
Review Detail of elano77 in Master Of Myths (Reposted under the same name due to an error)



Motherfvcker. Dropping this book was a hard decision. Honestly, the novel is well-written. A good balance between suspense and drama. We do not get too much info at once and when we do get info it leaves us wanting more. The MC is OP in a measured way and he does not get too strong too fast. The pacing is just right. The world development is clear and methodical and the interaction between characters is realistic. Normally, I would say it is a very good book but I cannot do so. The MC forces an innocent person into slavery and for me that crosses a fundamental bottom line. He does not give that person a choice, nor does he have to enslave them to save them from death. He literally comes out of nowhere to force slavery on their soul. Now, as a black person, no matter how good the story is, I cannot stomach a novel that does something like this. I know that novels are a playground of fantasy and thus depravity but I feel every one has a moral bottom line which, if crossed, they cannot condone, fantasy or not. That is why, even though this story is otherwise a good one, that element kills it for me. I'm dropping it here. I cannot even wish the author good luck of give constructive criticism. This novel is not worth the effort to me.

Master Of Myths (Reposted under the same name due to an error)


ถูกใจ 6 คน




Hey. Looks like someone stole and published your story on Amazon. https://***.amazon.com/Master-Myths-Ben-Rice-ebook/dp/B08L3Y4FPK/ As the original author, you can submit a copyright violation to get it taken down. There's a link at the bottom of the novel page above. Best wishes, Ramon

WordlyMysteries:I am glad you like my storytelling, yet sad you didn't like the story, and I understand your frustration, still, I would like to point out a few things The MC isn't a good person, yes, that is a fact but that doesn't mean he's just downright corrupted, in fact you would notice he is very neutral, I shall explain to you why The MC has lived for years in a world where humans were a minority and thus he was surrounded by many others races for extended periods of time and had gotten to realize that while humans were rather special they weren't the only ones that had the right of freedom and life, thus to him, other races hold the same rights as humans I even made sure you would see the hounds were also creatures that held morals by having the male hound push Anput away, it wasn't just there randomly but it was to show you that life and love is just as important for them as it is for us Now you on the other hand thought that Ellis was enslaved against her will while Anput wasn't, since to you she is but a dog and is not as important as human life, but the MC doesn't think that for he treats all races equally, meaning that you would be acting in more of a racist manner as you didn't treat Anput equally just because she was different That's why the MC is Unique, while he has some biased toward the human race he still treats them the same as other races and doesn't care for looking morally justifying himself only in front of them Finally, you had assumed that Ellis wasn't in danger just because a beast wasn't trying to eat her at that point in time, never thinking toward what would have happened in the future if he hadn't enslaved her, in fact if you accept that the MC enslaving her is good if she was in danger than you would be giving yourself an excuse to accept it, slavery is bad no matter how you describe it and justify it, but the MC isn't just enslaving her he is helping her grow and treating her like his own, while his methods are not so great he still hadn't done wrong by her so far In the end, I can tell you that while the MC is Nutrally chaotic, leaning toward evil, he is not as bad as you made him out to be, in fact, if he was jus rushing toward power he would have enslaved the actual powerful people in the world, instead he enslaved those who had "failed" and wants to have them cross a better path, one that is guided by him I hope this clarified some of the misunderstandings you had about the MC without spoiling anything of the story to other readers Have a good day sir/mam

I am glad you like my storytelling, yet sad you didn't like the story, and I understand your frustration, still, I would like to point out a few things The MC isn't a good person, yes, that is a fact but that doesn't mean he's just downright corrupted, in fact you would notice he is very neutral, I shall explain to you why The MC has lived for years in a world where humans were a minority and thus he was surrounded by many others races for extended periods of time and had gotten to realize that while humans were rather special they weren't the only ones that had the right of freedom and life, thus to him, other races hold the same rights as humans I even made sure you would see the hounds were also creatures that held morals by having the male hound push Anput away, it wasn't just there randomly but it was to show you that life and love is just as important for them as it is for us Now you on the other hand thought that Ellis was enslaved against her will while Anput wasn't, since to you she is but a dog and is not as important as human life, but the MC doesn't think that for he treats all races equally, meaning that you would be acting in more of a racist manner as you didn't treat Anput equally just because she was different That's why the MC is Unique, while he has some biased toward the human race he still treats them the same as other races and doesn't care for looking morally justifying himself only in front of them Finally, you had assumed that Ellis wasn't in danger just because a beast wasn't trying to eat her at that point in time, never thinking toward what would have happened in the future if he hadn't enslaved her, in fact if you accept that the MC enslaving her is good if she was in danger than you would be giving yourself an excuse to accept it, slavery is bad no matter how you describe it and justify it, but the MC isn't just enslaving her he is helping her grow and treating her like his own, while his methods are not so great he still hadn't done wrong by her so far In the end, I can tell you that while the MC is Nutrally chaotic, leaning toward evil, he is not as bad as you made him out to be, in fact, if he was jus rushing toward power he would have enslaved the actual powerful people in the world, instead he enslaved those who had "failed" and wants to have them cross a better path, one that is guided by him I hope this clarified some of the misunderstandings you had about the MC without spoiling anything of the story to other readers Have a good day sir/mam


Okay. First off, the reason that I accepted Anput's situation was not because she was a dog, that was an assumption and narrative that you created on your own. I do not appreciate being called racist based on a conclusion you reached in your head. I'm not stupid, I know that slavery is bad in all facets but your story made it clear the world MC was going to live in was clearly more primitive and one where slavery, at least to some extent, was more commonplace and less revolting. I accepted Anput's situation because the MC explained his reasoning to her before enslaving her. If, after his explanation, she had chosen to die instead of being his slave and he still enslaved her then i would still reach the conclusion that I did. The fact that Anput could understand what was being said demonstrated enough intelligence to me. Second, he remembered his second slave as the Sword of Justice, or something. He even hinted that she was strong before he came back to the past. That tells me that she was strong enough to survive long enough to be a known and named fighter. Her dying doesn't matter. In fact, even if she was going to die a few seconds after he saw her after going back to the past, it is still not acceptable. The perceived benefits of being a slave to MC do not justify him taking away her choice on whether she wants to be a slave. In fact, the benefit justification for slavery echoes eerily like slavemaster mentality that justified enslaved minorities because doing so let them live better lives than they would in their 'primitive' homes. But that mentality unravels when you consider that nobody made them the judge of what was best for their slaves. Similarly, who made the MC the judge of what was best for her? Also, notice how I made my point without implying you were racist? Isn't it lovely? You should pay more attention to that, think you can learn alot. Ultimately, I have no issue with him being a master or even convincing the slaves to join him. I have no issue with him getting a mindless beast to submit to him after besting them in what they acknowledge most. But not explaining the situation to one capable of understanding it, and just outright enslaving them leaves a bad taste in my mouth. And readers, if it does the same for you, then drop it. It is not worth the moral turmoil.

WordlyMysteries:I am glad you like my storytelling, yet sad you didn't like the story, and I understand your frustration, still, I would like to point out a few things The MC isn't a good person, yes, that is a fact but that doesn't mean he's just downright corrupted, in fact you would notice he is very neutral, I shall explain to you why The MC has lived for years in a world where humans were a minority and thus he was surrounded by many others races for extended periods of time and had gotten to realize that while humans were rather special they weren't the only ones that had the right of freedom and life, thus to him, other races hold the same rights as humans I even made sure you would see the hounds were also creatures that held morals by having the male hound push Anput away, it wasn't just there randomly but it was to show you that life and love is just as important for them as it is for us Now you on the other hand thought that Ellis was enslaved against her will while Anput wasn't, since to you she is but a dog and is not as important as human life, but the MC doesn't think that for he treats all races equally, meaning that you would be acting in more of a racist manner as you didn't treat Anput equally just because she was different That's why the MC is Unique, while he has some biased toward the human race he still treats them the same as other races and doesn't care for looking morally justifying himself only in front of them Finally, you had assumed that Ellis wasn't in danger just because a beast wasn't trying to eat her at that point in time, never thinking toward what would have happened in the future if he hadn't enslaved her, in fact if you accept that the MC enslaving her is good if she was in danger than you would be giving yourself an excuse to accept it, slavery is bad no matter how you describe it and justify it, but the MC isn't just enslaving her he is helping her grow and treating her like his own, while his methods are not so great he still hadn't done wrong by her so far In the end, I can tell you that while the MC is Nutrally chaotic, leaning toward evil, he is not as bad as you made him out to be, in fact, if he was jus rushing toward power he would have enslaved the actual powerful people in the world, instead he enslaved those who had "failed" and wants to have them cross a better path, one that is guided by him I hope this clarified some of the misunderstandings you had about the MC without spoiling anything of the story to other readers Have a good day sir/mam

Oh yeah, just remembered something. When I talked about enslaving a being to save their life, I meant if the being was unconscious and about to die and that was not caused by the MC, then I could understand enslaving the person. That doesn't even apply in your story though because there is no immediate benefit to becoming a slave. Presumably, even after becoming one, MC would have to level them up which is highly unlikely in an urgent setting when one is on the brink of death.

