

2023-01-06 เข้าร่วมแล้วGlobal







  • J_M_3688
    ตอบกลับถึง J_M_3688

    Otra apreciación, más no siempre es más. A veces es menos. No tiene sentido que el mc pueda cultivar y haga cultivadores a toda su familia y amigos, no todo el mundo puede ser cultivador entonces como casualmente todos lo van a ser y más siendo un mundo donde no existe el cultivo como dijo el maestro del mc. Que necesidad hay de forzarlo y que el mc se carree a toda la gente? En la vida hay que saber gestionar que no todas las personas son para siempre y algunas se irán y llegarán otras nuevas. Que me digas que el mc se va a llevar a sus amigos mortales a un mundo de cultivación donde se separen de sus allegados y donde aunque pudieran cultivar (que insisto, no es realista) tendrán poco talento y tendrán que depender de ti hasta el final de sus vidas con la carga que supone.

    ตะวันออก · JosieGan
  • J_M_3688

    Escribo esta reseña que abarca parte del primer volumen, que es lo que he leido, por lo que es probable que no sirva como referencia para toda la obra pero por lo menos si sirve para el inicio. La obra no está mal, la lectura no es pesada ni la traducción dificulta su entendimiento aunque por lo menos el inicio se me ha hecho un poco lento. No se si en los próximos volumenes se acelerará todo pero es dificil de entender como un mc que ha recibido la herencia de un cultivador en un mundo sin cultivo, dedica tanto esfuerzo y planificación a algo tan absurdo como si un luchador de MMA decidiera ser cauteloso y planificar una pelea contra un bebe de 5 meses. Tiene la opción de irse al reino que heredó de su maestro y cultivar ahí con su familia ya que no necesita mas recurso que mujeres para hacer su cultivo dual y sin embargo, dedican el 85% de la trama en la tierra y meten al mc creando negocios en la Tierra sin justificación más que necesita dinero para sus planes. Wtf? Literalmente solo necesita cultivar con sus mujeres y cuando sea fuerte acabar con las familias, cumplir su venganza e irse del mundo mortal a otro donde pueda cultivar. Por que abrirías un restaurante y por que limitarte a ti mismo (aparte de para alargar la novela y la trama por la cara)? Vine con la expectativa de leer una novela de cultivo y me encontré con una novela urbana, lo cual me ha quitado bastante motivación para seguir leyendo esto. Por lo demás, está aceptable.

    ตะวันออก · JosieGan
  • J_M_3688

    Open a restaurant? How long is he planning to stay in the mortal world and why would he need to go through this pain if he can just sell ítems as he did.

    "What are your plans with all these animals?"
    ตะวันออก · JosieGan
  • J_M_3688

    Why tf should he needs to spend coins on a shop if its his own things since he got the inheritance. He should have access to everything

    Chen Li sighed softly and started looking for some techniques in his system shop. "Open shop!"
    ตะวันออก · JosieGan
  • J_M_3688

    And this is when i stop reading this s

    As he said that, he took out the immortal sword from the system. Instantly, the immortal aura was overwhelming, and the entire training hall was filled with sharp sword intent. That force pressed down on everyone, making it hard for them to breathe.
    The Most Generous Master Ever
    ตะวันออก · Su Yu
  • J_M_3688

    Another mc who thinks of himself as the savior of the world and thinks his duty is to train random people. Lets not forget he has no attachment to the city.

    I was thinking for quite a while but nothing came to mind. I had too little information currently and needed to learn much more. I made some quick calculations and change of plans and shot a text towards the people I had dived into [Solael's Castle] with 2 days ago. The original plan was to dive with them once more before I began looking at ways to make them stronger and then make my way towards the inner cities of the Empire, but that would have to be accelerated.
    Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse
    เกม · Adui
  • J_M_3688

    I went to webnovel to read stories made by people from the world that wouldnt have the clichés of the chinese one such us racism, nacionalism…just to find out this one is the same. Dumb mc, simp, and nacionalism so far. Probably more to be added to the list in the future.

    If you were patriotic enough and enlisted in the Empire's army, you would be in the first row of hunters who can select skills and items useful to them in their vast armory while also receiving the full benefits of the military
    Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse
    เกม · Adui
  • J_M_3688

    Those skills he masters at 100 should transform into a higher level skill. At least some of them.

