逃离交错世界 Escape from the intertwining world
From ignorance to omniscient, from nothingness to omnipresent, no one knew what he had done and how much he had done
A child grew up in the forest and had lived for more than 50 years. The life with a wolf was very difficult. Until he met her, his life was destined to be unusual. And she was an ordinary person, who only had great ambitions, but there was a man who was bellicose enough to connect the three people
In this book, there are many animation and TV works with many elements and many other elements
It mainly featured authenticity, tactics, brain burning, time line and logic details
Countless worlds intertwined, and the author would try his best to let everyone enjoy the science fiction breaking eyes while letting the audience learn more knowledge and logic
一代主要内容包含:伊洛大陆开元纪篇(枢纽世界1) 250公元至公元前250(DLC历史部分细节虚构)
The main content of the first generation included: the opening era of the Clarissa continent (key world 1) 250 years to 250 years ago (some details of DLC's history were made up)
He clicked the link and joined the group chat: https://jq.qq.com/?_ wv=1027&k=nmYg8SdW
eight hundred and seventy-eight million eight hundred and seventy-nine thousand two hundred and four
Novel development: everyone can participate in and compose storylines
Daoist9RVrko · แฟนตาซี