


👉🏻Writing Quality: ✖️✖️✖️✖️⭐️1-star : MTL ✖️✖️✖️⭐️⭐️2-star : Edited MTL with many naming errors ✖️✖️⭐️⭐️⭐️3-star : Good English ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️5-star : Simple and excellent writing style, straight away 5 stars 👉🏻Story Development : ✖️✖️✖️✖️⭐️1-star : Slow pace and boring ✖️✖️✖️⭐️⭐️2-star : Slow pace but interesting ✖️✖️⭐️⭐️⭐️3-star : Steady/fast pace, have a lot of filler but interesting story ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️5-star : Steady/fast pace, do not have filler and superb story 👉🏻Character Design: ❌️If MC was nerfed once, I deduce 1-star ❌️Nerf it twice, I deduce 1 more star ❌️Stupid/Merciful/Weak MC, I deduce 1-star ❌️Giving tree/Sharing all his treasure MC, I deduce 1-star ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️5-star : None of the above 👉🏻Updating Stability: ✖️✖️✖️✖️⭐️1-star : Abandoned or Hiatus ✖️✖️✖️⭐️⭐️2-star : Less than 7 chapters per week ✖️✖️⭐️⭐️⭐️3-star : Update once per day ✖️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️4-star : Twice per day ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️5-star : Add mass release sometimes or update more than 14 chapters per week 👉🏻World Background: 💠It is quite complex to evaluate this section because it is wide and hard to have any standards. Yes, it is quite vague. So, as long as the author gives useful details (in short summary) of the background of anything, it is 5-star. Put any filler story or put a large number of unsolved mystery, the story will become blunt, so I will give 3-star. ⛔️Noted: As you can see, I won't give 4-star on Writing Quality, Story Development and World Background. I only give 4-star on those sections if their novel is not reaching 5-star level, BUT the author attitude toward his reader is humble and polite kinda make me feel want to give extra point. Because "some" authors are simple-minded and arrogant where they remove all low rating reviews or pick a fight with his reader.. There are two times I straight away give the novel 5-star, not because I love the story, BUT I respect that author where his novel has received many criticisms, but he doesn't remove them. Plus, he even replies nicely to them.. I am very admired this type of mindset.. Simply amazing!! Moreover, I love to read low rating reviews because they will let us know what wrong with the story. Most "Webnovel bot" is just giving 5-star reviews without explaining anything about the novel or it is just copy-paste sentences.. And I like to give direct or straightforward reviews without mercy.. So, I apologize if someone feels offended by my word.. This is nothing personal, I guarantee you that.. It is all just my 2 cents..

2023-03-31 เข้าร่วมแล้วGlobal




  • Captain_Spoiler
    Captain_Spoiler25 days ago

    Is MC going to faint at the end of every fight??

  • Captain_Spoiler
    Captain_Spoilera month ago

    Honest reviews are here.. [Extreme Spoiler Alert] This is a story about an ordinary programmer who buys a game and installs the game that will change his life forever.. MC lives in the real world called Saturn.. MC created an avatar in the game, and as the avatar grows stronger in the game, it's also affecting his real body.. This game is actually an otherworld.. World is divided into 3 categories: small, medium, and large world.. There are countless small world, 618 medium world and 9 large world existent.. The number of medium and large world are permanently fixed.. That means, if one medium world becomes a large world, one large world will drop and become a medium world.. Saturn originally is a large world, but now, it has been downgraded into a small world.. The first awakener is awakened in 1980, but the news related to awakened has been hidden by the government to avoid mass panic.. But the government eventually stopped hiding it and officially announced it to the world as someone had developed serum that could give a high possibility to awakening the young teenager (14 - 18 year old).. With the help from a system, MC appeared as an awakener on the real world (Saturn), but he actually not awakened.. MC acted like he awakened when he actually got the power from the game world (otherworld).. The otherworld used beast bloodline systems to gain superpower.. While MC helps his girlfriend get a supreme bloodline (gf in the otherworld), the author makes sure that MC picks a weak bloodline to avoid MC being too OP.. The game function kinda like SYSTEM.. After the condition meets, the game can be updated, and one of the new functions is that it can recruit followers, slave and can inspect others' status.. Follower and slave give a perk like "sharing talent, super loyal, receiving 100% EXP from follower and 20% EXP from slave.." When you see sharing talent, don't misunderstand it.. It was MC who shared or gave his talent to his followers and slave.. MC doesn't get his followers or his slave talent.. He only gains EXP as the author hates to see MC gain too much.. Yes, it is quite anti-climatic as MC only gets stupid benefits.. MC grow can be considered as slow pace.. But started Ch350+, everything in fast pace.. You can say that it is a rush ending.. No huge boost or sudden burst in improvement before Ch.350.. MC might seem weak as his stats have quite a low number (lower than 50).. If you have read hundreds of comic/manga/manhwa/manhua or novels, stat points here will only bring disappointment. At the end of the story, MC is reaching max strength, which he has reached 80 in both physiques and spiritual.. Yes, 80 stat point is max.. And each level up, (everyone can level up) MC only gain a little of improvement.. And it will not increase until the end.. Once again, you can see the author doesn't want to make our MC too strong.. The author will make sure to limit our MC strength or keep it in the track occasionally.. Later, MC activated the master disciple system.. MC can listen to the inner thought of his disciple and upgrade their skill.. Once again, there are no benefits toward MC.. He basically gains nothing personally.. Then, MC finally awakened by consuming perfect awakening potion in the real world.. Before this, he relied on his avatar (on the game world) to grow stronger in both world.. Due to the system, MC is given a choice to pick one of any awakening superpower such as: ■Strength-type ■Elemental-type ■Transformation-type ■Spiritual-type ■Summoner-type ■Enabling-type.. And MC pick Transformation-type for his 1st awakened power.. For Tier-1 until Tier-6, MC can only transform one entity.. For Tier-7, he can transform up to 3 entities.. For Tier-8, he can transform up to 6 entities.. For Tier-9, he can transform up to 9 entities.. But as MC has a beast bloodline, he can transform into that beast, and that has not taken the slot of transformation.. The 1st transformation he chose is insect.. Then, 2nd transformation is blind deaf assassin shadow.. Yes, insect and blind deaf assasin shadow.. He got more slots of transformation, but the author didn't fully use it.. I am not sure how many times I have said this, but I had to, just to show how MANY times the author nerf our MC.. And until the end of the story, there were no 3rd transformation and so on.. Then, when MC consumed another 2 bottles of perfect awakening potion, he gave other choices to pick : ■Strength-type: 90% ■Elemental-type:Lightning:75%, Spatial:50%, Fire:27% ■Transformation-type: Second awakening has no enhancement effect!! ■Spiritual-type: 63% ■Summoner-type: 64% ■Enabling-type: 33% And MC pick the Strength-type instead of elemental space type.. What a waste of opportunity.. Strength-type is the weakest type.. Well, of course, the author picked the weakest one.. Is it not obvious? But it is still frustrating that he does not pick a powerful spatial ability.. From this, you can see that the author is trying not to make MC too OP.. The system is not giving MC huge benefits from the quest reward or killing monster.. And each update barely gives any benefit.. It is just reducing the EXP needed to level up and increase the upper limit of MC potential.. The talent rank is white, green, blue, gold, and purple.. You will get confused because of the author, not using the same rank as other.. You would see "purple talent evolve to blue talent" and "blue talent evolve to gold talent" and "gold talent evolve to purple talent," which is weird and confusing.. It circles around from purple to blue to gold and then back to purple again.. It is actually mistranslated.. Other than this, there are many "types" of ranking power, such as: 👉🏻For Divine Weapon: Cup-level, Pond-level, Lake-level, River-level, and Ocean-level.. 👉🏻For Insect Monster: Soldier-tier, Captain-tier, Lieutenant-tier, Commander-tier, King-tier, and Imperial-tier. 👉🏻For awakener: Tier 1, Tier 2 .... Tier 9, and Overlord realm.. 👉🏻For bloodline: Lvl 1, Lvl 2 .... Lvl 8, Lvl 9, and Supreme Realm.. 👉🏻For Trainee Mecha Master: White Mecha Master, Red Mecha Master, and Gold Mecha Master.. No including the name of the skill, the name of technique, the name of the beast, the name of talent, name of school, powerhouse and every of those guys, have categorised as world of bloodline, awakened and mecha.. It has become more and more complex because of too many types of rank and name.. It will make the story very confusing.. Later, the system gives an ultimate mission for MC to retreat his avatar game.. MC is going to emerge his real body and game avatar, causing him to no longer get level up from killing others (don't get EXP).. The system is not informing MC about it losing the right to gain EXP from killing, causing MC to feel dissatisfied.. Well, what you expect from the author who loves to nerf MC.. Don't forget the ridiculous math here.. MC tried to consume 500 billion tons to increase the size of his small world, and the maximum limit was 5 trillion, but the system said 500 billion tons have exceeded the limit.. What the fork.. Then, the 50 physiques is considered double the strength of 49 physiques?? The number is not consistent and hard to understand.. Then, MC made a new avatar, his 2nd avatar in other medium world (1st avatar already merged with real body).. His avatar is like a blank sheet.. No talent, no skill, got absolutely nothing.. He starts from lv.1.. And from the very beginning, MC almost died from EATING the food (choke the food).. I am 100% sure that the author hates his main character.. MC also activated the pet system, which works the same as the follower and slave function.. And as MC immerse in his new 2nd game world, the story starts to begin with the introduction of the world, the political power, the struggle, and so on.. Well, since everything got reset.. This will take like 50+ chapters (Ch 178- Ch231).. Yes, it is quite boring.. And this world is about Mecha.. I am not a fan of Mecha.. And the Mecha arc ends around Ch.406-407.. Ch409 is the last chapter, so you can see how rushed the ending is.. Ch350+ is where you start to feel that the author is rushing to end the novel.. But I appreciated the author who tried to end the novel instead of just abandoning it.. MC adventures are once again starting from the beginning as he is in a new world.. He also almost died from sneak attacks of level 1 monster, and he is happy.. Why? Because he feels that this 2nd game world has more "challenges" than 1st game world where he never faces something like this.. And he awakened his 1st talent, tenacity.. Yes, it is weak talent.. What do you expect from the author who loves to make MC weak.. Then he got a master (1st time he got a teacher) who is going to teach him butcher skills.. Later, his master picks his own grandson as 2nd disciple to inherit all his techniques and will spend all his time training his grandson.. As for MC, he has been ignored, and if he has a question, he just needs to videocall his master.. And MC is happy about it.. Once again, the author nerf the MC.. Why do you give MC a master and then make his master abandon him? Just to nerf him? It is better if MC doesn't has master at all.. [Note: Abandoned that I mean is his master did not train and taught other skill to MC anymore.. His master just supports MC mentally..] Then, everyone need to do their assessment test at 18 year old.. When MC tested, he got an S-grade evaluation score and got an offer by many academies.. The best academy gives an amazing offer, and MC joins the academy.. Later, the academy try their best to kick MC out of the academy for profit.. Even all academies higher up are corrupted and use dirty schemes.. Once again, you were like "why is the author keep doing this?" First, the author gives MC something like master and abandoned MC.. Then, make him join academy, later the academy try their best to kick him out.. What kind of grudge does the author have with MC?? This 2nd game world is very, very complicated.. The explanation and the flow of the story are jumbling all over.. The politicians in this world are highly sophisticated and complex.. I read carefully, but it's still hard to understand.. I'm not sure if the author or the translator fault here.. There are many problems with this novel, and I can only list these as these are the only ones I remember now.. If you are OK with all these, you can continue to read it.. But don't regret it later, ESPECIALLY if you are an OP fan.. Even I quite shocked myself that I read it until the end of this book.. I regret I wasting my time on this novel..

