Avid Fantasy reader, lately interested in Fan-Fics.
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Could be that he was written heterosexual first (which is logical since his character was born when hemophobia was the standard) and then he was retconned homosexual to fit the modern view. At least I remember a really old cartoon with him and spiderman where he was heterosexual.
So 18? When he doesn't have to worry about the highest power of all, the interdimensional FBI?
Wasn't that after a retcon? previously he was straight, no?
Islam heaven and its harem be like:
I don't wanna read smut.
I agree.
So, glass is a liquid of high viscosity. Meaning the glass should have bloated down, like tar, before eroding.
Do you have a pic?
Ah, he is their kid? But how would that work? Confusing