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hi dear, what's your thought about writing a book two? I'm unawares if there'll be enough people to read the book or if anyone likes Actually while writing this book, I was depressed because I thought no one liked it, which resulted in me ending the book the way I ended it . Seeing you comment months ago gave me hope once again . What are your thoughts ? Urgent reply please
See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola
hello dear, I'm hoping there'll be a book two soon. if there is, I'll inform you Fin
it's updated already Thank you for reading 💞 It means alot
Different ideas from different authors. All I'll say is keep up the good work dear author you rock and never doubt yourself cause you're a star!.
Just then, he saw a chunk of chair that trailed along the muddy road. Locci wasn't hindered by the rain and followed the trail the hair created which led him to walk deeper. He kept walking for hours but didn't feel tired. Even if he did, he'd keep searching until he finds the one who left the chunk of hair trail behind. After some time, using his night vision,locci saw two wolves walking ahead of him. He studied their figures properly and realized that the trail of hair he had been following was left unintentionally. Locci thanked his lucky stars for allowing them to make such mistake. He silently followed behind them trying to get more information from the little talks they were making. The lightning that flashed and thunder that resounded didn't hinder locci from listening in on their conversation. He quietly followed behind while shaking his butt. "Gumuzu, hope you've done what that man asked of you?" Kartagi mind linked as he stopped walking and turned to look at his side. "Huh, boss, what man? What did the man ask me to.... cough!" Gumuzu choked on his words unable to complete his question. The glare kartagi threw at him was enough to shut him up for good. Damn! What did I do again? Was it because I asked about who that man was or because I asked about what the man asked me to do? Gumuzu shifted his eyes away from his boss and stared at the pretty floor (note the sarcasm). To humans if one were to see their current postures, one would have thought that Gumuzu was submitting to kartagi since they were both in their wolf forms. They didn't get the wrong idea because one had its chin tilted up high while the other had his head to the floor. Locci and kookie who were both curious. Locci had long hidden behind a treee when he saw kartagi halt in his steps. 'What man are they talking about?' kookie asked locci who was now in control. 'I have no idea. I badly want to confront them about why they have my mate's hair but judging from their countenance, I know it wouldn't be easy to get the words out of their mouths. Let's just wait a little and listen to whatever they are going to discuss. Try not to disturb me cause I'm on edge'. Locci last sentence carried a hint of warning that made kookie scoff in anger and amusement. How dare this wolf talk to him rudely! Humph! For now,he just had to compromise. Locci managed to squeeze his figure in between two large trees standing before another tree. He looked like a canned fish. Kookie would have laughed but knowing that he was insude the wolf, he kept his mouth shut. He didn't forget his wolf's warning. "Don't tell me you've forgotten the man I'm talking about!" Kartagi yelled as his voice echoed in the forest but was immediately covered up by the thunder sounds. Gumuzu clawed at the floor not uttering a word. His silence gave kartagi an affirmative reply and this made him almost explode with anger. Why did hell did he take in Gumuzu as his side kick in the first place, kartagi mentally slapped his forehead and pitied himself for the worst. He suddenly had the idea of leaving Gumuzu in this deep forest for wild animals to feed on. "I'm hungry!" Kartagi immediately changed the topic not wanting to dwell on the topic of the unknown man's father. "Huh" Gumuzu stared at his boss blankly. Since when did they change the topic of conversation and when did they start talking about food. Gumuzu shook his head, he could never understand his boss. Most times his boss was either moody or angry. He suddenly felt he no longer knew who this his boss was. He stared at his boss like he was seeing another person. "What's with that look?" Kartagi asked after he noticed the looks gumuzu was giving him. "Ohhh...ehmmm..., It's nothing, boss let's go. I'm catching a cold" Gumuzu mindlinked and immediately kept quiet after getting a threatening glare from kartagi. Locci took it as a cue to butt in since they've stopped talking about the unknown man. "Growl!!! And where do you think you're going?" Locci growled and walked out of his hiding place. His abrupt arrival scared the others shitless. "Who are you?!" Kartagi who had to take on the role of a boss stepped forward and growled back. The next moment, locci raised his left limb and swung it at kartagi. Kartagi was flung meters away from his former position. His back hit a tree before he slumped down. Meanwhile Gumuzu had been shaking like a jelly. The man's figure who could scare any female now cowered in fear. If Iris were here, she'd find it hard to believe that this was the man who kidnapped her. Locci snorted, he was about to look away when the small bag in gumuzu's mouth caught his attention. He snatched the bag and dumped everything that was in it on the floor. He carefully went through the items on the floor and a small polythene bag caught his attention. He sniffed the air and iris's scent was stronger than he could imagine. If it wasn't because he could see, he'd have believed that iris was here. It appeared that iris's scent was coming from the small polythene bag. Locci transformed into kookie and directly went to pick the polythene bag. Kartagi who had been flung aside some minutes ago had fully got up. He bared his fangs at kookie's figure and clawed his legs on the ground. His intent was clear, he wanted to attack kookie and it was going to be a sneak attack. He quietly walked towards kookie and when he was two arms length away from him, he charged at kookie, running like a maniac....
thanks for choosing this book
a unique title for a unique book. keep up the good work author. Sufficient grace to be able to keep writing more.😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁👍💪