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Nah, Is the romance Alex.... shit! I really don't like her as a character, she is Weird.
Well I don't thing is funny, instead it would be stupid of him. If he gets caught he will just face all kind of question. And at worse he will missing after getting caught and wake up in Secret lab, with man in white coat and mask standing in front of him.
Hey Author do you know how to reply to your readers comment?
"I slept with your mom" I do use those comment but not act cool, I use it to teach manners to the kid who were created Because of my mistake, Just like you. Pathetic waste of sp*rm, watch your mouth son, you came fro. the sp*rm of that sp*rm. It was you pathetic w*ore of a mom who rode my d**k for 90 dollar, It was my mistake that, I didn't use condom that day,... No it's that w*ore fault that she didn't take morning pill! It was because her that an abomination like you came to be. An abomination who is pedophile, creep, w*ore and attention seeker. Me try to act cool? Did you even see your comments? "Lmao" "Not your basement" "Lil joe" even a dog can see that you are screaming 'give me attention', I didn't even have to go through your profile since, all comment you pass to me, Where screaming attention! You keep shouting I wrote a useless badly structured slop! Shit head that's called a review and question, Question that were answered by the Author Who's dick you are riding day and night, You pathetic shit of w*ore. Not everyone is like you, who starts Acting like a dog with rabies, just because they didn't like review a novel got, fk slut. What is that pathetic w*ore even doing right now, still going around and s*cking Random people's d**k for some buck, or else why would you turn out to be a even more low-life then herself. Fking useless w*ore, cannot even raise a child! What did she even teach you, for you to turn out to be like this?! I simply told this shit that "It would a waste of time and stupidity to read comment that you find badly structured, and even more stupid and waste of time to pass a comment on it" But instead of listening to the advice this shit replys with "This isn't your basement", this screams give attention and wannabe cool! And you telling me, I am trying to act cool?! I am trying to act cool while saying "I slept with you mom"🤣 Shit head I'm not being cool, I am being bad and trying make the day worse for Pathetic existence like you start riding the d**k of Author, just because you like their novel. Getting offend just because your favourite Author got question, such a wh*re, just like your mother, at least she rides dik for some money, but you on the other hand ride the Author d**k just for some chapter, even more low life the her, Pathetic abomination of wh*re.
Did you just forgot you own first comment, weirdo. Also, English isn't my first language dumba**, what your are facing is language barrier. First this dumba**, goes to basement for every small thing, then keeps replying to the comment he finds badly structured like a stupida**, and then he forgets about his previous comment, but after all of this dumb action this dumba** even have the Audacity to say to the other person "Your socially inept!" Like WTF!! how does this dumba**'s brain even work. let's take test, Hey what is 1+1=? Is it, (A) 1+1=11, (B)1+1=3, (C)1+1=2 Let's see, I might just witness a miracle. [Face full of Anticipation]
😯😯😯 Bro are you are really that stupid? why would you not only read my comment but also pass a comment, if you find the comment badly structured? Is this the logic you use to live.... First you go to basement for every small thing, now you keep reading my comment while saying they are badly structured, damn! your Weird as fk.
Again, I am tell you don't read and Pass a comment to me if you find the comment badly structured, cause that's just stupid. Also, I live in a apartment, and have a room of my own for Privacy. Also, not everyone is a weirdo like you, who goes into a basement for for every small thing, stop acting like a pedophile while trying to act cool.
Is that so.... then I guess, you shouldn't have read my comment, or pass a random comment to me.
damn man! I think I will visit the review section to see the reactions.