


I am Kakkanat Ravindran Sadanandan from India.

2021-06-18 JoinedIndia



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  • SadanandanKakkanat
    SadanandanKakkanat3 years ago

    Viewers in the gallery are watching the battle with curiosity. It is a huge stadium that can accommodate millions of spectators. In the middle of it all, the scenes unfold like real events. It is not a surprise to the audience that the scenes are presented without the usual curtains or digital screen. They are not amazed at the height and width of the scene area like a multi-storey building. People in every seat of the stadium enjoy the view as if they were enjoying a football match. Sometimes when the fighters come down in the middle of the audience, the spectators evacuate in fear. Heads and arms fly in the air and disappear. Not only curiosity but also anxiety and fear excite the audience. They have a sense that what they see is a real war. Their only consolation is that it happens so far away.

  • SadanandanKakkanat
    SadanandanKakkanat3 years ago

    Far, far away, there is a world. The name of the king of a country there is Derbela. When a foreigner came, the king received a pipe as a gift. The foreigner said that the king would get the power of God if he blew the pipe. The king has always blown through that pipe ever since. While others thought it sounded ugly, King found it interesting. He lost focus on governance. Some were saying that children and youth were disappearing in many parts of the country. Although some wanted to see the king and complain, the king did not consider them. He blew the pipe and made noise, annoying others. The king often dreamed that the gods would come together from the world of gods and take the king to the world of gods. Kokila, the second queen, summoned the Prime Minister. The minister stood in front of the queen and placed both hands on her head. That is the body language that says I am your slave.

  • SadanandanKakkanat
    SadanandanKakkanat3 years ago

    There were debit cards and pan card which were unable to protect him in the capital city, which had many security measures and systems. Those were not useful for every moment at everywhere and in everything of its entity as a capital city of a great nation which had finished many laps of a long journey that was started at a point before prehistoric settlements on many river banks. It was the day of the holy birth and the sixth day of his journey. He thought; it was the last day of his life. It was no need to search a way to suicide in a winter. It was so eager to eat him. He thought about his little daughter; took a note pad from his bag and wrote, "My daughter, I love you so much though I have done nothing to show my responsibility. I have nothing to say. I am a loser who has no right to live in a world of gainers. I am at a dying point. These are my last words. Goodbye all."

  • SadanandanKakkanat
    SadanandanKakkanat3 years ago

    Pimora Circus came to Thrissur in the year when an American set foot on the moon. Its main performance was talking animals. Ayyappan Koichuri wanted to see the circus but could not because he had no money. He came to know about the circus when he met a friend who was a circus visitor at the Chalakudy market. The friend went to see the first show but he could only watch the third show. There was a large crowd in front of the tent at Thekkinkad ground. Someone was saying that not even so many people came for Pooram festival. The animals' conversation was the last item on the show.

  • SadanandanKakkanat
    SadanandanKakkanat3 years ago

    He had more time to sketch on the ground when he became the assistant to the corpse burial. He was taught by his father to draw circle after learning to draw straight lines and curved lines in the soil. The large kangaroo-shaped creature was one of the most frequently mentioned songs sung by his mother and stories told by his father. Ever since his mother told him that there are many stories about it in the holy book of Koichuri people, he wanted to read the holy book. It did not happen because he did not know the language of his forefathers. He tried to learn his own tribal language but got nowhere. Kunjikoran taught him to read and write Malayalam. The only thing Ayyappan Koichuri knows about his own date of birth is that his mother said that he was born a month before Kumbalapparambil Gopalakrishnan was killed. He did not regret not having an official record of his own date of birth. Never felt interested in numbers. His father was the first to say that he was interested in living views and boundless ideas. Kunjikoran taught him to write Ayyappan Koichuri on the bottom right of the paintings.

  • SadanandanKakkanat
    SadanandanKakkanat3 years ago

    They did not understand what she was saying. She spoke the Dillanki language. She knows many other languages. She said that time and nature teaches everyone; soil and stone have a lot to tell us; creatures and plants have a lot to say; the sky and its stars speak to us; not only we, but creatures and plants have their languages; only a few of us pay attention to that. We are content to have food to eat, water to drink, and a place to rest. We are happy if there is drumming, singing and dancing. They alone are not enough; you have to listen to time and nature and live according to it. Dillanki disobeyed time and nature. That's where the problems start. Problems can be solved if you are willing to listen to time and nature.

  • SadanandanKakkanat
    SadanandanKakkanat3 years ago

    Female fighters are advancing by blocking the enemy's moves and attacking them vigorously. Although male warriors in the enemy line are stronger, their heads are shattered and bodies are cut off as they confront female fighters. The corpses lay orphaned in the mud mixed with flesh and blood. The survivors continue their last fight for life. At the terrifying sound of gunfire and explosions, the cries of the wounded are hiding in the mud. The tragedy is that everyone knows that the war will continue until the last fighter dies. Viewers in the gallery are watching the battle with curiosity. It is a huge stadium that can accommodate millions of spectators. In the middle of it all, the scenes unfold like real events. It is not a surprise to the audience that the scenes are presented without the usual curtains or digital screen. They are not amazed at the height and width of the scene area like a multi-storey building. People in every seat of the stadium enjoy the view as if they were enjoying a football match. Sometimes when the fighters come down in the middle of the audience, the spectators evacuate in fear. Heads and arms fly in the air and disappear. Not only curiosity but also anxiety and fear excite the audience. They have a sense that what they see is a real war. Their only consolation is that it happens so far away. Share my web novel.

  • SadanandanKakkanat
    SadanandanKakkanat3 years ago

    I saw Immi wearing a sari that day. Some jewellery was also worn. She is trying to cover her belly full of saree. Holding the hands of her grandparents, she went down to the yard. She leaned back in her armchair. The workmen slowly lifted the platform and walked forward. Walked with my father and his sister. As I walked west and along the edge of the fence to the south, I realized that they were taking Immy somewhere. I did not understand then why. ( Future Chapter )

  • SadanandanKakkanat
    SadanandanKakkanat3 years ago

    There are many unauthorized medical practitioners in India.

  • SadanandanKakkanat
    SadanandanKakkanat3 years ago

    Pani Poori is an Indian dish.