I, Anime-addict
of reading
Read books
When you put it like that, then yes, I agree that he can be considered one of the strongest ones in the ninja world, atleast if only those that are shown in the anime and comic are to be considered. One of the strongest is itself a vague term afterall .
Tf is kuku?
Wow, now isn't that same as giving free pass to people to commit any sin they want, as afterall, the sins have already been forgiven. Sounds quite similar to the promise of Heaven with 72 virgins
That too, but mainly the writing style and the system.
Who cares? As long as it works.
Plenty of spells that can replicate this.
I agree that, from our perspective, it's not really a fun thing to read, but he does overcome it, and I must agree that it was a beautiful way to develop MC's character, unlike all the cliche tropes.
Quinn West would be proud.