
Review Detail of ClamLeader in MARTIAL RESEARCH MASTER



Decent plot progression over the fist 200 chs but I have some major issues with the characters and minor issues with the grammar. The MC is a bit psychotic and his actions are inconsistent he can read through the plots of multiple assassins but in a world where they don't need to eat gets poisoned three times. Every female introduced is someone with a mystical background and not just one or two but everyone introduced. the only element that isn't cliché is that he has avatars so he can experience clichés at the same time, political antagonist, alchemist, mysterious masters, etc.



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Well, that was the motive behind it. The MC I designed wasn't supposed to fall into every single plot around him. It isn't your typical eastern fantasy novel where the MC suffers from bad luck all the time but at the end of the day a miracle happens out of nowhere and that curse gets converted into a boon. It's better to have an MC who is an insidious character by himself. He plans way ahead and is able to manipulate the situation to his benefit. Well about the poison cliche, the general plot depends too much on the enemy's behavior and hence is predictable, while poison is something which can be utilized covertly. Thank you for the comments. I will review the grammar issues you mentioned.


Keep up the good work, the ruthlessness of the MC is probably one of the main reasons I'm still reading interested on how the story continues .

Debasish_padhi:Well, that was the motive behind it. The MC I designed wasn't supposed to fall into every single plot around him. It isn't your typical eastern fantasy novel where the MC suffers from bad luck all the time but at the end of the day a miracle happens out of nowhere and that curse gets converted into a boon. It's better to have an MC who is an insidious character by himself. He plans way ahead and is able to manipulate the situation to his benefit. Well about the poison cliche, the general plot depends too much on the enemy's behavior and hence is predictable, while poison is something which can be utilized covertly. Thank you for the comments. I will review the grammar issues you mentioned.

To be fair to the author it's easier to point out the things that don't work instead of giving credit for the good but I'll list a few. There is not the typical "trash" conflict with the MCs family seems more of indifference instead of the relationship you usually see, no grapy antagonist, MC does things to demonstrate his smarts and resourcefulness instead of people just saying how smart he is, the gold finger in not a hand wave to get out of every situation, and overall the plot progress is pretty fast.

Debasish_padhi:Well, that was the motive behind it. The MC I designed wasn't supposed to fall into every single plot around him. It isn't your typical eastern fantasy novel where the MC suffers from bad luck all the time but at the end of the day a miracle happens out of nowhere and that curse gets converted into a boon. It's better to have an MC who is an insidious character by himself. He plans way ahead and is able to manipulate the situation to his benefit. Well about the poison cliche, the general plot depends too much on the enemy's behavior and hence is predictable, while poison is something which can be utilized covertly. Thank you for the comments. I will review the grammar issues you mentioned.