexual . In your logic then if mother X son have sèx it's okay or father X daughter . As long as they are okay with it . Oh yeah you keep you own view and I keep mine to myself . If you are okay with homosexual then fine just keep it to your self .

Frank_The_Fuctard:LGBT? that's just a community, it has nothing to do with the conversation I'm trying to have with you. I simply asked why Homosexuality was an illness, not what the f*ck the LGBT's had to do with this. You can't even write down proper coherent sentences for me to understand. I actually might have a rough understanding on what your viewpoint is. So please do correct me if I'm wrong. Your saying Gays are inflicted with an illness because it is not natural to like someone of the same ***? Wait, does your bias stem from the radical far left? Those crazy SJW's? Your making things very hard to understand.

Also what is your opinion about having sèx with animals . Isn't that a mental illness and disgusting . For me homosexuality is like that.

Frank_The_Fuctard:LGBT? that's just a community, it has nothing to do with the conversation I'm trying to have with you. I simply asked why Homosexuality was an illness, not what the f*ck the LGBT's had to do with this. You can't even write down proper coherent sentences for me to understand. I actually might have a rough understanding on what your viewpoint is. So please do correct me if I'm wrong. Your saying Gays are inflicted with an illness because it is not natural to like someone of the same ***? Wait, does your bias stem from the radical far left? Those crazy SJW's? Your making things very hard to understand.

How to say this. We can't say bisexuality is against nature. Lions, dogs, monkeys etc. are doing it with partner of the same gender. In our nature is to be born, have a kid and fucking die. So if someone swings both ways, what can you do. Well, pure homosexuality is another thing. You won't have a kid from this and you can say it's bad yadda yadda. But I'm gonna say I don't fucking care. As long as they are not doing it in my backyard I don't care. Let people live, and people will let you live.

Shadewind:You missunderstand I just want you to understand why they turn into homosexual . In your logic then if mother X son have sèx it's okay or father X daughter . As long as they are okay with it . Oh yeah you keep you own view and I keep mine to myself . If you are okay with homosexual then fine just keep it to your self .

But don't misunderstand me. I never said that I'm accepting this (because I don't) just that I don't care as long as no one is bothering me.

maganam:How to say this. We can't say bisexuality is against nature. Lions, dogs, monkeys etc. are doing it with partner of the same gender. In our nature is to be born, have a kid and fucking die. So if someone swings both ways, what can you do. Well, pure homosexuality is another thing. You won't have a kid from this and you can say it's bad yadda yadda. But I'm gonna say I don't fucking care. As long as they are not doing it in my backyard I don't care. Let people live, and people will let you live.

thanks for sacrifice 😤


Beastality is indeed disgusting. However Homosexuality is NOT the same as both Beastality or Inbreeding. We don't inbreed because that can cause genetic problembs. We do not perform intercourse with other animals because that can lead to deseises and is technically animal abuse. Being Gay and sh*t is not natural, but it isn't bad either. I ain't gay, I don't catch myself getting an erection from some good looking man. But I do have gay friends. They are just like us dude, living a normal life an sh*t. The only difference is that they like people with D*cks and I like chicks with big Tits. I'm gonna give up with you know. I can't articulate my thoughts an feelings properly and thats just leading to more strife and poor communication. So I'mma f*ck off, See ya.

Shadewind:Also what is your opinion about having sèx with animals . Isn't that a mental illness and disgusting . For me homosexuality is like that.

The feeling is mutual . Also i dont have gay friend and don't wanna have one so i don't understand you. But i wanna ask you if someday ( just an exaple so don't get angry) they propose you what will be your reaction won't the situations be awkward .

Frank_The_Fuctard:Beastality is indeed disgusting. However Homosexuality is NOT the same as both Beastality or Inbreeding. We don't inbreed because that can cause genetic problembs. We do not perform intercourse with other animals because that can lead to deseises and is technically animal abuse. Being Gay and sh*t is not natural, but it isn't bad either. I ain't gay, I don't catch myself getting an erection from some good looking man. But I do have gay friends. They are just like us dude, living a normal life an sh*t. The only difference is that they like people with D*cks and I like chicks with big Tits. I'm gonna give up with you know. I can't articulate my thoughts an feelings properly and thats just leading to more strife and poor communication. So I'mma f*ck off, See ya.

Yeah it be pretty awkward, shit like that you can't really avoid.

Shadewind:The feeling is mutual . Also i dont have gay friend and don't wanna have one so i don't understand you. But i wanna ask you if someday ( just an exaple so don't get angry) they propose you what will be your reaction won't the situations be awkward .

Wait....Do you think gay guys like every man they see?

Frank_The_Fuctard:Yeah it be pretty awkward, shit like that you can't really avoid.

Also do you know that having añal sèx can cause sexually transmitted diseases. Like in the below paragraph. In addition to HIV, a person can get other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) like chlamydia and gonorrhea from anal sex without condoms. Even if a condom is used, some STDs can still be transmitted through skin-to-skin contact (like syphilis or herpes).

Frank_The_Fuctard:Beastality is indeed disgusting. However Homosexuality is NOT the same as both Beastality or Inbreeding. We don't inbreed because that can cause genetic problembs. We do not perform intercourse with other animals because that can lead to deseises and is technically animal abuse. Being Gay and sh*t is not natural, but it isn't bad either. I ain't gay, I don't catch myself getting an erection from some good looking man. But I do have gay friends. They are just like us dude, living a normal life an sh*t. The only difference is that they like people with D*cks and I like chicks with big Tits. I'm gonna give up with you know. I can't articulate my thoughts an feelings properly and thats just leading to more strife and poor communication. So I'mma f*ck off, See ya.

Dont know about romantically but they certainly do or have some sexual attraction . Like us who have these for females .

Frank_The_Fuctard:Wait....Do you think gay guys like every man they see?