  • Captain_Spoiler
    Captain_Spoilera month ago

    Honest reviews are here.. [Spoiler Alert] This is a story about MC who abandoned by his parent on Earth, got transmigrated into a magical world where beast, mana and dungeon existence.. As the title described, MC got to choose what skills he would get.. One basic skill, one Mystic skill and one Ultimate skill.. When you read the list of the basic skills, it is good, and MC does pick a good skill (Appraisal).. When you read the list of mystic skills, it is amazing, and it is understandable that MC picks that skills (Skill Absorption).. Then, when you read the list of Ultimate skills, it soo overwhelmed, and he picked that skill (Universal Synthesis), I was like, "Seriously?" But, well, I keep reading as I thought the author might have a brilliant idea.. Plus, after a few moments, I realised that maybe MC wanted to manage and combine all skills that MC absorbed from the others.. But after a few chapters, MC just keeps synthesis weapons (only), and MC only finds out he can synthesize skills later on.. Then, I was like, "Is MC pick this synthesis so he can get better weapon with less money?" Wow, that is soo dumb.. MC is also a 30 years old man on Earth and transmigrated into a 18 years old body who he has no idea who this person is (except for that original body real name).. In this world, everyone awakened at 10 years old and has a leveling system.. As 18 years old man, MC is at lv0, which is at the same level as 10 years old boy who just awakened.. Everyone starts leveling from a young age, which makes MC the only person who 18 years old man who never levels up.. This makes MC the weakest person within his peers.. He falls far behind his peers (8 whole years).. As 30 years old person in previous life, he should have a certain experience to NEVER trust anyone ESPECIALLY stranger and here he is, in the pinch because he thought the robber will leave him alone if he just give them his one and only weapon.. On earth, MC also works as author. He should realise how the magical world works.. It is the world where strength is everything.. From strength, he can become influence, respect, and gain power.. And he got none of those.. For author info, many criticisms about MC being dumb are because you put the "Genius" tag.. This novel should put the "Weak to Strong" tag instead of "Overpowered".. So, some of your readers are fans of Overpowered and genius MC.. That is why we are frustrated when you are not giving us what ur promising us.. But if you put "Weak to Strong" tag and remove "Overpowered + Genius" tag, the readers who loves weak to strong MC and character growth are the one who come here and read your novel.. I'm sure they will love it and give good reviews.. Imagine like, you book a hall in the mall top floor and you want sell the all thing related to DC comics, then you advertise on Internet.. But the problem is, your advertisement put a MARVEL heroes like Iron-man, Captain America, Thor, and so on.. So, many "Marvel" fans come to your hall and only found DC comic.. What do you expect they will react? Some people don't mind it as they love both comics.. And some people are not but they didn't complain about it.. But there are still certain people mad as it kinda seems like you trick us, right?? You can take it down the advertisement on the first few complained but you didn't (which kinda seems like on purpose).. Instead, you leave it be and more and more people fall for this trick.. I'm sure you will think like, "Why many complained? I'm still new in these things.. There is nothing I can do about it.." So, I think it is better if you remove the tag that is not suitable with your novel.. This way, you have a good excuse if others complain about stupid MC by saying, "I never said MC is Genius.. Plus, I want to make my main character growth.." BTW, I'm an OP fan.. This novel MC doesn't seem like OP at all.. So, I wish the author good luck.. This is a good novel, but you are targeting the wrong audience..

  • Captain_Spoiler
    Captain_Spoilera month ago
    ตอบกลับถึง pb_jelly

    I skipped all the adult scenes.. So I don't know what happened.. I feel awkward reading the adult scene in the novel.. I always skip them in any novel.. That is why I appreciate it if any author put a warning in the title so I can skip them..

