


If living a mundane life is an expertise, I'd probably be a sage by now...

2022-01-17 เข้าร่วมแล้วGlobal









  • SlothfulChronicler
    ตอบกลับถึง m_P3rch

    Thanks. But thank the characters, not me. Trust me, they're real. I didn't made them up, they're real and I'm just chronicling them 😉👌

    Ch 171 Chapter XXXIII: A Clash of Ideologies [3]
    Lord Raven's Court
    สงคราม · SlothfulChronicler
  • SlothfulChronicler
    ตอบกลับถึง m_P3rch

    Yeah, you're right. Let me change that lol

    Lord Raven's Court
    สงคราม · SlothfulChronicler
  • SlothfulChronicler
    ตอบกลับถึง m_P3rch

    I will upload more chapters soon. The academic year was over now, and I can finally focus on writing, as I said in my message in the latest chapter. That is unless I won’t be distracted by anime or games lol

    Ch 166 Chapter XXXII: The Vengeful Witch [5]
    Lord Raven's Court
    สงคราม · SlothfulChronicler
  • SlothfulChronicler
    ตอบกลับถึง m_P3rch

    Can't say for sure, but you'll see soon enough.

    Ch 165 Chapter XXXII: The Vengeful Witch [4]
    Lord Raven's Court
    สงคราม · SlothfulChronicler
  • SlothfulChronicler
    ตอบกลับถึง VERMITHOR

    I heard Dwarves hate Elves' height and beardless faces, can't say for sure though. I am but a chronicler after all 😉

    Ch -3 Historical Timeline & Map of Neutomia
    Lord Raven's Court
    สงคราม · SlothfulChronicler
  • SlothfulChronicler
    ตอบกลับถึง m_P3rch

    In a month, I'll have my summer vacation. Until then, I would try to wrote and stack chapters as much as I can.

    Ch 163 Chapter XXXII: The Vengeful Witch [2]
    Lord Raven's Court
    สงคราม · SlothfulChronicler
  • SlothfulChronicler
    ตอบกลับถึง Haliax_88

    No, just busy with Uni stuff

    Ch 163 Chapter XXXII: The Vengeful Witch [2]
    Lord Raven's Court
    สงคราม · SlothfulChronicler
  • SlothfulChronicler
    ตอบกลับถึง Junkies

    World Map is in the auxiliary chapter, thanks.

    Lord Raven's Court
    สงคราม · SlothfulChronicler
  • SlothfulChronicler
    ตอบกลับถึง m_P3rch

    Indeed! Nicely done!

    Ch 162 Chapter XXXII: The Vengeful Witch [1]
    Lord Raven's Court
    สงคราม · SlothfulChronicler
  • SlothfulChronicler
    ตอบกลับถึง SPYRITUSSANCTUM

    Well, nicely done, then!

    Ch 162 Chapter XXXII: The Vengeful Witch [1]
    Lord Raven's Court
    สงคราม · SlothfulChronicler
  • SlothfulChronicler
    ตอบกลับถึง SPYRITUSSANCTUM

    What gave it away?

    Ch 162 Chapter XXXII: The Vengeful Witch [1]
    Lord Raven's Court
    สงคราม · SlothfulChronicler
  • SlothfulChronicler
    ตอบกลับถึง SPYRITUSSANCTUM

    Sorry, I'm on vacation in the countryside. I forgot to announce it. Will be back soon though. Getting Internet connection is a hassle, plus I'm still enjoying my time here 'cuz of academic burnout. Probably tomorrow or the next day, I'll be able to start the uploads again. Thank you for inquiring, and sorry for the delay.

    Ch 161 Information for Public Disclosure: Agaroth
    Lord Raven's Court
    สงคราม · SlothfulChronicler
  • SlothfulChronicler
    ตอบกลับถึง Cum_in

    Thanks for pointing it out! That was indeed a mistake.

