of reading
Read books
If you'd actually read instead of being an idiot he said he wanted to have some fun and give her a chance to see what she will do. And if you can think with the measly 2 iq points that you have, you would have witnessed that she indeed failed the test when he counted from 1 to 3. I know it might be hard for you to understand but reading everything is actually key to understanding what he is trying to do.
I doubt you are emotionally bonding with people shooting up schools in the US either aye. Some of them also have a very tragic past why don't you go and try empathize with them too? Why would anyone voluntarily help someone trying to harm them? Where is your logic?
Welcome to the real world
Story Building is INSANE. Although most of everything is OC but thats what makes this fanfic so enjoyable. The feeling that leaves the reader unclear of what will happen and what is happening. The dark mist that clouds around the mc while he fights a different war is crazy. If you liked classroom of the elite or any anime or book that dealt with manipulation and extremely emotional talented MCs, you would love this fanfic.
He did not say he didn't like it, in fact he said 'words don't mean much anyways' or something like that. He was just curious why Ron shit talked Malfoy for calling people mudbloods while wizards referred to normal people as muggles. Please read the actual words
It has also been scientifically proven that people in fact cannot launch fireballs from their mouth by doing hand signs yet they still do it. I don't get why so many braindead people use real world scientific data in anime worlds?????
And I am aware but I choose to take that chance. Some people don't
Easily one of THE BEST fanfics on the site. The sophistication of the mc is crazy, the character development, magnificent. This is this only fanfic that captures the mc's childhood in such detail where every event has a reason. Definitely give it a read
There is a small % that Tsunade does not react in time. Even if it is 0.0000001%, there is still a chance. Only dumbasses like you would play with probability 😂😂😂😂
Blud just called Darwin stupid 😂😂