


the other have their own Dreams but why am i the only one not having a Dream in my Sleep? its Abnormal♋...

2022-05-16 เข้าร่วมแล้วGlobal







I am a Rich Vtuber? [ Rewrite ]

There we see a beautiful lady, she has yellow hair, blue eyes, and she is wearing a nurse uniform, today she was extremely happy why? its because she was going to get promoted Today! Wait to they get promoted? Nevermind little did she know a unknown creature was hiding around her house. when she got home she smell a faint pigeon smell, she decided to look for her brother thinking it was his prank, but when she found him she was frightened by the sight, there she saw her brother body laying dead on the cold floor with blood around it. she was in denial thinking it was just her brother prank, and atlas reality was not all shiny and rainbow. she fell to the ground as she moaned for her loss, and cried in front of her dead brother. *Growl* she froze the moment she heard that sound, she turn her head as she saw a monster with Shap teeth inside its head, the monster has shap claws, that looks like it could cut a wall with ease, before she could to anything, she was already killed by the monster and so she died a painful death. but of course when she died her soul got lost in space and so the soul wonder of to the unknown for many years but of course she was unaware of it. there the soul find a strange portal it entered it and found itself in a sky would that everywhere you see is justthe sky, while the cloud act like the floor. there she met a god that give her 2 wish. apparently she wasn't suppose to be here. the god introduce itself as Vinny, The God Of Dream, Nightmare, And Trick, He Was rank 3 in the strongest God Rainking. the go reincarnated after she made the wish and so she began her journey in protecting her brother. .... ... .. . Hidden Chapter Vinny Grinned as he watch The Girl inside the Screan like window. "*Chuckle* I wonder how long your Sanity will last." Vinny said as the screan switched to another person, this person has black claws and a mouth for its head, this monster was the one that killed the yellow haired girl name maria. "Lonnie, Lonnie Lonnie, I wonder what you would do when you met her again*Chuckle*" Vinny exclaim as a Sadistic grin appeared on his face. "I'm a God Of Nightmare, Dream, And Trick, For a Reason"Vinny exclaim as he began to changes the fate and destiny of the world. ---------------------------------------------------- I decided to rewrite everything here so be patient and wait quietly. this well take a while. Note: The picture is not mine. Note 2:The Chapter word will be around 1.000 to 3.000

Abnormal_Vinny · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs