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but it is bad, i literally have explained it to you mate. you know what, imma sleep, great arguing with you, if that's what you call arguing.
i care because i have the right as a reader to speak my mind about something that is honestly bad practice.
alright, you're persistent, I'll give you that. again, you don't seem to get it, i have "addressed" your arguments, you just don't seem to catch on to it because you're not really familiar with the algo. you see the rankings(power stone,collections,the one that mattered) reset every week, so every week, new books are supposed to be in the rankings based on how they perform, obviously, with the collection rankings specifically, most of the time only new books get to be in there, because you can only add a book to your library once. that's why authors are encouraged to have 15k words the instant they upload their new book, so the readers have a decent enough content to rate and enjoy it,and it will get more exposure because it reached the rankings. you as a reader should expect this too. the problem is that authors that are sometimes too impatient to write 15k words for their ideas that haven't been cooked that much and use wordcount chapters to bypass that rule(hence, lazy). you said i'm assuming stuff, but you too are assuming stuff. i assumed every authors lazy when they used wordcount chapters, you countered by another assumption which you assumed this author is not lazy by pointing the fact that this author uploads 8 chapters since the time i commented, whichis not the point i was trying to make. i said the author is lazy not because of his upload schedule, but because instead of waiting another week to write those 8 chapters, he uploaded 2 chapters and 1 spam so that his book will get to the rankings. you said authors do it all the time because they want their books to be seen. yes, that's the point, that's why i call them lazy because they're not doing it the normal way, by writing actual content that is worth 15k words before uploading the book instead of spam. the algo is exploited this way, so that's why the good fanfics with low wordcounts don't get recomended, and many fanfics that has little to no planning but has wordcount chapter in it is in the rankings. you said, "the author uploaded chapters on the same day", yes, he uploaded 2 actual chapters and one spam chapter when he first uploaded it, you can see how many days has it been uploaded just below the chapter name. saying that he uploads all 8 chapters at once are just borderline wrong. alright, what else do you want me to "address", cause these are the only ones i caught other than the insults.
look, you clearly are an optimistic guy and good on you, and i'm not going to argue with you anymore because you don't seem to get it and don't want to get it, but i've seen too many fanfics that are like this. wordcount to enter the rankings, fast updates on the first month because the authors are excited that people read their stuff, but once the honeymoon period is up, the author isn't as excited anymore and 90% would drop it or the book update will considerably be slower and start another fanfic to catch that high again. rinse and repeat. trust me i've been in that position myself. but if i were to find a new book at the top of rankings, only to find the book only have 3 chapters and 1 spam chapter, i would hate on it, every time, with or without you complaining about it, because there's just no effort given to start the book, it doesn't matter if he updates 8 chapters since then, he should've upload the book AFTER he wrote those chapters, not before.
oh but that's the thing, if you don't have enough content for the book, why should you deserve a spot in the rankings in the first place? the author could have waited another week or so when he finished 15k words then upload the book, but instead choosing the easier path of copy pasting the same words over and over again. sounds like the author is impatient to see those collections and power stone counts rising up to me, but too lazy to actually do the work and write 15k words first. you defending these types of behavior is honestly weird.
you don't know do you? books have to have 15k words to enter the rankings. using this kind of thing proves that who used it are lazy and would probably drop the book at some point because they just want the highs of numbers rising up, and removed actually not lazy authors from the rankings.
you don't know do you? books have to have 15k words in order to enter the rankings. using these kinds of tactics prove that the ones who used it are lazy and would probably drop the book at some point because they just want the thrill of numbers rising up, and removed actually not lazy authors from the rankings.
oh great, a lazy author that couldn't wait for 15k words, definitely not a red flag at all
god, this fanfic just doesn't get it, just like netflix's adaptation it b*stardizes the world so much. boring system trope, annoying 'mc is avatar' trope, weird technology insert for the author's convenience... at least the update is pretty consistent, and the writing's pretty decent, with some cringy phrases here and there... i feel like avatar fanfics are cursed man, i only found one that is somewhat decent.
f off