

2024-01-16 JoinedAustralia



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  • AverageJoe2
    AverageJoe27 months ago
    Replied to ShowmikBD


  • AverageJoe2
    AverageJoe27 months ago
    Replied to Im_LaZy_007

    No problem this was the whole point of my review to answer questions

  • AverageJoe2
    AverageJoe27 months ago
    Replied to Im_LaZy_007

    There will be more female characters in the story but they will have a part in the story but will not stay so you could say it is a harem in that direction but if you are asking the MC has multiple relationships no.

  • AverageJoe2
    AverageJoe27 months ago
    Replied to Im_LaZy_007


  • AverageJoe2
    AverageJoe27 months ago
    Replied to AverageJoe2

    Sorry about your comment I saw two but when I deleted one of them it deleted both

  • AverageJoe2
    AverageJoe27 months ago
    Replied to Im_LaZy_007

    It going to be a harem but end of with only one female so it can be considered both.

  • AverageJoe2
    AverageJoe27 months ago

    This feels like a shameless plug, but hey, I've poured my heart and soul into this web novel, and Web Novel isn't giving it the recognition it deserves. So, let me tell you what's special about it. Beyond the typical system novel, my main character is an iskied to this world, adding a layer of uniqueness. I've tried to make some unique powers that I hope will blow your mind. Now, let's get real. The strong points? It's gotta be the dialogue. I've spent a lot of time making those conversations pop. But, I'll be honest, my action and background scenes could use some work. So, here's where I'm asking for help. If you've got suggestions on how to amp up the action and make those backgrounds more vivid, hit me up. And yes, I gave myself five stars on world-building. Go ahead, fight me on it. (Just kidding, please don't actually fight me.) Alright, enough rambling. If you're into the things I've mentioned, give it a read. And for those who've already dived in, hit me with your questions. Let's make this a conversation.

  • AverageJoe2
    AverageJoe27 months ago
    Replied to Fkhri_Maulana

    Thanks for the support

  • AverageJoe2
    AverageJoe27 months ago
    Replied to BLovers777

    Sorry, if you want to know why check the next chapter

  • AverageJoe2
    AverageJoe27 months ago
    Replied to Fkhri_Maulana

    Sorry, if you want to know why check the next chapter