Go Smurf yourself
of reading
Read books
Hey, sorry about that. Stuff happened and I got distracted from cross posting here. Invictus took a serious hit on me debating on how to write it and writers block hit me.
Kind of a middle ground. He himself couldn't really tell at first, so he just made the decision that he *is* Sasuke but with extra memories. I meant for it to be a little vague on the confirmation or not.
As I reread it when posting it, I admit I chuckled at the unintentional wording.
You stole this story. This was written by Darkness Enthroned, and you stole it like a rat. Learn to write your own content and don't swipe crap that isn't yours.
An unintentional, but hilarious, typo that I missed multiple times before posting.
Nope, the swords predate the Uzukage in this fic.
Scene break.
The words put in italics got pushed together and I didn't realize it.
What was the weight of the brick that struck your head and induced the compulsion to say such an asinine comment?