

2022-10-09 เข้าร่วมแล้วUnited States







  • Ripple_bucca

    5000 dollars is huge Troy. Olivia will sure appreciate that

    Troy has gone out of his way to help Olivia even though they just met her last night. Who does that? Who gives a complete stranger five thousand dollars? I can't wait to tell her what he has done for her and Alex.
    Submissive Affair
    แฟนตาซี · Penegrine_Paul
  • Ripple_bucca


    She leaned down to give Olivia a hug.
    Submissive Affair
    แฟนตาซี · Penegrine_Paul
  • Ripple_bucca


    His voice is so small, almost like a cartoon character. Troy squeezes my hand and answers for us.
    Submissive Affair
    แฟนตาซี · Penegrine_Paul
  • Ripple_bucca
    "No, of course not. I have been with you, Amber, every day for weeks. When have you seen me watching T.V.? Do you honestly think that if I saw your dad pleading for your return, that I wouldn't have said something to you?"
    Submissive Affair
    แฟนตาซี · Penegrine_Paul
  • Ripple_bucca

    Did anyone notice they left their things in the hotel room?

    He wraps his arms around her as they walk out of the hotel, get in his truck and drive away. Her eyes are full of questions as she looks at me, but what she asks has his heart clenching.
    Submissive Affair
    แฟนตาซี · Penegrine_Paul
  • Ripple_bucca

    please escape from there before the cops come

    Everyone at the bar turns around to stare at us. Troy grabs a hundred out of his wallet, drop it on the table and head for the exit while every eye in the place watches them leave. Fuck! Amber's head is down, and her hair has fallen forward to shield her face. She looks like a beaten puppy as he pulled her along and that's exactly what all these assholes in the restaurant will report.
    Submissive Affair
    แฟนตาซี · Penegrine_Paul
  • Ripple_bucca

    Sure she is not

    "Is something wrong, you seem awfully quiet? Are you feeling okay?"
    Submissive Affair
    แฟนตาซี · Penegrine_Paul
  • Ripple_bucca

    Amber is right. Though her life might be a fairytale right now, but she will sure be feeling guilty about Tori

    "I'm sorry Troy; you are so generous, but I'm in a very unusual position. I was taken weeks ago, along with my sister, but my life has become a fairy tale, and unspeakable things are probably happening to her. I am so happy with you, but I feel guilty over that fact. I need to be at peace with us, but I don't know how to do that when Tori's future is so uncertain."
    Submissive Affair
    แฟนตาซี · Penegrine_Paul
  • Ripple_bucca

    Hope Jake is safe and well

    "Yeah, that was the plan, but last night we were having drinks at Cutters when he got a text, chugged his beer and said, see ya when I see ya then walked out. I was told this morning by Director Matthews that he is gone and don't ask questions. Sorry man, I don't have any information to give ya."
    Submissive Affair
    แฟนตาซี · Penegrine_Paul
  • Ripple_bucca
    Just realizing that he was in the process of calling Jake but didn't hear him answer or even pay attention to voicemail, he hung up and dialed again. Damn this woman is distracting. We're sorry this number is no longer in service, is the message he gets. Jake has had that number since he met him years ago, so this is disturbing. He knows he is going undercover, but he has never shut down his phone before. Shit! How will he reach him to tell him about Tori and Amber? Hanging up, he called his office line.
    Submissive Affair
    แฟนตาซี · Penegrine_Paul
  • Ripple_bucca

    Amber got the perfect life going already

    Amber walks to him slowly, glancing around as if to take it all in. His dad's old mahogany desk sits in the center with a wall of family photos to his right. To the left, a large screen TV is mounted on the wall. Behind him is another desk that holds a police scanner and a second computer monitor. Just beyond that are six monitors mounted to the wall that shows sections of his property. The images scroll through about 20 different viewpoints. The cameras in the house are off while he's there, but whenever he's not, they run 24/7 with remote access. She looks around for another chair. No one but him has ever been here, so there has never been a need for more seating
    Submissive Affair
    แฟนตาซี · Penegrine_Paul
  • Ripple_bucca

    True though

    Whether or not you want to call it love, Troy believes it's Ok to lean into those initial feelings of passion, desire, and connection in the early stages of a relationship. When we act on those initial feelings of connection and attraction, we can allow ourselves to develop the feelings of love.
    Submissive Affair
    แฟนตาซี · Penegrine_Paul
  • Ripple_bucca

    Yes and yes here we go

    Submissive Affair
    แฟนตาซี · Penegrine_Paul
  • Ripple_bucca

    Another one for the night... Bob please come over now!!!!!!!

    The pleasure they'd found in each other is explosive, and she can't seem to control her desire, either. He hopes she never will. He plans to spend many hours connected to that sweet little body. She was made for him. Her body surrounds his like the best pair of leather gloves, the kind that feels like a second skin. Amber is more like his second skin. Now he has to convince her to stay once this ordeal is over and she and her sister are safe. Her eyes have darkened to emeralds and from her chest up there is a rosy glow that flushes her skin. Her legs press to the inside of his legs urging him to lift one and then the other, so he is now kneeling between her thighs. He reached down with one hand and undo the buttons of his shirt she was wearing, exposing perfect breasts and all that creamy skin. Troy was in total awe of this woman. How the hell she has remained single is beyond his comprehension. She slides her arms from his shirt and reaches for him.
    Submissive Affair
    แฟนตาซี · Penegrine_Paul
  • Ripple_bucca


    Violent sobs break from her chest. "Oh God, why didn't I listen to him? It will kill him to know that we were tortured. Troy was right, even though it is not her dad's fault, he will shoulder the blame".
    Submissive Affair
    แฟนตาซี · Penegrine_Paul
  • Ripple_bucca
    "If what you say is true about them watching you, there is a possibility that they do know your dad. It is also possible that if they think for even one second that you got away, your dad's will be the first place you would run to, so they will be watching. They may have the house bugged just waiting for the call. I know you want to put him at ease, but it will only be temporary relief. Right now he only knows you are missing, which is horrible for any parent. If you show up without Tori, he is going to want to know what happened to you both. Are you prepared to tell him and have him imagine what is still happening to her? I am not a parent, but if they got to you again, I don't know how sane I would be once I found you. Believe me; I would find you or die trying. Your dad will be no different."
    Submissive Affair
    แฟนตาซี · Penegrine_Paul
  • Ripple_bucca

    wrong idea girlly

    "Can I use your phone? I need to call him." Then remembering something the tattooed guy said once. "Troy, the guy who beat me said he had watched us for months and knew we would be perfect candidates. He told me that they wanted virgins and he never saw us go out. Is it possible that he could know my dad or us? Could my dad be in danger, as well? Why were they watching us?" He felt a full-blown panic attack coming on, but Troy seems to read her like a book and rolls her to her back.
    Submissive Affair
    แฟนตาซี · Penegrine_Paul
  • Ripple_bucca

    guilt or surprise?

    She jerked back to look at his face, trying to determine if he thought so little of women. He cracked a smile at her fierce little hellcat. "There's my little fighter; he knew she was in there somewhere. No, Amber, I do not think so little of women or people in general. These monsters that takes women use these terms to disconnect from humanity. You are nothing to them but a commodity, so instead of calling you women or girls they refer to you as product."
    Submissive Affair
    แฟนตาซี · Penegrine_Paul
  • Ripple_bucca

    lo why did yáll think Jake might betray his friend? in my opinion i dont think so

    "Jake is undercover and being placed as a guard in a house that keeps women they abduct until they find buyers. He knew about the theft from the house and also that two guards were found dead, but the product was not. Product meaning you."
    Submissive Affair
    แฟนตาซี · Penegrine_Paul
  • Ripple_bucca

    here we go again

    "You have given me so much, and I don't want to seem ungrateful, but I can't help her without you. These men are dangerous and carry guns, and the thought of putting you in danger is unbearable. We need to go to the police to get help. There are many guards; only two were in constant contact with me. However, I remember many different voices. There are more women, too. I remember hearing them quietly cries as if they didn't want to be heard being weak, except I could hear them through the walls. Oh God, please we have to hurry!"
    Submissive Affair
    แฟนตาซี · Penegrine_Paul