    Lord Raven's Court
    สงคราม · SlothfulChronicler
  • SlothfulChronicler
    ตอบกลับถึง Cum_in

    Around 120, he'll be the Interim Duke of Regalia... Also, wars are essential part of the story, but I am keen to show other aspect of state craft. It's just that to attain his position, he needs to earn it first.

    Information for Public Disclosure: The Veramune League
    Lord Raven's Court
    สงคราม · SlothfulChronicler
  • SlothfulChronicler
    ตอบกลับถึง Cum_in

    Not harem... definitely not.

    The silhouette emerged from the shadows, and a hooded figure of a lady revealed herself to her master. She wore a long brown cloak that extended from her head to her feet, which hid her short black hair and fine linen clothes that concealed a varied set of knives. She had a stature marginally shorter than Velmund, as evidence of her younger age, yet she spoke maturely and teasingly towards her master and friend a year older than her.
    Lord Raven's Court
    สงคราม · SlothfulChronicler
  • SlothfulChronicler
    ตอบกลับถึง Owkcoal

    a private conversation

    The reason I recalled that particular tête-à-tête of ours was that my current predicament shared a resemblance to that of nine years prior. Once again, my soldiers and I were encamped to accomplish yet another military campaign in order to vanquish the same enemies as back then. Today, we would battle to defend Kurlon, a border territory near the province of Ruggleford, dominion of Marquis Quillton, a vassal of mine and the nobleman who discovered the land of rich resources and great strategic importance.
    Lord Raven's Court
    สงคราม · SlothfulChronicler
  • SlothfulChronicler
    ตอบกลับถึง Cum_in

    No plans to do so as of yet.

    Upon years passing by, I became wiser to ask myself the meaning behind the attainments of my youth, yet I was obfuscated for far too long for enlightenment. Pondering the thoughts of incertitude and skepticism unremittingly, harboring doubts, all the while curiously wondering back and forth on the great labyrinth of my soul, the time finally came when I was endowed with the answer to quench my thirst for awakening, owing it to my persistent scrutinies. I have at long last arrived at so obvious of a realization that I almost lashed at anyone nearby when I have grasped and claimed it. True to its meaning, I say with grave earnestness: the enemies I fought and killed, the people I saved and freed, the men I served and dedicated my very life and honor, all the mortals I have been acquainted and befriended, including myself who wrote this passage, were all subjected from the preface that detailed our birth to be mere playthings by the supreme entities we have called and worshipped as gods and goddesses, which may have been all one and neither. The sophisticated culture and beliefs the people were keen to believe, even the high esteemed ideologies and moral codes our ancestry passed down from generations to generations, were orchestrated ruse to put the wheels of fate to concur with the desires of the ever scheming deities. The dubiety of mine led me to perceive realities that exceed reason. Alas! I shall not dwell upon this and start my own tale of the series of events that will serve as the beginning of my end.
    Lord Raven's Court
    สงคราม · SlothfulChronicler
  • SlothfulChronicler
    ตอบกลับถึง Cum_in

    Only the world map is available as of yet. You can view it at the auxiliary chapter.

    Ch 21 Chapter VI: Cloaks and Daggers [1]
    Lord Raven's Court
    สงคราม · SlothfulChronicler
  • SlothfulChronicler
    ตอบกลับถึง Cum_in

    Not quite hehe

    Ch 21 Chapter VI: Cloaks and Daggers [1]
    Lord Raven's Court
    สงคราม · SlothfulChronicler
  • SlothfulChronicler
    ตอบกลับถึง Cum_in

    Yes, Yes!!!

    "'Night Owl' must have been an alias of the same knight mentioned on Kursoe's letter," he muttered to himself. "Yes, he must have been one of the Raven Knights. But how did he and his lord manage to get involved in this matter? The last time I checked, Lord Velmund was off to a border town. He must have had a good foresight seeing how he seemingly caught a wind of the Marquis's plot. Perhaps the squadron and a Raven Knight remaining at a city were mere coincidence, though it is almost certainly unlikely. Regardless, I was lucky the Duke was not here to receive the message himself…"
    Lord Raven's Court
    สงคราม · SlothfulChronicler