WordlyMysteries:I am glad you like my storytelling, yet sad you didn't like the story, and I understand your frustration, still, I would like to point out a few things The MC isn't a good person, yes, that is a fact but that doesn't mean he's just downright corrupted, in fact you would notice he is very neutral, I shall explain to you why The MC has lived for years in a world where humans were a minority and thus he was surrounded by many others races for extended periods of time and had gotten to realize that while humans were rather special they weren't the only ones that had the right of freedom and life, thus to him, other races hold the same rights as humans I even made sure you would see the hounds were also creatures that held morals by having the male hound push Anput away, it wasn't just there randomly but it was to show you that life and love is just as important for them as it is for us Now you on the other hand thought that Ellis was enslaved against her will while Anput wasn't, since to you she is but a dog and is not as important as human life, but the MC doesn't think that for he treats all races equally, meaning that you would be acting in more of a racist manner as you didn't treat Anput equally just because she was different That's why the MC is Unique, while he has some biased toward the human race he still treats them the same as other races and doesn't care for looking morally justifying himself only in front of them Finally, you had assumed that Ellis wasn't in danger just because a beast wasn't trying to eat her at that point in time, never thinking toward what would have happened in the future if he hadn't enslaved her, in fact if you accept that the MC enslaving her is good if she was in danger than you would be giving yourself an excuse to accept it, slavery is bad no matter how you describe it and justify it, but the MC isn't just enslaving her he is helping her grow and treating her like his own, while his methods are not so great he still hadn't done wrong by her so far In the end, I can tell you that while the MC is Nutrally chaotic, leaning toward evil, he is not as bad as you made him out to be, in fact, if he was jus rushing toward power he would have enslaved the actual powerful people in the world, instead he enslaved those who had "failed" and wants to have them cross a better path, one that is guided by him I hope this clarified some of the misunderstandings you had about the MC without spoiling anything of the story to other readers Have a good day sir/mam

Oh yeah, just remembered something. When I talked about enslaving a being to save their life, I meant if the being was unconscious and about to die and that was not caused by the MC, then I could understand enslaving the person. That doesn't even apply in your story though because there is no immediate benefit to becoming a slave. Presumably, even after becoming one, MC would have to level them up which is highly unlikely in an urgent setting when one is on the brink of death.

WordlyMysteries:I am glad you like my storytelling, yet sad you didn't like the story, and I understand your frustration, still, I would like to point out a few things The MC isn't a good person, yes, that is a fact but that doesn't mean he's just downright corrupted, in fact you would notice he is very neutral, I shall explain to you why The MC has lived for years in a world where humans were a minority and thus he was surrounded by many others races for extended periods of time and had gotten to realize that while humans were rather special they weren't the only ones that had the right of freedom and life, thus to him, other races hold the same rights as humans I even made sure you would see the hounds were also creatures that held morals by having the male hound push Anput away, it wasn't just there randomly but it was to show you that life and love is just as important for them as it is for us Now you on the other hand thought that Ellis was enslaved against her will while Anput wasn't, since to you she is but a dog and is not as important as human life, but the MC doesn't think that for he treats all races equally, meaning that you would be acting in more of a racist manner as you didn't treat Anput equally just because she was different That's why the MC is Unique, while he has some biased toward the human race he still treats them the same as other races and doesn't care for looking morally justifying himself only in front of them Finally, you had assumed that Ellis wasn't in danger just because a beast wasn't trying to eat her at that point in time, never thinking toward what would have happened in the future if he hadn't enslaved her, in fact if you accept that the MC enslaving her is good if she was in danger than you would be giving yourself an excuse to accept it, slavery is bad no matter how you describe it and justify it, but the MC isn't just enslaving her he is helping her grow and treating her like his own, while his methods are not so great he still hadn't done wrong by her so far In the end, I can tell you that while the MC is Nutrally chaotic, leaning toward evil, he is not as bad as you made him out to be, in fact, if he was jus rushing toward power he would have enslaved the actual powerful people in the world, instead he enslaved those who had "failed" and wants to have them cross a better path, one that is guided by him I hope this clarified some of the misunderstandings you had about the MC without spoiling anything of the story to other readers Have a good day sir/mam

Thank you for your report, I have submitted a copyright infringement I am truly grateful for your hard work at keeping us from these pirates ^^

feedback:Hey. Looks like someone stole and published your story on Amazon. https://***.amazon.com/Master-Myths-Ben-Rice-ebook/dp/B08L3Y4FPK/ As the original author, you can submit a copyright violation to get it taken down. There's a link at the bottom of the novel page above. Best wishes, Ramon

thanks to your comment i will be reading this novel