


The way to my heart is through sarcasm and chocolate cake. And smut. 😘🌈

2022-03-07 เข้าร่วมแล้วUnited States









  • LivChanin
    ตอบกลับถึง ovinea

    Hahahah I love that part.

    Ch 329 Removing Barriers (1/3)
    Song of the Gardener of Souls [BL]
    LGBT+ · LivChanin
  • LivChanin
    ตอบกลับถึง ovinea

    Hmmm…now rhat I think of it, maybe Carrots is an appropriate name for the next part too. Heheheh

    They didn't belong in the cupboard at all, but there hadn't been room in the basket on his counter. He distinctly recalled stashing the carrots somewhere so he could find them easily. If only he could remember where that was.
    Song of the Gardener of Souls [BL]
    LGBT+ · LivChanin
  • LivChanin
    ตอบกลับถึง ovinea

    Rowan: You are lucky that I don’t pelt you both with lentils. I am glad I exists simply as a source of mockery for you. Liv: Did I just get a tongue lashing from my own character?

    Ch 329 Removing Barriers (1/3)
    Song of the Gardener of Souls [BL]
    LGBT+ · LivChanin
  • LivChanin
    ตอบกลับถึง ovinea

    Sad puppy for now. Unstoppable force of divinity later.

    By the time Wren was done, some of the color had returned to his face, but the circles under his eyes looked darker than ever. While Wren was distracted with his meal, Rowan couldn't help but notice a few smudges of dirt marring those soft cheeks in addition to the tired circles. Not to mention the way the black waves of Wren's hair had lost both their luster and their smoothness.
    Song of the Gardener of Souls [BL]
    LGBT+ · LivChanin
  • LivChanin
    ตอบกลับถึง ovinea

    It actually is very easy for him. No memorization required, though it does help that he is so attentive to his home and Rowan in particular. Must be nice to be half-god.

    "I've always been amazed by how you seem to remember the tiniest things knowing how much those tiny things mean to me, but there's no way you could have memorized everything. How did you do it?"
    Song of the Gardener of Souls [BL]
    LGBT+ · LivChanin
  • LivChanin
    ตอบกลับถึง ovinea

    And HERE is the REAL carrot…let’s dangle it in front of Wren. Actually, maybe I will rename the chapter Carrots.

    "Don't worry. There's plenty more kisses where that came from. Eventually. The more you cooperate, the sooner you will get them." He pointed to the glass of water. "Now drink this. I imagine you've neglected your thirst, as well."
    Song of the Gardener of Souls [BL]
    LGBT+ · LivChanin
  • LivChanin
    ตอบกลับถึง ovinea

    You don’t understand how much effort Rowan is putting into this soup. It’s a proud moment for him 😭

    Now that he finally had the opportunity to cook for Wren, he was determined to make it actually taste like something. He'd recently learned salt was more important than he thought. Who'd have known?
    Song of the Gardener of Souls [BL]
    LGBT+ · LivChanin
  • LivChanin
    ตอบกลับถึง ovinea

    Haha pretty much

    Wren sat quietly at the kitchen table, watching his every move as if he were worried Rowan might climb into the cupboard and disappear.
    Song of the Gardener of Souls [BL]
    LGBT+ · LivChanin
  • LivChanin
    ตอบกลับถึง ovinea

    Rowan: I’m sure it will come to me.

    They didn't belong in the cupboard at all, but there hadn't been room in the basket on his counter. He distinctly recalled stashing the carrots somewhere so he could find them easily. If only he could remember where that was.
    Song of the Gardener of Souls [BL]
    LGBT+ · LivChanin
  • LivChanin
    ตอบกลับถึง ovinea

    Rowan really has his heart set on cooking. And he’s going to try extra hard to make it palatable.

    Removing Barriers (2/3)
    Song of the Gardener of Souls [BL]
    LGBT+ · LivChanin
  • LivChanin
    ตอบกลับถึง Raedioactivity

    Kit: *digs in pocket and pulls out an assortment ot candy* Here. Take it all.

    "Oh…it's just you," he grumbled when he saw it wasn't one of his adherents.
    Song of the Gardener of Souls [BL]
    LGBT+ · LivChanin
  • LivChanin
    ตอบกลับถึง Raedioactivity

    Ly: It’s obvious. I shall pretend not to notice.

    Rowan stared straight ahead at the wall, likewise trying to calm himself down before Nicasi could guess what they were just doing while Rowan was supposed to be waiting patiently for treatment. The sound of the door sliding closed again in a calm, measured way told Rowan it wasn't Nicasi who'd interrupted them.
    Song of the Gardener of Souls [BL]
    LGBT+ · LivChanin
  • LivChanin
    ตอบกลับถึง Raedioactivity

    Wren: Well, look at him. His very existence is pure temptation to me. My suffering because of it is immeasurable.

    "See...you are blushing. How can I resist that expression? As I suspected...you *are* trying to make things difficult for me."
    Song of the Gardener of Souls [BL]
    LGBT+ · LivChanin
  • LivChanin
    ตอบกลับถึง Raedioactivity

    That’s precisely what he was remembering at the moment. The image is burned into his brain.

    "I really don't want to think about that."
    Song of the Gardener of Souls [BL]
    LGBT+ · LivChanin
  • LivChanin
    ตอบกลับถึง Raedioactivity

    Lots of grabbing, squeezing and …ahem…doing

    "I'm saying that we've done it before. *You've* done it before… with the new alcove you created in the garden." Rowan grabbed Wren's hand and squeezed it as he reminded him about the special place they'd made where the wisteria tree grew from Yamm's sacrificed antler. "We can do it again. Here. In my woods."
    Song of the Gardener of Souls [BL]
    LGBT+ · LivChanin
  • LivChanin
    ตอบกลับถึง Raedioactivity

    Hahaha because that’s exactly what it was.

    "Thank you, Little Priestess." Ozul didn't even bat an eye at the insults. "Of course I will keep you safe. And when I'm done, I will go find a mirror so Death's Son can look at his own reflection to see what annoying really looks like."
    Song of the Gardener of Souls [BL]
    LGBT+ · LivChanin
  • LivChanin
    ตอบกลับถึง Raedioactivity

    All the fluffs. But I’m willing to bet Ozul views her as part of Death’s family now…which means Erebus will to. And now that I think of it, Yamm might just give her all sorts of dangerous “gifts” when he finally meets her.

    Mara let out an extremely noisy and extremely long breath that very well might have been holding that whole time. Erebus tilted his head at her, and his tail wagged, thumping against the side of her leg. Mara's fingers twitched at her side as she glanced down at him.
    Song of the Gardener of Souls [BL]
    LGBT+ · LivChanin
  • LivChanin
    ตอบกลับถึง Raedioactivity

    It’s pretty much me all the time. Lol

    "Oh…I'm sorry. Am I late for something I didn't even know about?" Rowan mumbled as he started back toward the house.
    Song of the Gardener of Souls [BL]
    LGBT+ · LivChanin
  • LivChanin

    One of your first thoughts is Lolita?

    Would she be pretty? Cute? Is she like a lolita?
    Joy of Life
    ย้อนยุค · Mao Ni
  • LivChanin
    ตอบกลับถึง NixelLazuli

    Wren: I would prefer my Caretaker manhandle another of my body parts instead.

    Ch 326 Nudging, Threads, and Turning Around (1/2)
    Song of the Gardener of Souls [BL]
    LGBT+ · LivChanin