
Review Detail of AsuraMonarch in Travelling My Favorite Worlds!



Indeed wish fulfilment yet again. Writing quality - 3 Speed reader and i don't give a ****. Stability of Updates - 4 When you don't need to think about plot carefully as well as character interactions it is easy to go ham. Story Development - 2 Trash. Flame me if you want and i read most of the story. But it is trash IMO. Several reasons. Interactions are one sided. No character descriptions over things like clothes and if ever it is very rarely done IE date with tsunade. another is the 7 year gap. MC literally waster 7 years doing nothing. Not physical training or anything. It's like he was planning to become a disciple of the hokage. I mean he could exercise and let the clones increase chakra reserves. regeneration doesn't seem to deal with fatigue so let the condensation of chakra a breather period for him. Character Design - 1 Stupid as **** ***** MC. who dates a girl thats cheated on him for 50 times in the last year? and only now does he breaks out of it. I mean i can see why he didn't open the packs instantly cause he's a dumbass. No character descriptions were given if anything Danzo was the most you've done. Development rushed and forced. Orochimaru did sick fucking experiments did you expect him to change within just one talking? Tsunade fairly good but after that one quest she doesn't really see much development. Sarutobi was just there acting as a non important character. Oh yeah did i mention how much of a fucking inept retarded handicapped ***** the mc is? fucking chuuni mofo got captured due to stupidity. I know each year our generation gets more and more retarded but really?... World background - 1 Zero. 0 None Void doesn't exist. Trash. Harsh review time over. Yeah wish fulfilment and all but did you have to make the MC so fucking retarded and bitchy? happy go lucky mofo using his regeneration as a crutch didn't even give a reason for the fucking BS chakra ammounts. given reason too fucking bs. just cause he's from another universe he can access two sage modes? i know system is the actual reason but i really fuxking hate dumbass happy go lucky Mc's

Travelling My Favorite Worlds!


ถูกใจ 3 คน

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