
Review Detail of pipMcDohl in World Domination System



In a typical Chinese cultivation light novel, the main character start from the lowest strength only to rise above all. For this miraculous outcome the MC has the help of something that is a complete cheat for cultivating. The MC along the way encounter bad guys, selfish idiots who think they are better than the rest and attack and try to humiliate other just because why not. Trashes. The MC will punish those selfish idiots by attacking and trying to humiliate them because he think he is better than them and because he have the excuses that they were the one who started it. The MC is a freaking psychopath that can murder those who offend him just like that. The other characters that exist are the good guys, that are meant to witness the power of the MC and give him opportunity to get violent with the excuse of protecting the weak against the bad guys. side characters, good or bad, don't need deep personality the just need to trigger the events and thus are shallow. The women are especially shallow thanks to sexist culture. They are just their to fall in love and be sexual trophy. The plots are usually rushed and full of holes. So where is World Domination System among the mass of Chinese cultivation novels? Woman: So far almost no girls in sight. no sexism aside from the fact that all the key spots are hold by men. The MC is not a murderous psychopath. But only because he think he is not powerful enough yet to kill those who offend him. so psychopath is yes. are the side characters only divided with good one and bad one just for the sake of having the MC get violent? Yes, the bad guys will get offended over nothing and the good one are way to kind to be realistic. It's all white or all black. The characters are very shallow. The story don't really care about character building to the point that the one and only friend of the MC is a character that we don't see interacting with the MC. He is just mentionned here and there, and of course he will get bullied by bad guys. So his job is to be a token that trigger the MC's revenge. He don't need to talk or think. the story is only focus on the growth of the MC and him kicking asses. Finally the cultivation cheat Yep it's there of course. it will allow the MC to get strong in everything. strong body, magician, magic craftsman, etc... The originality is his cheat pushing the MC toward world conquest. it should be something that bring an abnormally high deepness to the intrigue and plots. But no as expected of a typical Chinese cultivation random story, this become disappointing as well. Let me spoil the first financial success of the MC as an example: to cultivate energy is required, bloc of ether can release useful energy and thus are pricey. Alas mosquitoes are eating the blocs of ether. In order to protect the warehouse from mosquitoes, the usual method is... to erect expensive magical barriers that only last a few month then must be replaced. The MC find a way to bait and trap mosquitoes, protecting the warehouse at a cheaper cost and thus making tons of money. Flaw one: why stopping simple mosquitoes with expansive military grade magical barrier when you can just build air-proof warehouse and store the bloc of ether in pouches airtight shut? it's just normal weak mosquitoes... it's like killing flies with a rocket launcher. Flaw two: the MC doesn't test his invention over the two month it is supposed to be effective. The effectiveness of his traps might decrease over time for unknown reasons and it can all backfire in his face. Flaw three: the MC sell his product at a given price and receive the entire sum of money as benefit... what about the price for opening his store, what about paying salaries to the manager, etc.. The kingdom is supposed to have heavy taxes policy that cause turmoil and anger among the citizens, yet the MC don't pay any taxes? The plots are rushed and only what allow the MC to be a righteous violent psychopath is relevant for the author. So yeah... Overall another typical cheap cultivation story here that just copy past all the cliché except for sexy women as trophies.

World Domination System


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Good reply, I also thought this was a good novel, but typical Chinese trash, that's reading makes you fall asleep.


Hmm thank you for the input. Not the author or whatever but I do have to thank you for such a long and detailed review. There are not that many people like you on here, kind of sucks in all honesty.


I appreciate your detailed review indeed the flaw of this novel many but my biggest issues i had with it was the reasoning behind every plot author made.


I'm here always looking the lowest rated review and you did not disappoint. I was surprised that this novel became 4.7 when it was never that good before. Typical Chinese trash. Thank you for making sure that there is a negative review for this garbage. I almost tried adding this to my library.


I'm here always looking the lowest rated review and you did not disappoint. I was surprised that this novel became 4.7 when it was never that good before. Typical Chinese trash. Thank you for making sure that there is a negative review for this garbage. I almost tried adding this to my library.


Thank you for your review.