  • Captain_Spoiler
    Captain_Spoilera month ago

    Honest reviews are here.. [Extreme Spoiler Alert] This novel is about MC, who is reincarnated into a world of Eos where monsters, beast, and abilities are existence.. The MC got the power as displayed in the title and synopsis, which is Supreme Beast Taming Class.. But this class is very dangerous because the previous owner of this class has become soo powerful to the point that every God gang up trying to kill the previous owner and after the God successfully killed him, they even decide to wipe out all trace of this class.. So, the moment he gains this class, he will have very powerful enemies who will always try to eliminate him too.. To gain a class, everyone in the world need to awaken at the Shrine at the age of 5 years old and ask God to bestow them a class of those God.. If none of those God don't bestow them any classes, those individuals will become classless.. Plus, the shrines of those God are placed in different places.. So, people will try to go to one shrine to another to gain classes from the God.. Each person can only awaken one class.. And to avoid misunderstanding, the talent that shown in the synopsis and title is MC dual talents [Mimicry AND 10x upgrade skill] BUT the skills wrote in synopsis [Gravity Manipulation] is not his 1st copy skills.. That is just the example to show the reader how MC talents work.. The previous owner of the class Supreme Beast Tamer doesn't have this dual talent, which is kinda make MC might become more dangerous than that guy.. If those God knows about it, I can only imagine MC life will be full of misfortune dealing with the scheme of those god.. Because above those God, there a character called All-father where He control the law and forbidden the God to interference in lower world BUT he also the one who make an exception for the God to collaborate and killed the previous owner of Supreme Beast Tamer who still a human.. MC not only need to worry about those God, but also someone who above them too.. It's pretty obvious that All-father will not stand on the MC side (based on previous owner history).. Good news, those God are busy dealing with MC father (Bad news, his father can't help MC family situation). That is not included in the plot by human greediness and envy towards him and his family (politic).. Well, this novel just has 64 chapters (for non-privilege) and is still in the introductory stage.. And right now, MC just needs to deal with human politics.. MC family is just a Baron while some others greedy noble has higher status like a Duke who has close relationship with the Royal family.. The only reason why I keep reading is because I like both of the MC talents.. But I can't help but keep thinking if I should stop reading this novel or not.. Why? Well, first of all, the characteristics of the MC keep changing.. It is NOT consistent at all.. For example, in the beginning, MC acts fearless and majesty in front of God of Beast Tamer and her alliance (maybe because of MC thought he was still in a dream).. Then, next moment, he starts to gain consciousness during the process of coming out from his mother womb.. And he didn't act like a baby, which understandable because he is 16 years old teenager who got reincarnated.. Later, I feel like as if the author forgot that MC is a reincarnator.. Because as MC grew, he started to act like that age.. For example, after 5 years of timeskip, MC really acts like 5 years old boy.. MC scare of his cat, MC scare with his twin sister (5 years old), he also become coward when seeing monster and started to cry after being scolded by his grandfather.. Right now, MC characteristics are not smart people, not genius or talented in anything, naive little boy, and a coward who scare of many thing. Plus, with caring and forgivable personality, it kinda seems this auhhor going to led MC to become a character who acts righteous later on.. MC is soo emotional kid that didn't seem like a Reincarnator at all.. My guess is that the author wants to show MC character grow from naive emo kid into a merciless man(?) which I know I can't blame author because "some readers" want the character to grow instead of letting MC become genius, cunning, calculative, and talented right away.. I am obviously looking for novels that have the latter part.. But this novel has long passed that stage and is not going in that direction.. Secondly, MC, who Lv1 awakener killed a Lv7 demon beast and that only gives him 70% EXP.. Not even one level increases after killing the beast, who much MUCH higher level than him.. Imagine when MC is in a higher level.. I'm not sure how much beast and monster he needs to kill to just increase one level.. Don't forget MC is a Beast Tamer, and he will need to grow his pets too.. This levelling process is going to be a loooong gruelling one for the readers.. Thirdly, the storyline or plot of this novel.. As you read the synopsis, every time MC levels up, he will gain +1 slot to Mimicry any skills and upgrade it 10x.. It is getting worse when MC has a choice, either to get the skills himself or give to his pets.. The author made MC give his 2nd skills to his pets.. MC just lv2, and he need to get strong as soon as possible because his future enemies are too overpowered, and he didn't know when they were coming for him.. But instead of him getting power up himself, he gave that power to his beast (still a baby).. MC can't be considered as strong yet, and he already gave his power to others.. He even lost to a kid from other noble and had to beg that kid to let him and his twin sister go.. Not only that plot, there are other situations where MC has to go to the portal that led to other dimensions because the MC system gives him a quest to explore it.. MC, who just 5 years old kid and Lv2 awakener, meet the "enemy" who try to kill MC, and they are around Lv30.. I was stunned and wondering why the author made this type of plot.. Later, MC managed to escape and meet his grandfather during escape and told him about an assassinated attempt from the enemy.. As his grandfather try to kill that man, that man threatened because he has something like King Seal where basically, anyone who kill that man will be considered a Traitor..So, his grandfather has to let him go, the person who try to kill his grandchildren.. Of course, that man will report his boss about it.. And make it the situation worse and worse.. If you read this novel, you know that MC family is on their last legs.. His grandfather is too old, and he is the only foundation or the only backer of the MC family.. If he dies, the family are doom.. MC father has been chased by those God.. I don't understand why the author makes this type of situation.. Does the author try to make MC suffer in every way so he becomes motivated to grow stronger?? It is just the beginning of the story, and MC has already started to suffer a lot.. Another reason is there are not many world backgrounds.. It is like suddenly, there is a talking cat without any explanation about it.. Then, there is a private meeting with information that we don't understand.. Later, there was a mysterious guy who came out from Shrine that MC awakened his classes and talked about something like a river or a plan or location of some places that we don't understand without any explanation.. This reminds me of someone joke, he said he watched Game of Throne start at Season 3, and he said, "This Joffrey guys seem quite a good man, ya?" That is how I feel as I reading this novels where there are too many mystery in the beginning of the story which making it like I the one who skip the story and not the author who skip the explanation.. (Incase someone didn't understand Game of Throne term, that Joffrey is one of the most hated and evil characters in the story and the guy who just start to watch that show in Season 3 thought he is kind man..) So, if you are impatient (like me), you might get annoying by how lackluster the world background is.. As I said before, I read it because I like the MC OP dual talents.. But I give up and stop reading as the more I read, the more frustration the MC situation is.. I want an enjoyable and satisfying scene where MC will end with victory and happy ending on EVERY arc, but I never see that yet.. Even he win, it is like a win with bare minimum (a win that doesn't seem like a win).. I'm looking for an excitement and satisfying win, but maybe not from this novel.. Well, it is understandable as everyone has different preferences.. This obviously is not my cup of tea and not for me.. But I'm sure others might love this type of story.. So, good luck to the author..

  • Captain_Spoiler
    Captain_Spoilera month ago

    Honest reviews are here.. [Spoiler Alert] Firstly, I will explain the title, "Solo Leveling: I Am The Only Supreme With the Cheating System" in case some people got misled by it.. The title has "Solo Leveling" but it is NOT related to the novel or comic called "Solo Leveling", which is led by Sung Jin woo, the Shadow Monarch.. The word "Supreme" in the title is MC in-game name.. And "Cheating System" is the system function.. This cheating system isn't as OP you would imagine.. Have you ever played cheat in the game in real life? It kinda same.. You can cheat by boosting a little speed, a little strength, the location of other players or items, and so on.. So, MC DOESN'T have anything like cheat bloodline, physique, talent, element, or superpower.. There are no tags for this novel, but the title kinda seemd misleading.. I got attracted by the title when I started to read it, and it was quite disappointing.. This novel doesn't have an OP MC.. MC is skillful, but not to the point I would call it OP.. Just see MC initial stats point for strength, agility, and endurance.. Even he awakened his cheat system before registering for the game, his stats are quite weak.. As the synopsis wrote, MC got betrayed by his lover.. And his lover (woman) total stats point is 100 more than MC total stats point.. Strength, Agility, and Endurance kinda consider a physical stats, but MC, as a man, has lower stats than his lover.. His cheat system is not helpful on this part at all.. Plus, have you ever watched a movie called "In Time" where people need to buy time to live.. The time or clock of their life are written on their wrist like "0 years 0 month 2 day 14 hour 15 minute 29 second".. This novel also has this, except it was written in their bracelets.. And MC is a poor guy who has a little sister to be protected and many future enemy.. By just a little annoying, resentment, or provocation, the enemy will try to harm him and his sister.. Other than that, MC is a Regressor.. A Regressor who just got revived A DAY before he died.. Yes, just one day before he died.. So, no future knowledge.. No experience.. No stealing opportunity.. No info at all.. Well, this novel is really not my cup of tea.. So, I stopped reading it after reading a few chapters.. Who knows, maybe the story gets better as the story progresses.. But I don't plan to wait as I can't see any interesting development here.. So, I wish the author good luck..

