
Review Detail of House in One Last Merchant



First of all the chapters are way to short. They are like 400 words and that's just unacceptable in my book. You get into the chapters and boom its over not even a scroll. The chap takes like 1 minute to read. I don't know about u but this seriously annoys me because its hard to get into the "mood" / "setting". Secondly the flow of the story is so slow. Its been like 120 chapters and noting happened. He killed a few monsters and that's it. His personality is all over the place. Says he won't save them because it won't give him any benefits saves them anyway. Half helps them then leaves them hanging. Ether you save them or you don't don't do it halfway because then its just a ****ing waste of time. Has this way to let people become his employees "aka workers or slaves" so they can't tell anyone his secrets. Doesn't use it for like 100+ chapters. He isn't using his abilities to the "fullest" and that's so illogical. Like says hes priority is to save his mom. Doesn't do it for 100+ chapters because reasons & he likes to waste time for no reason. Has a shit ton of mono log for no FUCKING REASON LIKE EVERY CHAPTER. Fucked up the slow ass flow even more. Rough flow of what happened till chap 120ish, Comes back from the future & know that the "apocalypse" will happen Saves his friend & some other peeps and puts them on hold (now we are at like chap 10-15) Now he leaves them to save is mom i think that was the reason. Kills a few monsters (takes like 1-2 cha**) Runs in to this girl who has a big role in the future. Follows her for some reason. Fights a bit more (1-2-3) chaps Sells some items to system Finds base where it its assumed his mother is. Goes inside with the click from the girl (army) This is all that happened in 120 chapters. You might say WOW that's allot. But let me tell you something its not like more then half the chapters until now are like shitty mono-log inside MC head or some other useless chitchat we don't ****ing need but takes up words that are already in short demand in his chapters. Like I seriously don't know how to convay my disappointment in this story. If Master of time is a 5 this is a 2 at most. Might be one of his worst books I have read of this author. Also lets talk about the tags. Its been like 120 chaps so we should have a feeling for the tags until now. #R-18 -> No, Where he has not even looked at a girl except his old gf in the first few chapters #System -> Sure but its a system where everyone can see his system prompt. (Well we the readers can't see it because author doesn't even show it) #Harem -> Nope, MC hasn't even show intention towards anyone let alone more then one. (So if your here looking for R18 & harem, your shit out of luck just like me) #Overpowered MC -> Well hard to say author keeps saying he is overpowered and all but in reality we haven't seen MC use his powers really. Also he puts all his stat-points in Charisma (weird right) So will he be as weak as a normal human for the rest of the novel? Who knows lets find out later I guess because all he did was kill some monsters with a gun. So I don't know if you call this overpowered. I don't even know how author is going to pull of saying that MC is super overpowered and all when all he has are normal human stats. Sure he can craft guns & magic but soon everyone will be able to do that so what abut MC. How will he handle someone who is like 50 x his speed how will author pull of saying he will be able to "kill" the guy when he will be so fast. So we don't really know yet. The only overpowered thing might be his knowledge & his skills that are still LOCKED. # Merchant MC -> Sure he is a merchant. #Survival -> words seems a bit stale for now. But lets find out later I guess. #Historical -> don't really know what to make of this tag. #Ruthless MC -> kinda but then again he did save all those people for no fucking reason. #Opportunistic MC -> Sure he won't leave the chance to make some money. #Villainous MC -> 50/50 We still need to see he is not really villainous for now. So all in all its not bad I'm just disappointed in the author. Writing Quality ⭐⭐⭐ its ok. Stability of Updates⭐⭐ Looked fast in the beginning but it looks like it slowed down allot. He updates like 400 words like every two days. That's the same as like one normal chapter a week that's so slow. Story Development⭐⭐ Meh noting really happened until now Character Design⭐⭐ Noting special. (would like a more decisive MC) World Background ⭐⭐ ⭐ Normal. So all in all its really noting special. Ill keep updating this review in the comments.

One Last Merchant


ถูกใจ 9 คน






Yes, I read this author for quite a lot and that's most disappointing work. There is actually 2 chapters after 170+ when he in another world **** some unknown maid, but who cares? Author sure is not, because scene was like r-15 and not very explicit. He does bump all point in charisma, because in future he would have skill that should give other stats based in charisma... But that's really doesn't seem to be op. And yes, he can't right now. And that's the whole novel, especially when author introduced a lot of op guys, like girl-luck, that's apparently so op , that's she doesn't need to do anything. World itself do everything for her...and mc could sell things. And buy them out again from the store. It's just so... Underwhelming. The only thing that I could say: my disappointment is immeasurable.



Understandable, I think he’s made the same mistake in his previous book as well ‘Master of Time’ he says that he’ll get more powerful through magic, then 100 chapters nothing has changed (No power-up, no plot progression).


To bad he dropped both novels :'(

Notright:Understandable, I think he’s made the same mistake in his previous book as well ‘Master of Time’ he says that he’ll get more powerful through magic, then 100 chapters nothing has changed (No power-up, no plot progression).

To the author: