


Searching for inspiration.

2023-01-13 เข้าร่วมแล้วPhilippines







  • kooky_contrivances

    Poor child witnessed the death of his own mother at such a young age sending hugs to you

    "Ssshhh, you will be fine my little prince, I'm here. I will always love and protect you," the queen kissed her son's head as she slowly lost consciousness. As if sensing that his mother is gone, the child suddenly cried and cried and that was how the King saw his son and his wife after the chaos has calmed down.
    Remnant: A Battle Within
    แฟนตาซี · bluerabyss
  • kooky_contrivances
    ตอบกลับถึง bluerabyss

    Love it haha. It's one of my go-to places when I want to get work done without having to interact with anyone

    The shop was in the far corner of the shopping district, the place was a bit secluded which made the ambiance a little bit peaceful. Even after he entered the shop, he could not stop himself from feeling relaxed while he admired the simple and warm decoration inside. The walls were lined with wooden panels that at the same time served as frames to the pictures that made the place brighter because of their vibrant colors that broke the seemingly monotonous look of the walls. There were also plants in every corner and the lighting was just enough to give the place a glow.
    Your Not So Ordinary Villain
    แฟนตาซี · bluerabyss
  • kooky_contrivances
    ตอบกลับถึง bluerabyss

    You're welcome!

    The shop was in the far corner of the shopping district, the place was a bit secluded which made the ambiance a little bit peaceful. Even after he entered the shop, he could not stop himself from feeling relaxed while he admired the simple and warm decoration inside. The walls were lined with wooden panels that at the same time served as frames to the pictures that made the place brighter because of their vibrant colors that broke the seemingly monotonous look of the walls. There were also plants in every corner and the lighting was just enough to give the place a glow.
    Your Not So Ordinary Villain
    แฟนตาซี · bluerabyss
  • kooky_contrivances
    ตอบกลับถึง bluerabyss

    I'm sure that I will!

    Smoke rose from every corner of the land as the fighting continued. Spells and weapons never stopped from creating destruction. People from all over the world banded together to take down the enemy that killed so many of their own. Ever since his appearance, they had gone through many wars and lost many lives but they did not stop, they pursued this villain to defeat him and to avenge those who have perished.
    Your Not So Ordinary Villain
    แฟนตาซี · bluerabyss
  • kooky_contrivances

    He would've sounded sane if he did not emit that kind of laugh haha

    The butler who was watching on the side could not help but think, 'Ah, my master has gone a bit crazy again today.'
    Your Not So Ordinary Villain
    แฟนตาซี · bluerabyss
  • kooky_contrivances

    What's with the maniacal laugh, bro

    "You are right. My original intent was to make my life more exciting but I found it so troublesome that I decided to live normally but as usual, I am becoming bored." He squinted at the cup of coffee before letting it drop on stone floor. There was loud cracking noise but he did not care and instead it made him grin. "I should live my life to the fullest!" followed by a loud almost maniacal laugh.
    Your Not So Ordinary Villain
    แฟนตาซี · bluerabyss
  • kooky_contrivances

    What in the world

    "You are right. My original intent was to make my life more exciting but I found it so troublesome that I decided to live normally but as usual, I am becoming bored." He squinted at the cup of coffee before letting it drop on stone floor. There was loud cracking noise but he did not care and instead it made him grin. "I should live my life to the fullest!" followed by a loud almost maniacal laugh.
    Your Not So Ordinary Villain
    แฟนตาซี · bluerabyss
  • kooky_contrivances

    Oh so it was all an illusion

    "What an annoyance," he spat before snapping his fingers and the line of people disappeared. He returned to the kitchen while he kept mumbling, "I should not have told him that I could use magic." He rubbed his head as he could already feel a headache coming.
    Your Not So Ordinary Villain
    แฟนตาซี · bluerabyss
  • kooky_contrivances

    Ezio is a cutie haha

    Ezio's eyes widened and he even almost dropped the bag of goodies in his attempt to get closer to the man but because of the counter in between them he was not able to give the owner a hug. "Wow! Can you show me more magic?" he asked with wide eyes and even clasped the man's hand tightly.
    Your Not So Ordinary Villain
    แฟนตาซี · bluerabyss
  • kooky_contrivances
    ตอบกลับถึง kooky_contrivances

    He just has not discovered it yet.

    As a child who grew up hearing those, whenever the word mage was uttered, he would definitely get excited because it was his dream to become one but it never happened and he never manifested any magical powers but he was not discouraged and still admire those people he only heard from stories so when the thought that the person in front of him right now was a mage made his heart thump.
    Your Not So Ordinary Villain
    แฟนตาซี · bluerabyss
  • kooky_contrivances

    Hmmm perhaps he does have powers or will acquire some in the future...