  • Captain_Spoiler
    Captain_Spoilera month ago

    Honest reviews are here.. [Spoiler Alert] This novel is different from the most.. Instead of MC dying on Earth and reincarnated in the magical world, this novel does the opposite.. MC is born in a magical world as strongest Mage and reincarnated on earth without any mana, just pure normal earth.. In previous life, MC is betrayed by the young king because MC, who has become old and just wants a retirement life with his family.. Plus, he and the old king are close, and MC also has done so much for the kingdom.. But as the young king inherited the Throne, the king himself quite corrupted unlike his father (previous king).. After the young king offered many gifts, one after another, to avoid MC retired, MC is firm with his decision, causing the king poisoning MC.. As MC reincarnated as a normal human on normal Earth, MC lived a life of normal people for 17 years UNTIL one day, the gate appeared, and the monster poured out from the gate.. As a result, MC and his family got attacked by the monster and got an offered by Evil System.. MC rejected the offered by Evil System, causing him to become an unawakened person.. Of course, some people in the world are awakened, and some are not.. But after two years, MC became the strongest swordsman among unawakened people.. Not sure how a person "use-to-be strongest mage" becomes the strongest swordsman (excluded awakened person).. Due to that, his guildmate feels more burdened as MC, who unawakened person, can get many achievements while they who awakened barely achieve anything.. This has caused MC to be betrayed by his own captain.. MC held tightly at the end of the cliff after being pushed by his own captain, and can see his end.. Then, after he fell from the cliff, he survived and awakened a new system, which I thought it going to be an overpowered system, but it was not.. MC got betrayed and died on previous life, and he almost died by betrayal AGAIN on this life? Will he ever learn from this? Then, when he finally awakened, MC got nerf right away with "crack soul"? And he can only get information about his crippleness after he becomes SSS-ranker?? Not only that, after he survived the fell, he went back to the guild and didn't kill or cripple the person who tried to kill him? Yup.. this novel is not for me.. I was expecting an OP MC, but this novel doesn't have one.. No wonder this novel going into Hiatus.. I wish the author good luck..

  • Captain_Spoiler
    Captain_Spoilera month ago

    Honest reviews are here.. [Spoiler Alert] First of all, the author has warn that this MC will be Super OP in his synopsis and his profile, so if you not a fan of OP MC from the beginning, it is better if you don't read this.. BUT if you love OP MC from the beginning without nerfing, I would recommend this novel.. Reincarnated MC? Check✔️ Supported by Universe? Check✔️ OP System? Check✔️ Daily Sign-in function System? Check✔️ Shop function System? Check✔️ Fast pace? Check✔️ Not nerfing MC at all? Check✔️ Strongest Bloodline? Check✔️ Second Strongest Physique? Check✔️ Infinite mana? Check✔️ Has Sung Jin woo Power (Solo Levelling)? Check✔️ Has all element? Check✔️ Has many powerful skills? Check✔️ Born in one of the strongest families? Check✔️ Has Human-race, Dragon-race, Vampire-race, Demon-race, Fairy-race, Werewolf-race, Titan-race, Dwarf-race and so on? Check✔️ Has Academy Arc? Check✔️ All powerhouses of all races have a kid in this era and attended on the same years as MC? Check✔️ And because of the above, MC generation is called Golden Era? Check✔️ Keep his secret to himself? Check✔️ Smart and cunning? Check✔️ MC world is always in constant wars with Ultimate enemy, The Demon since millions of years ago? Check✔️ So far, even all race have united to fight the Demon, they still can't win? Check✔️ This novel MC is the strongest MC I ever read in either comic or novel.. And I love it.. Every path MC takes is superb, this is really my dream main character, strongest in everything without any nerf.. I'm giving this review based on what I read up to Ch63 (latest chapter for non-privilege). So far, this novel is the best for me.. My favourite so far.. Downsided? Well, the update is quite average, which is 1 chapter per day (I hope for it got updated faster) and expensive privilege price.. The price is double compared to other novels..

