
Review Detail of king_of_Demons in Monster Integration



ok what the fuck , it's just a Pokemon in novel version accept few thing that take it apart from there but those are even worse of than Pokemon idea .like i stopped reading it when he says about tournament bcz that's just Pokemon c'mon i wanted to see something new but it's a ripoff so I stopped after that .The only reason i have given 4.2 rating bcz obviously I haven't read enough to judge a novel of this size. The only thing that got your ratings off is writing quality . It's really bad , can't read more even if i have tiny bit curiosity left . it's not that bad bcz I have read worse but it's Still no good if you want a readers attention and don't have something in your novel that they will like and if writing is also bad then can't say you will have a lot of luck gathering readers for any unique idea that you have made and make them want to see how it progresses . ok enough ranting here bye ...............(author plz take the advice and fix this you will have more readers).

Monster Integration


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