
Review Detail of Lazzyname in I died, but came back ... as a wolf



I’m sorry that I can’t give this one a better review, if certain things improve in the future then I may update it. But here’s what I’ve got: Good things: honestly the premise of the story is the biggest bonus and it’s the thing that has me continuing on despite the flaws. I greatly enjoy having a strong female lead and love the video-game like leveling system. Another pro is that around 60 chapters in it still isn’t a stereotypical romance novel. Could use improvement: the biggest flaw in this novel is honestly the writing quality. It’s pretty clear that the author is a novice writer with a plethora of poor sentence structures, lack of quality editing, and some issues in maintaining believable dialogue. The second biggest flaw is that the main characters seems to loose their strength when they group together. When the FL was alone she showed strength and the ability to reason, but when she joins others her personality becomes solely a traumatized woman who doesn’t want to open up to the world. When she does have a breakthrough it happens so suddenly that it doesn’t represent a realistic growth. I would recommend that the author trust themself more about how the characters would act. Even if the readers don’t like a particular character and you need them to leave they should do so without going against the pre-conceived personality and party dynamics. Basically this story has some potential but needs help in the writing quality and the character development. If those two things happen I could see this becoming a great novel because the premise really is quite good. So I hope that in the future I can update this review and give it more stars.

I died, but came back ... as a wolf


ถูกใจ 1 คน

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