  • Captain_Spoiler
    Captain_Spoiler2 months ago

    Honest reviews are here.. [Extreme Spoiler Alert] As the title wrote, it already described that MC unintentionally joined the chat group of a powerful Constellation.. What is good in this novel is that the world (also called Earth) just started to change during the MC era.. So, everyone is starting at Lv1, same as MC.. So, we won't see any individuals who are already at Lv100 or higher level on Earth.. Right now, MC is the person who has the highest level.. (Noted: it is not clarified by the author yet, but so far, MC has the highest level in his city.. I'm not sure about other city awakeners or what will happen in the future.) Everyone needs Constellation to gain skills.. If you don't have Constellation, you simply won't get any skills.. So far, the novel has not reached that kind of explanation yet, so I'm not sure if it is possible for humanity to get skills without any Constellation.. The story is just beginning, so maybe we will know in the future.. Constellation will make a contract with any individual they find interesting, and of course, that individual either need to pay the skills using a lot of money (the higher the skills rank, the more expensive the skills is) OR using the a request items or quest given by those Constellation.. To avoid misunderstanding, the Constellation CANNOT watch their candidates or any individual action unlike another novel Constellation.. So, MC needs to share the image or video in the group chat to entertain the Constellation request.. Group chat is created by the "System." Yes, there is a system in this novel.. MC is someone who joins a group chats of powerful Constellation due to system error and got 2 SSS+ class skills after communicating with Constellation in the group.. He also will get more and more SSS+ class skills later on.. Constellation in the group chats: 👉🏻Heaven Emperor 👉🏻Slaughter Sword Emperor 👉🏻Star Moon Emperor 👉🏻Golden Emperor 👉🏻Queen of Life 👉🏻South Sea Queen (Deep Sea Queen) 👉🏻Eternal Ice Empress 👉🏻Phoenix 👉🏻Primordial Azure Dragon 👉🏻Underworld Lord SSS+ Skill: 👉🏻Shadow Army [by Underworld Lord] 👉🏻Sacred Flame [by Phoenix] 👉🏻Water Ruler [by South Sea Queen] 👉🏻Primordial Azure Dragon Bone 👉🏻Star Moon Power [by Star Moon Emperor] ☝🏻Interesting skills right? MC is an orphan, and his guardian is his aunt.. His aunt also got a contract with one of Constellation in that group chat after MC introduced her in the group.. Yes, his aunt knows about that group chat.. He told everything to her.. Unfortunately, his aunt still keeps some secret from MC.. It kinda seems like MC is planning to create a harem.. I don't mind if there is a harem or not, BUT I really hope that his aunt is NOT in the harem.. Before Ch60, the novel is going thru a good pacing with a nice introductory phase and momentum.. But unfortunately, after Ch60, everything changed.. There are WAYS too many "flirting" scenes.. So much to the point that even other readers start to get bored.. Every chapter will start with some action scene by the MC and end with a flirting scene.. Yes, this pattern seems to be fixed.. I kinda wish that the author would stop these boring patterns and didn't use this flirting scene to delay the story.. But, if the author really doesn't have any new idea, at the very least, just reduce those flirting scenes.. That way, your novel will sure get better.. Btw, this is just an opinion from ur fan.. To be honest, I'm not a fan of "sharing" power, but I keep reading it because the story is getting interesting (I'm mean the action scenes, I'm NOT included those flirting scenes) and I want to see how far MC can go.. Plus, MC is an OP character, and I'm an OP fan.. I also love that the author didn't nerf MC in any way.. So, I keep reading it.. Even though there are only 79 chapters (for non-privilege), this novel is probably going to be my top20 on my list in the future ( I can't be sure yet due to this novel just start).. Plus, with fast updates so far, it kinda makes others reader happy and satisfied.. I hope this fast update will last until the end..