

2023-09-19 JoinedGlobal

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  • Punisher69
    Punisher69a year ago
    Replied to ben10rocks

    Literally read the title and the description. Are you blind or do you just like to read novels you know you won't enjoy?

  • Punisher69
    Punisher69a year ago

    As good as it gets for this type of novel. He is invincible and above everyone, as it should be if the title and description are what they are. Every single other novel with similar titles has pathetically weak MCs that NEVER live up to the novel's title until the last chapter. They take 1400 chapters to get strong, while regular people somehow keep up with them even though these MCs have cheats. There is none of that idiocy here. The MC is unashamedly stronger than everyone. His single purpose is to enjoy life however he pleases. There doesn't need to be something to grind for. Having said that, I agree that the author could have given him more interests/hobbies. Very cool, sit back and relax type of novel.

  • Punisher69
    Punisher69a year ago

    If the MC wasn't a toddler it would have been a 2/5. The story is bad, made even worse by the illogical age of the protagonist. Not a single aspect of this story makes sense in any capacity, nor is it fun to read about a prepubescent child doing what he is doing here. The author needs to be institutionalized.

  • Punisher69
    Punisher69a year ago

    The MC has some kind of humiliation fetish. This is pathetic, how does this have a 4.1? He is willingly used and abused, explained away by the "he's immortal so he doesn't care" card. Has society degraded so far that this is considered good or fun?