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They might have nukes
Thanks for the chapters and good luck
not really Shiva. Shiva in this novel is supposedly at transcendant level, just weaker than great red. As for Kisuke being at 80% great red might be true is he uses his entire arsenal, vasto lorde,shikai , bankai, tricks, etc. Against Strada he's in base form with shunko. Strada was able to easily beat Gogmagog,80% Fenrir, Vali when he was at god level, so pretty sure he could bench the mahority of gods.
Star rail reference. Nice!
lv100 visiting lv50 dungoen
pretty sure Da Ji look like tamamo no mae. It was said by a tamamo that one of the tail of of Amaterasu(nasuverse) became Da ji
I like the concept, but the execution is terrible. Way to much over explaining. Lots of sentences can be a lot shorter, and character sentence structure is very badly balanced
My eyes, so many errors. You should use grammarly it helps a lot. I don't have keen eyes for it ,but i've noticed so many of them it's kind of embarrassing