I like to develop characters/world step by step and explore deep topics, this is the essence of my stories.
The protagonist is genderless and all the gems too. This won't be yuri technically.
This is AU. Things happen different from the original preserving the characters. My story was very inspired by a japanese story eith the name of "Two as one princess", if you read it you will have some ideas of the yuri and how Tuesday will develop only future to say XD
The drama in this work is something very mysterious for me. I'm happy it worked for you.
Thank you for the review. It was the first fair 1 star review I received. No profanity, personal attacks or prejudice. Also is an honor see this had a good grammar, english wasn't my first language. I in fact need to study better narratives than just following my feelings as I doing here. I hope in the future I can create something truly good.
Thank you for the review. This is really a very slow-paced story. I recommend reading it for the interactions more than plot itself, I write it most time to relax after all. It's a shame it didn't work for you, but thank you for reserving your time to read and review it.
Her body is similar to a human
Got it. I'll do it.
Probably the notifications won't appear because I'll change directly half of the chapter. The readers also hate when I release a chapter of notice/news. If you check it next week you probably will see (remake) after the chapter.
Guys, I'll update the next chapter day 5
I really wanted XD but I've been so busy with my other story than had been hard focus on this one. I'll update only on day 5.