Immortal Bird
Alexander Ambrose Ravenwood, a young boy with a mysterious past and a thirst for knowledge, finds himself thrust into the magical world after receiving an unexpected letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Coming from a non-magical background, he is overwhelmed by the discovery of this new world filled with wonder and danger. With a mind keen for learning and a natural affinity for magic, Alexander embarks on a journey of discovery, forging new bonds, unlocking his potential, and navigating the complexities of his magical abilities. But as he delves deeper into the world of wizards and witches, Alexander quickly learns that survival isn’t just about learning spells and charms. In this new world, secrets lurk, alliances are fragile, and every choice he makes will shape his future. With his trusty wand and newly bonded raven, he will fight to survive, uncover his destiny, and face the challenges that await in the enchanted halls of Hogwarts.
Ryan_S_1577 · อื่นๆ