Thank you for your review.


that one big pile of assuming there, nearly half of what you saying is either wrong or haven't read enough chapter some part like the mosquitoes trap thing are somewhat have a point though, but then you just disregard for the rest there are just assume it, and no, this aren't typical mc who just murder anyone who just 'offende' him, and no, this isn't typical woman in other xianxia novel if you guy want more clear answer, just check on the author discord for answer, you can ask other reader and athor there, and don't worry about so much bias, the author do willing do say the bad part of his novel, and fine if the reader feel like don't want to read his novel if it the legit reason there, you can check this discord link https://discord.gg/vRTpV7B


Beside this is just his second book, so he didn't have writing experience in the early novel, but All of the flaws that you have stated are already corrected and is continually being improved on by KHB. Very few characters have been neglected (I mean, stories would always have them, but those with great impact are still in). The story's like a puzzle in itself where earlier chapters would make more sense once you get to the mid-latest chaps! (if you notice my reply is a bit similar to my other comment in other review, then sorry, since I don't have much time to write from the start, beside most of the point is already show in my previous comment so I just copy it, of course make sure it stay relevent to your question)


i agree that i might have read not enough to see the novel getting better. But with this kind of thinking you can watch a bad movie until the end, hoping that the film will get better at some point only to be disappointed and feel like an idiot who wasted its time. does the story get better later? there is quite a lot of free to read chapters, i have to commend the author for it. we have plenty of time to get the feeling for how good this novel is. usually if after 30 chapters i have enough clear clues that the story is another cheap one, at this point i drop it. For this story i kept reading past chapter 60 and a bit more because i wanted to see if the conqueror stuff would bring something to save the novel, i was greatly disappointed and it was enough to pass judgement.

ArashiTenebris:Beside this is just his second book, so he didn't have writing experience in the early novel, but All of the flaws that you have stated are already corrected and is continually being improved on by KHB. Very few characters have been neglected (I mean, stories would always have them, but those with great impact are still in). The story's like a puzzle in itself where earlier chapters would make more sense once you get to the mid-latest chaps! (if you notice my reply is a bit similar to my other comment in other review, then sorry, since I don't have much time to write from the start, beside most of the point is already show in my previous comment so I just copy it, of course make sure it stay relevent to your question)

guess this novel need to read more further in order to see the good part then (which I can think one of the weakest part of this novel, but after you pass it, it do get better) if you still not sure when it become good, then I think you should just ask the author and other reader on the author discord server, since I don't have great memory to point out the exact part where it begin to good (aside from the elf arc where you see the mc outsmart the elf queen, which she is pretty damn clever there, that start at 167 to 176~181 there) https://discord.gg/vRTpV7B that all I can help now, it fine if you still don't want though

pipMcDohl:i agree that i might have read not enough to see the novel getting better. But with this kind of thinking you can watch a bad movie until the end, hoping that the film will get better at some point only to be disappointed and feel like an idiot who wasted its time. does the story get better later? there is quite a lot of free to read chapters, i have to commend the author for it. we have plenty of time to get the feeling for how good this novel is. usually if after 30 chapters i have enough clear clues that the story is another cheap one, at this point i drop it. For this story i kept reading past chapter 60 and a bit more because i wanted to see if the conqueror stuff would bring something to save the novel, i was greatly disappointed and it was enough to pass judgement.

oh, almost forgot to tell you this detail, have you read to the part where a certain prince who was 'arrogant' type at first, but actually become redemptional and honorable later ? (I think it near the end of volume 2), so I think that can be one part you can check to consider if it become better ? (aside from the elf arc, which a bit more later though, and also better in other part, too)

pipMcDohl:i agree that i might have read not enough to see the novel getting better. But with this kind of thinking you can watch a bad movie until the end, hoping that the film will get better at some point only to be disappointed and feel like an idiot who wasted its time. does the story get better later? there is quite a lot of free to read chapters, i have to commend the author for it. we have plenty of time to get the feeling for how good this novel is. usually if after 30 chapters i have enough clear clues that the story is another cheap one, at this point i drop it. For this story i kept reading past chapter 60 and a bit more because i wanted to see if the conqueror stuff would bring something to save the novel, i was greatly disappointed and it was enough to pass judgement.

I understand your views on the MC's mindset, sexism and 'flawed' plots. However I have read many Chinese cultivation novels and World Domination System is the best among them all. What you have perceived as 'rushed' plots are perfectly calculated with margins of uncertainty and failure to highlight that the MC is not inappropriately OP but rather very smart and adaptable. The author (@Killerhemboy) has done this so well that we don't actually see that the MC as a literary construct but a person who's suffering and victories we are being trusted to behold. Addressing the matter of 'sexism', of the characters with the most potential, three are female (Eloise, Xian and Cassandra along with the empire spirit - Erin). Furthermore, could it not be argued that the way the author slowly introduces more and more females empowered by the MC like Helena and Dalia (business owners) ,who prior to the MC couldn't afford to eat everyday, may be reflecting that the MC is cleansing the idea from Angaria? If at all it existed in the first place. Oh, notice there's no mention of yuan qi or other 'cliché' from Chinese cultivation novels. So I conclude, that you're chatting ****. Even if you don't like it, you are being wayyy too harsh in your judgement of the quality of the novel. Reading this novel makes me happy and the ratings and reviews suggest it pleases a lot of other people too. It's f£&€ing quality. But of course, this is only my opinion and you have the right to yours. Although, I hope you can give World Domination System a second chance.


sure, i might have placed my expectations too high. but how do you explain that the MC leave a treasure map unchecked for so many time? The more the MC wait the more the likely it might get discovered by someone else. the treasure was even hidden in an inn of all the not-so-safe places to stay hidden for a week. and the treasure was nor discovered by someone else nor devoured by small animals, you know what i mean. i don't want to spoil too much but there are lot of time where events unfold the way that satisfy the need of the story instead of being a "perfectly calculated" plans going well. it's quite normal for a novel to have some blind spot and loophole, if you can read past those without flinching this novel is quite excellent, i admit. some would say that novel like "king of god" are excellent. they have good parts indeed and are even innovative in some aspects. to me this novel here is not garbage even if i give it a low score. 1.5 star is a high grade. the worst novels of the type are minus 3 or worst. and yeah i have stopped reading around chap 67 the novel was still in the introduction and i am thus a frog in a well. maybe it develop well later. i don't know.

Pariscrei:I understand your views on the MC's mindset, sexism and 'flawed' plots. However I have read many Chinese cultivation novels and World Domination System is the best among them all. What you have perceived as 'rushed' plots are perfectly calculated with margins of uncertainty and failure to highlight that the MC is not inappropriately OP but rather very smart and adaptable. The author (@Killerhemboy) has done this so well that we don't actually see that the MC as a literary construct but a person who's suffering and victories we are being trusted to behold. Addressing the matter of 'sexism', of the characters with the most potential, three are female (Eloise, Xian and Cassandra along with the empire spirit - Erin). Furthermore, could it not be argued that the way the author slowly introduces more and more females empowered by the MC like Helena and Dalia (business owners) ,who prior to the MC couldn't afford to eat everyday, may be reflecting that the MC is cleansing the idea from Angaria? If at all it existed in the first place. Oh, notice there's no mention of yuan qi or other 'cliché' from Chinese cultivation novels. So I conclude, that you're chatting ****. Even if you don't like it, you are being wayyy too harsh in your judgement of the quality of the novel. Reading this novel makes me happy and the ratings and reviews suggest it pleases a lot of other people too. It's f£&€ing quality. But of course, this is only my opinion and you have the right to yours. Although, I hope you can give World Domination System a second chance.

Whatever. I don't think even you understand what you're saying. No novel is perfect, all criticism is subjective. Enjoy Webnovel.

pipMcDohl:sure, i might have placed my expectations too high. but how do you explain that the MC leave a treasure map unchecked for so many time? The more the MC wait the more the likely it might get discovered by someone else. the treasure was even hidden in an inn of all the not-so-safe places to stay hidden for a week. and the treasure was nor discovered by someone else nor devoured by small animals, you know what i mean. i don't want to spoil too much but there are lot of time where events unfold the way that satisfy the need of the story instead of being a "perfectly calculated" plans going well. it's quite normal for a novel to have some blind spot and loophole, if you can read past those without flinching this novel is quite excellent, i admit. some would say that novel like "king of god" are excellent. they have good parts indeed and are even innovative in some aspects. to me this novel here is not garbage even if i give it a low score. 1.5 star is a high grade. the worst novels of the type are minus 3 or worst. and yeah i have stopped reading around chap 67 the novel was still in the introduction and i am thus a frog in a well. maybe it develop well later. i don't know.

