I coast on by reading books as i pass
of reading
Read books
Tbh i did post it at 3 am last night so i was kinda falling asleep when i did it so i didn’t think it through well enough so that’s my bad i hope you have a good day
Oi its right here we filled this comment section up so it kinda got buried
Im going into this completely blind because i haven’t read or watched railgun but my friends tell me its pretty good
You didn’t even give me time to right an apology
Alright so you want an apology here i admit i did think you telling the guy off was funny and that’s why i made the comment i didn’t intend it to offend so im sorry that it did i do actually like your fics cause ive been pretty bored with the stuff ive been reading here recently and i haven’t seen anything good related to sailormoon
Now im gonna go about my day and ignore you
Dude i left one comment on a review of you talking shit to a guy and you are going out of your way to continue this conversation YOU are in the wrong here
Anyway what your doing here is considerably more toxic than what i said in response to this guys comment
You do realize this is harassment right?