    As a child who grew up hearing those, whenever the word mage was uttered, he would definitely get excited because it was his dream to become one but it never happened and he never manifested any magical powers but he was not discouraged and still admire those people he only heard from stories so when the thought that the person in front of him right now was a mage made his heart thump.
    Your Not So Ordinary Villain
    แฟนตาซี · bluerabyss
  • kooky_contrivances


    Mages were a unique existence in the continent of Prisma and Moonvale was only a small in town in the kingdom of Lunaira so mages or even magic itself in that place was scarce. It was a town that has not produced any magicians for the past decade that was why it remained unknown and isolated. But even so, the town was still thriving because there were travelers who would occasionally drop by and through them tales about the heroic deeds of these mages were spread and heard.
    Your Not So Ordinary Villain
    แฟนตาซี · bluerabyss
  • kooky_contrivances

    Oh so he knows his uncle

    "Are you Jagan's nephew?" the owner suddenly asked while he kept his expression neutral.
    Your Not So Ordinary Villain
    แฟนตาซี · bluerabyss
  • kooky_contrivances

    An interesting way to place your order heh

    He became curios and read what was in it then to his surprise it was a detailed step on how to place an order since the owner of the shop was working alone. The teenager looked to the side of the announcement board and saw a stack of paper and a quill so he took them and wrote his orders then according to the instruction he needed to place the paper on the small box beside the board then press the small red button below it.
    Your Not So Ordinary Villain
    แฟนตาซี · bluerabyss
  • kooky_contrivances

    An earthly paradise

    He looked around and saw a display cabinet where a variety of cakes, bread and cookies were placed. It was a feast to the eye indeed. A haven for any people who like pastries. All choices were mouthwatering that he had a difficult time choosing what he should buy until he remembered his uncle's preference, he almost forgot about it. After finding the cookies, he also chose some tasty looking bread for himself so once he made a selection, he went to the counter area but saw that there was no one was there to receive his order. He looked around but still did not find anyone until his eyes landed on the announcement board where the words 'instructions on ordering' were written.
    Your Not So Ordinary Villain
    แฟนตาซี · bluerabyss
  • kooky_contrivances

    Y'know, I used to make it a habit of chilling at shops like this

    The shop was in the far corner of the shopping district, the place was a bit secluded which made the ambiance a little bit peaceful. Even after he entered the shop, he could not stop himself from feeling relaxed while he admired the simple and warm decoration inside. The walls were lined with wooden panels that at the same time served as frames to the pictures that made the place brighter because of their vibrant colors that broke the seemingly monotonous look of the walls. There were also plants in every corner and the lighting was just enough to give the place a glow.
    Your Not So Ordinary Villain
    แฟนตาซี · bluerabyss
  • kooky_contrivances

    Sounds like my type of place

    The shop was in the far corner of the shopping district, the place was a bit secluded which made the ambiance a little bit peaceful. Even after he entered the shop, he could not stop himself from feeling relaxed while he admired the simple and warm decoration inside. The walls were lined with wooden panels that at the same time served as frames to the pictures that made the place brighter because of their vibrant colors that broke the seemingly monotonous look of the walls. There were also plants in every corner and the lighting was just enough to give the place a glow.
    Your Not So Ordinary Villain
    แฟนตาซี · bluerabyss
  • kooky_contrivances

    Love the way you described the place

    The shop was in the far corner of the shopping district, the place was a bit secluded which made the ambiance a little bit peaceful. Even after he entered the shop, he could not stop himself from feeling relaxed while he admired the simple and warm decoration inside. The walls were lined with wooden panels that at the same time served as frames to the pictures that made the place brighter because of their vibrant colors that broke the seemingly monotonous look of the walls. There were also plants in every corner and the lighting was just enough to give the place a glow.
    Your Not So Ordinary Villain
    แฟนตาซี · bluerabyss
  • kooky_contrivances

    Haha that's cute

    "My uncle wanted some oranges and peaches today. Can you give me the sweetest ones?" he nodded as he pointed at the batch of fruits that he wanted. It has become his routine to come to the market and buy sweet things for his uncle because every time he tasted anything sweet, he would immediately want to have it again. His uncle was like a child who would sparkle when they try something new and at the end, he will want to try it again and again until he gets used to it.
    Your Not So Ordinary Villain
    แฟนตาซี · bluerabyss
  • kooky_contrivances

    Hehe right. Crowds drain me, too.

    "Why do I feel like that there are a lot more people today?" he shook his head then took a deep breath. The struggle of buying things during a market day was enough to make him tired even though he would only spend a couple of hours outside.
    Your Not So Ordinary Villain
    แฟนตาซี · bluerabyss