
Review Detail of TheBookSage in I'm Sick of This World, Let's Move to Another!



I've only read until chapter 9 so this is by no means a full review and is subject to change. I've mainly put the review stars in the center to reflect that until more further details are fleshed out in the later chapters. Overall the writing isn't bad. I just wish the world description was fleshed out more. The only thing we know it that is a new world with barely any description of the place he is at or the land he is in. I feel like there isn't enough basic info. However that may change in the later chapters. The MC seems to be handling his random world jump pretty well. What of his family? Any basic past attachments? I feel he is a bit to nonchalant about it. Seems a bit emotionless even with his first encounters with the exception of when he meets women. If I had to rate on a scale of 1 to 10 I would give the start a 6/10. I have hopes though of this getting better. The writing is solid with little to no real editing issues. Overall just needs a bit more early world building and MC fleshing out before getting to far into the story. Can't build a house without a strong foundation.

I'm Sick of This World, Let's Move to Another!


Liked it!




Thank you for the kind words. I'm glad that you've left room for change in your review, and will be looking forward to your thoughts in the future! I'll be taking your advise to heart and will try to bring about changes that won't disappoint. Thank you.


Hi TheBookSage, Just wanted to quickly thank you for continuing to read my story and giving me so many **. I'm really grateful and humbled by you. Please let me know if you'd like a bonus chapter release at some stage. I'll gladly do it for you.


Of course! I will always support something that I find entertaining. You're doing a good job. Just stick with it. Once you have a solid buildup of chapters I am sure you will get more readers easily. I'm cheering for you!

MTLStory:Hi TheBookSage, Just wanted to quickly thank you for continuing to read my story and giving me so many **. I'm really grateful and humbled by you. Please let me know if you'd like a bonus chapter release at some stage. I'll gladly do it for you.