
Review Detail of Crow_OF_Judgement in Monster Hunting System



Not good. The only thing I can say is it's really bad. My mind is in shambles just reading this. Wow. Such a horrible starting and the way mc acts doesn't match his background at all. M8 my only advice is if you can't match the character's backstory with the way he acts you better change his background and make it a little light-hearted since he acts like a person who was reincarnated into another world because he got hit by a car. Amateur mistakes.

Monster Hunting System


ถูกใจ 2 คน




Your rating is what keeps me motivated! Thank you very much!


no. This is horrible. I don't know where you go the idea of his wife cheating but that was a horrible idea. The cheating part was dark but the story after that was seemingly more light-hearted. I think you took your chances in creating that starting and it came out horrible. If you could tweak the starting a little bit and make it light-hearted it would match with the theme of the story.

Blackvision:Your rating is what keeps me motivated! Thank you very much!

Your rating is what keeps me motivated! Thank you!

Crow_OF_Judgement:no. This is horrible. I don't know where you go the idea of his wife cheating but that was a horrible idea. The cheating part was dark but the story after that was seemingly more light-hearted. I think you took your chances in creating that starting and it came out horrible. If you could tweak the starting a little bit and make it light-hearted it would match with the theme of the story.

Crow, since you seem like a sincere person in his reviews, could you give me one too when you have time? My novel is 'Beyond the Mask' Thank you.


I saw blatant bot, but not so much! Your assessment does not make the slightest sense, if you really read it, you would feel ashamed of your comment. What was the MC in your past life? Civil engineering student! What does the king ask for in his proclamation in chapter 9? Read it and you will understand. Bot ... hahaha ...


M8. When you see the cheating part it already sets up a dark theme in the story. Apparently, the cheating part happens all the time. I haven't read till chapter nine, (only till chapter 5) Everyone here can become a lvl 4 reader like you m8 if they have enough time. I am not a bot. But why even explain this? The starting really puts a reader off and after awakening in another world, he seemingly starts trusting other people. Hats of too you. I am a bot and you don't need to reply to my comment. At least try to understand what I mean, well we are in webnovel, who cares if your review has some major points when you gave them 1 star? You are now a hater as long as you give 1 star. I ain't a bot mate let me say it again.

SinisterSmile:I saw blatant bot, but not so much! Your assessment does not make the slightest sense, if you really read it, you would feel ashamed of your comment. What was the MC in your past life? Civil engineering student! What does the king ask for in his proclamation in chapter 9? Read it and you will understand. Bot ... hahaha ...