Lol, do you understand that most people read Chinese web-novels to see: 1. Mc who isn't pussy like those in western/Japanese novels and instead ruthless enough to kill his enemies how it should be in the cruel world he lives. 2. Mc who is cool enough to make many cute girls to fall in love with him even if they are above him in status. etc It is like reviewing the RPG and talk **** about the structure of a whole genre. "This rpg is **** because you need to kill innocent mobs to become stronger, NPCs exist only to give you the quests!".


i don't see what is your point... yeah, there are things in RPG that make no sense. same in some light novels. i don't say that those light novels are bad. i already enjoyed reading some. There is still a limit to how much unrealistic things can be put in a novel before it become seriously inconsistent. i don't enjoy novels that make me facepalm every chapter. i'm not against cruel world as long as the world as a reason for people being like that. in bad light novel, the bad guys are assholes just because the script need them to be like that and nothing else really justify it. Same goes for the MC ruthlessness, there is a difference between a MC who know when to be ruthless and a MC who is a psychopath in this novel here, people's behavior are questionable. They do surprising things that can only be explain by a shallow writing. Some people will still enjoy the story a lot, some won't.

YourMaster:Lol, do you understand that most people read Chinese web-novels to see: 1. Mc who isn't pussy like those in western/Japanese novels and instead ruthless enough to kill his enemies how it should be in the cruel world he lives. 2. Mc who is cool enough to make many cute girls to fall in love with him even if they are above him in status. etc It is like reviewing the RPG and talk **** about the structure of a whole genre. "This rpg is **** because you need to kill innocent mobs to become stronger, NPCs exist only to give you the quests!".

It's not the best though. You haven't read enough novels.

Pariscrei:I understand your views on the MC's mindset, sexism and 'flawed' plots. However I have read many Chinese cultivation novels and World Domination System is the best among them all. What you have perceived as 'rushed' plots are perfectly calculated with margins of uncertainty and failure to highlight that the MC is not inappropriately OP but rather very smart and adaptable. The author (@Killerhemboy) has done this so well that we don't actually see that the MC as a literary construct but a person who's suffering and victories we are being trusted to behold. Addressing the matter of 'sexism', of the characters with the most potential, three are female (Eloise, Xian and Cassandra along with the empire spirit - Erin). Furthermore, could it not be argued that the way the author slowly introduces more and more females empowered by the MC like Helena and Dalia (business owners) ,who prior to the MC couldn't afford to eat everyday, may be reflecting that the MC is cleansing the idea from Angaria? If at all it existed in the first place. Oh, notice there's no mention of yuan qi or other 'cliché' from Chinese cultivation novels. So I conclude, that you're chatting ****. Even if you don't like it, you are being wayyy too harsh in your judgement of the quality of the novel. Reading this novel makes me happy and the ratings and reviews suggest it pleases a lot of other people too. It's f£&€ing quality. But of course, this is only my opinion and you have the right to yours. Although, I hope you can give World Domination System a second chance.

No matter how much you defend the novel, for me, it sucks. Haven't read enough chapter? Is that a thing regarding literary works? Are people supposed to continue reading even though they find the story unsatisfactory? Like breakfast, that is the first and most important meal of the day, the first volume or the early chapters is crucial and important to any novels that exist.

ArashiTenebris:that one big pile of assuming there, nearly half of what you saying is either wrong or haven't read enough chapter some part like the mosquitoes trap thing are somewhat have a point though, but then you just disregard for the rest there are just assume it, and no, this aren't typical mc who just murder anyone who just 'offende' him, and no, this isn't typical woman in other xianxia novel if you guy want more clear answer, just check on the author discord for answer, you can ask other reader and athor there, and don't worry about so much bias, the author do willing do say the bad part of his novel, and fine if the reader feel like don't want to read his novel if it the legit reason there, you can check this discord link https://discord.gg/vRTpV7B

well, suit yourself then, everyone have their own opinion, I just don't like those that make it seem like their opinion are absolute right and no other option there, btw have you read 'lord of the ring' or 'my house of horror' ? it pretty good there

Kritiko:No matter how much you defend the novel, for me, it sucks. Haven't read enough chapter? Is that a thing regarding literary works? Are people supposed to continue reading even though they find the story unsatisfactory? Like breakfast, that is the first and most important meal of the day, the first volume or the early chapters is crucial and important to any novels that exist.

My house of horror is in my library but haven't read it yet. The Lord of the ring? I'll search that. I'm currently full in reading materials right now and am trynna make critical reviews on upcoming new novels. Thanks for your recommendations bro. Try: *Throne of Magical Arcana *Is that a Wisp *Demon's Virtue

ArashiTenebris:well, suit yourself then, everyone have their own opinion, I just don't like those that make it seem like their opinion are absolute right and no other option there, btw have you read 'lord of the ring' or 'my house of horror' ? it pretty good there