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Umm, what happen to school and his mom? He can’t just disappear suddenly can he?
There is no oceans?
This feels like the author trying to cover the Chinese MTL. You can tell with his Chinese name being change to drake myers since he was a from dragon country moving to Sakura though why an English name idk, also forced conflict for no reason other then to show off even though he says he’s going to stay low key and yet he is still oblivious to the obvious consequences of his actions
Wtf is she talking about?
The plot is so forced, how is he unaware that blocking a punch from a high profile person wouldn’t lead to suspicion knowing he has no background at all?
Honesty the most merciful fate in this world
It’s because someone from a higher position wanted to stop him so they also have enough influence to stop the investigation
Wrong guy
Idk man, everything just seems to blend badly with the unknown woman who injured Rob(probably his ex wife or something) then you have marvel and dc mic and finally butchering deaths character by making her crazy over a kiss? Also did you also make sissy overpowered or something?