

2022-08-29 เข้าร่วมแล้วEgypt







land without mercy

Arda is a merciless land for those who are not called heroes. And the only justice of this land is that of the Valar. So she wonders: when will it be her turn to pay? She stands facing them, facing this past that frightens her so much. Ilestelwen watched them die, one by one. She has been fleeIng all her life this weight that she will never get rid of. Sometimes she dreams that she Is running away. Or someone is coming to get her. Sometimes, she thinks that despite everything, she may become a woman who is looked at and whose wounds cannot be seen. But the dream dissipates, reality resumes its place. And his ghosts too. "Be careful not to lose yourself by hugging shadows." AESOP "While some are born to feast, others spend their lives In darkness, begging for shadows." "Let the threat of your escape hover. Flee In Ilestelwen was dreaming. Standing In front of this silent crowd, she saw neIther flame nor darkness, but it was Indeed her hell that stood there. She had always been afraid. To sleep, to die, to be abandoned. But her greatest fear was being caught up In this past that she was trying to get rId of at all costs. She knew that sooner or later that moment would come, maybe that was the worst… For decades, she had been running away from every moment that could remind her of this life she wanted to escape. Falling asleep was torture, she knew her dreams would be filled with memories

Ayoosh_om · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs