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That's true, Riverrun can not be said to have no ports exactly, but what Walder was trying to convey was that there wasn't any ports with a large enough naval armada to transport 7000 men, some on horses. Seaguard, located on the Bay of Crabs, was originally built to defend against Ironborn, but now serves as a port for trade and some naval activities (just too small in number). Saltpans, on the Bay of Crabs, conduct only trade and fishing activities. While Maidenpool is indeed a very large port located on the Bay of Crabs, is a prominent trading hub. As for why they couldn't just have ships go to Maidenpool? Well, sea travel is definitely more dangerous, and the Riverlands folk are not used to this type of lifestyle, so minimizing it was for the best. Secondly, I wanted Walder to go King's Landing lol
Ik it may seem little, but like I couldn't really wrap my head around how this war took place. There weren't many details afterall, by all logic the Crownlands should send 5000-7000 troupes, but by my estimation, the Band of Nine could only really have 25 000 men at most. I might change it...idk
Oh yeah, that's what you mean. That is where the Talents come into play, "Stronger At Fifty" + "Die of Old Age" + "Monstrous Physique", will basically have the same effect, so his physical abilities and appearance won't deteriorate with age, instead he will get stronger
200 elite knights are hardly enough in my opinion lol. I mean while 200 knights similar to the likes of the Sandor Clegane is definitely a very feared force, against an army of say 2000, they would still have a hard time, especially if there are archers shooting at them.
What do you mean by active?
Because I deem it so
I plan to throw some in where appropriate, which may be alot now that I think about it, but it won't be a story centered around them
I am not abandoning it, don't worry, it's just exams. I'll be updating regularly after next week Friday.
Haven't really thought that far ahead, Walder is 50 rn, and since people at this time get married and have children at like 14, meaning he is like 5 generations older that some of the girls you mentioned, so stick around to see how it goes