    [Vitality: 200+40]
    Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse
    เกม · Adui
  • J_M_3688

    We are going from bad to worse, author what are you doing

    I was taken back when she said this as my mind was only observing the situation and acting only when I needed to. I replied to her with a smile "I became stronger than this guy just yesterday if you can believe it, and didn't exactly know how much stronger so I was testing the waters"
    Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse
    เกม · Adui
  • J_M_3688

    Glad you finally know you really are

    My mood went down as I held the skill before another thought flashed through my mind and I had to ask myself if I was the dumbest person on the face of this planet.
    Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse
    เกม · Adui
  • J_M_3688

    I hope mc wont be that dumb to expose his excesive use of mana in this run. Because he had no need of going in the 1 place, if he exposes himself... gg i quit

    His tone sounded very calm, but his words dripped with disdain. I replied back. "Nothing to worry about, I was only testing the strength of the people I would be leaving my life to today"
    Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse
    เกม · Adui
  • J_M_3688

    Im starting to think the focus [-] means its as blank as his braincells remaining and that unlimited thing is just himself dreaming until last chapter where he is gonna wake up

    Early morning the next day, I was already up and heading towards [Goblin King's Abode]. Tomorrow would be the day when I would head down to [Solael's Castle] with some of the highest rankers in the city, so I had to use my time as efficiently as possible today.
    Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse
    เกม · Adui
  • J_M_3688

    Taking into account how coward mc is, it is weird he choose a spell that needs physical contact

    These skills correctly fit with the direction I was going towards. Multiple skills that can remain active for me at all times along with my first offensive rank C skill. [Explosive Rune] was a BOSS killer that mages wanted in their arsenal because of its significant damage. The only problem is that it drained the entirety of a rank C's energy, and they had to come in contact with the boss to initiate it.
    Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse
    เกม · Adui
  • J_M_3688

    Author decided to make any random character more intelligent than the mc, annoying

    A phone quickly connected in the car and Cohen spoke. "Revise his danger level, make it B. He was able to use a defensive skill that would have taken me a few attacks to destroy, and it remained active the whole time I was talking to him. Find out which skill matches the description and gauge his power. He is most likely a naturally awakened individual with an [Inherent Skill] that adds a large amount of [Focus], allowing him to jump over rankings"
    Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse
    เกม · Adui
  • J_M_3688

    Is he brain dead? If he tells him to do x, he does x? Just ignore him, he cant attack you in the city and if he does, you have the c rank skill that can protect you significantly from b rank skills. Also if you want to leave problems aside just leave the f city, you have nothing there to hold you back (at least known). Also, if you go to another city please think and dont do the same mistakes over and over again

    It looks like I will be visiting a C rank dungeon faster than I thought, but there was one thing he was wrong about. My power was definitely not upper-rank C or nearing B. As soon as I learned the appropriate skill book, with my endless casts nothing will stand in my way. A ferocious expression rose in my face as old plans were thrown out and new ones formed.
    Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse
    เกม · Adui
  • J_M_3688

    Why did they give me hopes at the beggining plotting mc as someone who thinks before doing things just to ruin it 2 chaps later

    I felt anger quickly boiling up inside me before I squashed it down. How the hell did they find me so fast?!
    Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse
    เกม · Adui
  • J_M_3688

    He suddenly forgot how to keep a low profile?

    I was back in the central Awakened Center of Outer Bank X, currently selling the items I didn't need along with the [Core]s I didn't absorb. Before coming down here I made sure to absorb the E rank cores until I hit 70 attribute points for [Vitality] and [Strength]. I slowly adapted to the newfound power my body felt as I moved around, exhilarated at my fast progress
    Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse
    เกม · Adui
  • J_M_3688

    He doesnt need to spend money on mans cores then he should think about using the strength and vitality ones and be a mage who can also defend in body combat

    Ch 3 [Ape's Paradise]
    Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse
    เกม · Adui
  • J_M_3688

    Bro should have stayed there for a while before going to the boss because it would be suspicious to end the dungeon that fast alone

    And just like that, an incredulous sight occurred in the F ranked Dungeon [Ape's Paradise]. Without a moment of rest, an F ranked hunter cleared the 2nd floor, and the 3rd...and the 5th...all the way to the end of the 9th floor with ease
    Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse
    เกม · Adui
  • J_M_3688

    I mean, its annoying to see him test for which seems to be a eternity but its good as it shows that mc thinks carefully and doesnt jump into conclusions about things he is not sure.

    Alright…with that in mind, I need to test just how many times I can continue to cast skills before I can't anymore. Which also means I need to get my hands on higher-ranked skills that consume more energy
    Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse
    เกม · Adui