

2021-05-05 เข้าร่วมแล้วGlobal







Insane guy with a system through the multiverse

I OWN NOTHING BUT MY OCs ALL RIGHTS TO CHARACTERS GO TO THE ONES THAT CREATED THEM AND IF YOU WANT YOUR ART TAKEN DOWN JUST TELL ME IN A COMMENT HELLO I am a much new author, and as you will see I am also a not very good one. Like no sympathy here I am writing this out of sheer boredom and will not give two shish kabobs about grammar even though English is my first language. As you probably have inferred by now this is wish fulfillment and thus will be about what I want it to be about. Having said that, I do want to make this an enjoyable reading experience so if you want to see something comment and IF I see it I will tell you if I will add it or not. Otherwise o’course my naming sense is hot garbage so sometimes I will run names over y’all and pick the one that was commented the most. I repeat I will pick the one that was COMMENTED the most NOT the most liked!!!! MC characteristics: The MC will be VERY dumb at times as I my self am just inserting me as the ‘protagonist’. MC might do very ‘Fuged up’ stuff. I ain't no saint and I am a tad crazy compared to the larger portion of people. I am increasingly paranoid and it impacts my daily life constantly, which has obviously led to a weird mental state. This might mean that the MC will laugh at someone dying if he finds it funny, or see something that isn’t there. An example of finding something funny would be if he chopped off someone’s D with a fan, or froze someone to death while they were midspeach. I don’t like making things too ‘edgy’ as it feels like it makes everything too dramatic so don’t expect that. Last I am writing this with the thought in mind of anything goes this is with a warhammer system so expect F upped things to happen. MC can get enslaved or raped but also do those things to. That having been said, I will try to keep things light hearted and make any enemies deserve what they get coming to them SO… DISCLAIMER: LESS THAN 100% OF INNOCENTS IN THE NOVEL WERE HARMED IN THE MAKING OF THIS NOVEL!!!! Of course this could entirely be a useless section of the novel if I just don’t do anything with it but better safe than sorry. Without further ado let’s a GO “Life……sucks at the moment” said a random soul that may or may not have just accidentally gotten himself stuck in the previous times of all reality. This was a dark part of the multiverse that none have traveled to for quite some time, but coincidentally on the way to the afterlife the soul got bored and decided to take a detour. “No s***!” it says to itself in rage “Not rage, disappointment” It said as it corrected the disembodied voice. The disembodied voice decided to make a very polite gesture to show its gratitude for being corrected by a mere mortal soul. “That’s Nick to you ya c***!” It yells trying desperately to be something other than a disappointment. Nick: DISAPPOINTMENT? Bro I just drove 500mph off the side of a cliff in a car that I STOLE from the PRESIDENT of the US of A into a rocket AFTER stealing half a billion in pure gold! AND I’M EVI—--. Never mind yeah you right I probably just broke the economy… … oh well! Voice: see you are garbage :3 Nick: Ok. That’s it! I’m gonna beat you like my *** **** **!!!! Voice: wait! Wait!! WAIT!!! LET’S TALK!!!!! TRUCE!!!!!!!!!TRUCE!!!!!! AAAAHHHH HHHH HHHHHHGHHn G HHAa~ *other death noises* There they were two completely opposite entities beating the ever living crap out of each other just because one made fun of the other‘s death. I don’t know honesty for the story of the universal arsonist extraordinaire; this is a pretty pleasant beginning. Warning This story contains lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots probably lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots most likely lots lots lots lots lots lots lots lots of violence. SO ENJOY!!!!

TheCheeseCat · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs