everything that is non convetional or stupid is my reading preference
of reading
Read books
i got here expecting nothing and ended up with everything READ THIS NOW
found the raw it called Hogwarts: Starting from Creating the Lord of the Rings it has 321 chapters link:https://www.wuxiago.com/novel/hogwarts-starting-from-creating-the-lord-of-the-rings.html
*type of magic i forgot to put the word
really good and i really like the type of the protagonist is going for
it has bumpy start but after the story really starts it get really good
i thik i should use one too i cant write properly
how do i edit i didnt space between there and goodi wrote goodi isntead goodi hate my life
so far so goodi was not so sure about the chat gpt but i cant even notice its theregood reading give it a chance